Friday, July 29, 2022

Super Brain


Richard and I at Andy Warhol Exhibit

A book titled “Super Brain” by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi is bringing me affirmation of many things I’ve witnessed in people, particularly during the pandemic isolation and beyond. The first chapter speaks to things people do which exercise their brain and the value of those activities. Something mentioned is how we may get up in the morning, do the same thing that we do every day, think the same things we think every day, without challenging or stretching ourselves in any way. This, they say, is a recipe for dementia and disease. Learning new things, reading about topics you do not understand and deeply thinking about that information, learning new languages — or contract bridge! — there are many activities we can do to keep our thinking fresh and our lives exciting and fun. I have a dear friend who takes me on adventures regularly. Although I would prefer to stay in my home and do things I love, he takes me outside of my little world and opens my mind to experiences I would not ordinarily have. I hope you have a friend like Richard!

“I ask to see a different world, and think a different kind of thought from those I made. The world I seek I did not make alone, the thoughts I want to think are not my own.” A Course in Miracles W-131.11:3-4

“We are all capable of more than we do. The influence or action of Soul confers a freedom, which explains the phenomena of improvisation and the fervor of untutored lips.” Mary Baker Eddy Science & Health Page 89:21 

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