Friday, August 28, 2020

Wear Your Mask

art of J. Clement Wall
I now personally know someone who has this virus which is causing us to change the way we think of everyday activities. The 28-year-old man who woke up with symptoms three days ago is a dear friend whom I work with in the three congregations where I play the organ on Saturday and Sunday. He got it from his sister late last week, and neither of them knew until after he had been recording a service to be aired on Sunday, and had been the cantor for services at two branches of another local church. I was with him at all three of these services, and he picked me up in his car for the early morning Sunday service where he sang in the balcony and I played organ. Thankfully he was trying out a new singers' mask, which would be used at a school where he teaches choir. The main thing I am realizing about this disease is the guilt and shame felt by people who get it, knowing they may have passed on something which could kill someone -- or in this case, many someones. I immediately drove to a neighboring metropolis and was tested, and the results were negative. The whole process has been eye-opening for me, but let me say that I am impressed with the clinics which are doing the testing; also, the health department in our state, which has done a thorough and timely follow-up to all this. Let us not forget to love our neighbors, remember those who die alone in their hospital beds because their family cannot be there with them, and cherish our friends who have been affected in any way by the events of this year. Namaste, dear Friends...

"Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously. When the condition is present which you say induces disease, whether it be air, exercise, heredity, contagion, or accident, then perform your office as porter and shut out these unhealthy thoughts and fears. Exclude from mortal mind the offending errors, then the body cannot suffer from them." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 392:24

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Heal the World - Cook Dinner!

Some businesses are so good that I buy their products even if I don't need them! Penzey Spices is one of those rare and beautiful companies which not only do business in a responsible manner, but are not afraid to speak out about injustice. This is why today I simply copy their newsletter. I hope you love it as much as I did!

"Someone wrote to say that you would be singing a different tune if it was your store being looted. I’m by no means perfect but seriously no, I wouldn’t. Human life means everything; stuff, not so much.

Hearing that the NBA Milwaukee Bucks, in response to yet another police shooting of a Black man, this time just south of Milwaukee in Kenosha, Wisconsin, chose in unison to walk away from yesterday’s playoff game and were willing to take the loss, for me brought such a sense of hope and that the tide will no longer stay unturned.

I agree with them. To me today just feels a lot like April 4, 2018, the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. King's assassination. That day we paid our people and kept things shut because that was not a day for commerce. After some early inquiries about doing the same today it became clear that we were able to do that because we planned ahead and because it was a time before the Coronavirus. To do that today would mean calling to reschedule all of today’s touchless pickup orders. As parents of young kids entering the back to school phase with all the extra hoops the virus demands, I get that now is not the time to add extra burdens. So no shut down today.

But what to do? My mind went to that idea that we would feel differently if it was our store that was looted. When I asked around: “What if we looted our own store?” What if we took a snapshot of our Kenosha store’s inventory tonight and simply gave away exactly that amount of inventory in the coming weeks? Unlike the Minneapolis Uptown store that was in the center of things, our Kenosha location is out by the highway and does not have much chance of looting itself. What if we just gave our spices and seasonings to food pantries and gift boxes to organizations trying to raise money to fund change?

Everyone here was like yes, let’s do that. Even my mom at dinner last night cheered on the idea. And as much as we could just look online for worthy recipients, with so many customers in the Kenosha area I would like to start with asking for your suggestions of where things should go. If you are connected to a good organization in the area please let us know about it at

And please learn the difference between those who simply say law and order over and over again and those who do the hard work of actually achieving it. Until we have a president that respects the laws of this country we won’t have order; it’s that simple.

And once again, hats off to the Milwaukee Bucks. So much of America’s future comes down to voter turnout in the city of Milwaukee. That the members of the Bucks are time and again working to earn the moral authority to ask for that Vote is something big. That their voices reach out to our suburbs and beyond is honest cause for hope. Well done.

And please send your thoughts to those living through the horrors of Hurricane Laura right now. They will need our compassion.

Thanks for healing the world.


Marsha Havens
28 Linwood Avenue
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

If You're Happy And You Know It ...

photo credit: Aaron Springston
A friend who lives on the west coast insists he's never known happiness. He also says he doesn't have any idea what love feels like, yet he has a twinkle in his eye and is usually smiling. I'm pretty sure he's happy, but just doesn't recognize what that means, perhaps grasping for something he thinks is always just out of reach. I would guess he feels love, too, but thinks it's supposed to bring on an epiphany of some sort. Personally, I feel intense rushes of love from something as purely beautiful as seeing the first flock of butterflies in the spring. A group of swallowtails frolicking in my flower bed is more than enough to break open my heart and leave me feeling giddy. Remembering my friend’s lament over the lack of love in his life, remembering the butterflies' grace which flows to me, I will think twice before I pass by any divine Idea without drinking in its happiness. Love and happiness are our heritage as the expression of Divine Love. Let's open our hearts without fear!

“Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 60:28-1

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

This Imbroglio

unknown origin
Everyone has heard the tale about blind people touching different parts of an elephant, and their interpretations of what they were feeling. It seems to me that's where we are in this political imbroglio. Some people see Democrats as the devil's spawn; others see Republicans as uninformed automatons. Where does it end? An election won't stop the disagreements, any more than a civilized debate will resolve our differences. For years I've looked for common ground on which to stand with one another. You would think love, peace, health, and happiness would be desired by everyone, but it seems people interpret these values in different ways. This is one of the reasons I love A Course in Miracles. We are taught to release any preconceived notions concerning what things mean. Look at a table and see it for what it is; not what you think about it and what it brings up in memories. As we practice doing this with things and situations, something shifts within us, allowing truth to be known and belief to be released. We don't automatically become all-knowing beings, but we learn to recognize the fallacy of our interpretations. So next time you think you're touching a snake, remember it just might be an elephant's trunk! 

"Science shows that material, conflicting mortal opinions and beliefs emit the effects of error at all times, but this atmosphere of mortal mind cannot be destructive to morals and health where it is opposed promptly and persistently by Christian Science. Truth and Love antidote this mental miasma, and thus invigorate and sustain existence." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 273:29

Monday, August 24, 2020

Thank You, Fact Checkers

photo credit: Jim Young
Gratitude is flowing today for the diligent people who do fact checking for reputable organizations. They are much needed at this time, and probably always -- at least until everyone decides to tell the truth, huh? During the Democratic Party's convention last week, there was a comprehensive fact-checking article every day from The Atlantic. It's wonderful to have knowledge at the click of a mouse, is it not? My friend, Jim Young, used to tell me how he enjoys listening to many different spiritual ideas, in order to check his understanding and to bring up questions about what he thinks he knows. I'm sure he feels the same way when reading fact checks about political speeches and outright propaganda, too. We always have a "gut feeling" about the veracity of words being put forth as truth, and I love seeing how my intuition matches up with the information people spend their lives amassing. Thank you greatly, each and every person who dedicates his or her life to bringing us truth -- about everything!! Namaste...

"Superstition and understanding can never combine. When the final physical and moral effects of Christian Science are fully apprehended, the conflict between truth and error, understanding and belief, Science and material sense, foreshadowed by the prophets and inaugurated by Jesus, will cease, and spiritual harmony reign." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 288:9

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Thought's Images

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Nothing can be imaged forth in form unless it exists in consciousness. What?? I know, I know. You may say you had never heard of such and such disease until you got it. Well, collective consciousness counts, too. Yikes! So how do we keep from contracting every disease and imaging forth all the horrors of the world? This is exactly what Gary Renard tells us in "The Disappearance of the Universe" and what Mary Baker Eddy means by "there is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter". When we put more faith in matter than Spirit, then, yes, we are subject to every little quirk of the universe. On the other hand, the realization of our true Being puts us under no government but that of divine Mind. It may seem impossible to come out from under the tent of materiality in favor of Spirit. I've had enough glimpses to know it is, indeed, very possible, but it takes work. When you listen to detailed stories of disease, it becomes embedded in consciousness. I'm never surprised when something jumps out of that vast forever and gets lodged within my brain, but I do negate it in thought -- to the best of my ability. And practice does make perfect, so I won't give up!

“Disease is always induced by a false sense mentally entertained, not destroyed. Disease is an image of thought externalized. The  mental state is called a material state. Whatever is cherished in mortal mind as the physical condition is imaged forth on the body." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 411:21

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hold Thought Steadfastly

photo credit: Aaron Springston
“We do ourselves a great disservice when we let the bitter opinions of others mingle and subvert our own thoughts.” (Dodinsky) This brought to mind one of the Four Agreements as interpreted by Don Miguel Ruiz: “Don’t take anything personally.” And these thoughts are followed up by Gandhi’s wisdom: “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change toward him.” Namastè

“Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts." ​Mary Baker Eddy - ​Science & Health Page 261:4-7

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Snow Messages of Love We are having a lovely, snowy night in the Ozarks. It brings back memories of when my boys were young and we would be ...