First Celebration Choir in 2017
In early 2020, we began a time of quarantine and isolation. Shortly thereafter, we saw people starting to find ways to be together while apart. I loved watching Italians singing from their balconies, and people standing on their porches playing violins and other instruments. The act of singing together has always been a balm for people, and we have many internet avenues available to keep us singing and dancing together, meditating, doing yoga, exercising and, yes, even choral singing! This is the 4th year of the existence and performance of our Celebration Choir here in Eureka Springs. They perform nine joyous, poignant pieces for the holidays, to go along with the Nine Lessons (as they're called in religious circles). This year, obviously we cannot have a live performance, but we can record them and have audio and video available to the public for the holidays -- and so we are. With the dedication of Sharon Parker and Ben Winn, this has been made possible through the use of singers' masks and limited rehearsal times. Watching the singers and seeing their eyes light up as they harmonize with each other is a wonderful thing, and I'm happy to be part of this beauty as I accompany them. I encourage everyone to make singing part of their holiday celebrations, whether on computers, or in parking lots with cars circled around. There is much joy to be had, so let's not forget to express it to one another!