Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thought-Provoking Gatherings


A Table at Celestial Seasonings Tea Factory

After attending my monthly book club meeting tonight, many snippets of conversations are flitting around in my brain. The first thought-provoking thing I heard was that light’s movement forward can be reversed. This is mind-boggling in its implications. Would time go backwards, too? I imagine a river of light rushing at us from a star far, far away, and then reversing to return. Wow. Our book of the month was Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult. It has to do with the pandemic in its beginning days and the implications of respirator-induced coma, the nature of reality, the relationships we share with each other in reality or dreams — and even if there is a difference. There was also a short conversation about how in the heck 3-D printers work, the implications of artificial intelligence, and, of course, weather phenomenon. There is much to think about, as you can see! Digesting good food and fine conversation is my favorite kind of evening. I am curious, yet content. 

“Progress takes off human shackles. The finite must yield to the infinite. Advancing to a higher plane of action, thought rises from the material sense to the spiritual, from the scholastic to the inspirational, and from the mortal to the immortal. All things are created spiritually. Mind, not matter, is the creator. Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and of the universe, including man.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 256:1-8 

“Atonement might be equated with total escape from the past and total lack of interest in the future. Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time. No teaching that does not lead to this is of concern to God’s teachers. All beliefs will point to this if properly interpreted. In this sense, it can be said that their truth lies in their usefulness. All beliefs that lead to progress should be honored. This is the sole criterion this course requires. No more than this is necessary.” 

A Course in Miracles  M-24.6:3-13

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Art Prayers for Ukraine


Art by Marjorie Theodore

A woman named Marjorie Theodore has been posting daily art prayers for Ukraine on her social media page. It may be a simple sunflower, as the photo I’ve included with this writing, which she posted along with the words “sunflowers for strength, and peace, and hope”.  She’s done it every day for more than a year. When asked if she planned to continue, she answered: “How could I not? I hope that my commitment will last as their commitment does. I do think art is prayer. I think that song is prayer. When you are thinking of someone that you love, that is prayer. So when I think of Ukraine and I express my feelings through these daily pictures, it is a prayer.” Ms. Theodore has caused me to realize that my daily writings are also prayers: prayers for you, prayers for me, prayers for the world. We all have the opportunity to express Love in everything we do. I hope you will appreciate yourself today, and shine your love into the world. Namaste…

“The test of all prayer lies in the answer to these questions: Do we love our neighbor better because of this asking? Do we pursue the old selfishness, satisfied with having prayed for something better, though we give no evidence of the sincerity of our requests by living consistently with our prayer? If selfishness has given place to kindness, we shall regard our neighbor unselfishly, and bless them that curse us; but we shall never meet this great duty simply by asking that it may be done. There is a cross to be taken up before we can enjoy the fruition of our hope and faith.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 9:5-16

“To you who are in time a little while, prayer takes the form that best will suit your need. You have but one. What God created one must recognize its oneness, and rejoice that what illusions seemed to separate is one forever in the Mind of God. Prayer now must be the means by which God’s Son leaves separate goals and separate interests by, and turns in holy gladness to the truth of union in his Father and himself.” 

A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I’ve Always Wanted To Be That Woman


Art by Jonas Peterson

From Donna Ashworth’s book “Life” …

“I’ve always wanted, very much, to be that woman.

The old one, with the hair like silver that seems to radiate its very own source of light.

The one with the knowing smile that hints at humour ever present and a life that’s been full of belly laughter.

The woman with the deep lines in her weathered skin, lines etched out by adventure, by joy, by fear and by growth.

I imagined how I’d float rather than walk because I no longer bear the weight of the world on my shoulders and I marvelled at how my days would be full to the brim with resting and noticing the world around me.

I would not care for thoughts of guilt because by then I would have learned that resting is doing, and is very important indeed.

There I would be reading, gardening, eating food I had grown and passing my little nuggets of wisdom down, to anyone who wanted to listen.

The contented crone.

The final phase of the journey of womanity.

No chasing youth for me, 

I will be languishing, loudly, in the joy of my age and my luck at having got so far.

I’ve always wanted, very much, to be that woman.

Join me, if you like.”        Donna Ashworth From her poetry book ‘LIFE’

“Even Shakespeare’s poetry pictures age as infancy, as helplessness and decadence, instead of assigning to man the everlasting grandeur and immortality of development, power, and prestige.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 244:28-32

“Child of God, you were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. Do not forget this. The Love of God, for a little while, must still be expressed through one body to another, because vision is still so dim. You can use your body best to help you enlarge your perception so you can achieve real vision, of which the physical eye is incapable. Learning to do this is the body’s only true usefulness.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.VII.2:1-5

Monday, March 27, 2023

Sharing Joy


Christian Heller Photography

Laughter is contagious, don’t you think? Most of us have “gotten the giggles” and been unable to stop laughing. There are numerous videos on the internet where people are sharing laughter in the most joyous of ways. I particularly like one which shows people’s reactions when someone tells them they are beautiful. The sheepish grins which emerge, the eyes which light up, are sure to bring a smile to my face and an expansion of my heart no matter how many times I’ve seen it. Joy, laughter, happiness — these are given freely to us as a part of our divine heritage. Today I will make the most of every opportunity I have to give these gifts, freely, joyously, with no reservations or restrictions!

"Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it." Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 57:18-21

“This is the way salvation works. As you step back, the light in you steps forward and encompasses the world. It heralds not the end of sin in punishment and death. In lightness and in laughter is sin gone, because its quaint absurdity is seen. It is a foolish thought, a silly dream, not frightening, ridiculous perhaps, but who would waste an instant in approach to God Himself for such a senseless whim?” 

A Course in Miracles W-156.6:1-5

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Open-Hearted Living


Photo credit: Jim Young

I was chatting with a local health care professional who had open heart surgery. He tells me that many people in the "zipper club" (as a group of bypass patients call themselves) are anything but open-hearted. He says many people are angry that their lives have changed so much. He told me that some don't want to go forward, but rather spend time and energy wanting their old lifestyle back. I find this difficult to understand. Having gone through a life-changing physical event, I found the major changes to be exhilarating and exciting. The name "open heart" would cause me to smile every time I thought of it, leading me to open myself to everything that life has to offer and bringing a new appreciation — as I'm sure it has for many, as it has for the beautiful man with whom I shared this conversation. I open my heart to happiness, safety, comfort, certainty of purpose, and peace so perfect it can never be upset. I am grateful, moment-by-moment, for all that I am learning and seeing demonstrated in daily life. Thank you greatly!!

“Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 3:25-26

“And so, our Father, we return to You, remembering we never went away; remembering Your holy gifts to us. In gratitude and thankfulness we come, with empty hands and open hearts and minds, asking but what You give. We cannot make an offering sufficient for Your Son. But in Your Love the gift of Christ is his.”

A Course in Miracles W-306.2:1-4

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Good Luck/Bad Luck - Who Knows?


Altai Mountain, Mongolia - photo by Aaron Springston

There is a story of a farmer who used an old horse to till his fields. One day, the horse ran away and when the farmer's neighbors sympathized with the man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" A week later, the horse returned with a herd of horses from the hills and this time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, "Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?" The farmer's son attempted to tame one of the wild horses, fell off, and broke his leg, Everyone thought this very bad luck, but not the farmer, whose only reaction was, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" Then war broke out and the son didn't have to fight because of his broken leg. Bad luck, good luck -- who knows? It's wonderful to be open to Life with no expectations, not thinking in terms of good and bad, letting Love live through us!

“Let truth be what it is. Do not intrude upon it, do not attack it, do not interrupt its coming. Let it encompass every situation and bring you peace. Not even faith is asked of you, for truth asks nothing. Let it enter, and it will call forth and secure for you the faith you need for peace. But rise you not against it, for against your opposition it cannot come.” A Course in Miracles T-17.VIII.2:2-7

“Harmony is produced by its Principle, is controlled by it and abides with it.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 304:16-17

Friday, March 24, 2023

Free Will?


Photo credit: Aaron Springston

I'm beginning to see that I have no will of my own if I'm simply regurgitating well-rehearsed lines from the history of my life. Glimpses of freedom come from throwing off chains I’ve bound myself with throughout a lifetime of fears and learned behavior. Listening for Mind (with a capital M) is beginning to take precedence over knee-jerk reactions to life’s circumstances. A friend told me a story about how his misperception of things caused a rift in a relationship. He thought his stepmother had never liked him, then one day he found out she was almost deaf. With this realization, he saw that the actions he had interpreted as slights to him were actually moments of confusion on her part. Now, viewed from this understanding, he sees their relationship as a loving one. Today I will quietly listen for that still, small voice which frees me from long-held beliefs which have been created by my ego-driven mortal mind. Clarity, consideration, compassion — three things of which we can never have too much!

“Man is tributary to God, Spirit, and to nothing else. God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 480:2-4

“The Garden of Eden, or the pre-separation condition, was a state of mind in which nothing was needed. When Adam listened to the ‘lies of the serpent,’ all he heard was untruth. You do not have to continue to believe what is not true unless you choose to do so. All that can literally disappear in the twinkling of an eye because it is merely a misperception. What is seen in dreams seems to be very real. Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is their reference to his waking up. The world has not yet experienced any comprehensive reawakening or rebirth. Such a rebirth is impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate. It still remains within you, however, to extend as God extended His Spirit to you. In reality this is your only choice, because your free will was given you for your joy in creating the perfect.” 

A Course in Miracles T-2.I.3:1-10

New Today

Give Today To Love

Unknown Artist There’s a movie in which a character is hit in the head, develops a blood clot, and becomes happy all the time. Since happine...