Friday, March 30, 2012

March 31, 2012 - No problems

ACIM Workbook Lesson #90
Review: “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.” and “Let me recognize my problems have been solved.”
Aaron and Heather at The Principia
photo by Marsha Havens

[Marsha's thoughts]
I love these lessons which tell us there is no problem other than the multitude of beliefs in separation we have promulgated for ourselves. The solution is simply a matter of realizing that our seeming problems are solved as soon as we know the unreality of them. Such an idea may seem silly to someone who doesn't accept the unreality of the material world. I guess these concepts seem natural to me because nothing made sense when I looked at it from various standpoints put forth by mortal mind. Concepts from the natural sciences to astrology always seemed to have big holes in their veracity. I listened to the facts taught us in school and thought, "What's wrong with this picture?" In time, I came to understand that it was an innate knowing that in truth we are spiritual, not material. Basically, knowledge and understanding come with a yielding of material belief. And I love letting this yielding guide me in every endeavor! Throughout today, certain "problems" concerning an old and dear friend kept coming to mind. I recently spoke with a family member of hers who has not seen her for quite some time. She is worried about my childhood friend who now lives far away. And the worries seem valid, as there are things which need attended to and they are being neglected. The situation has deep roots running through the history of this family relationship. I feel like it could be picked apart from every angle and no solution would be found. And so when this sweet family came to mind today, I would simply see them as happy, responsive to each other, and willing to love. By staying away from all the "what-ifs" of this situation, by not holding onto visions of past hurts on both sides, by only seeing the family as God sees them, whole and perfect, all worries are chased from my thought. Each remembrance of them is pure and sweet, requiring no fixing or adjustment from me or anyone else. By realizing God's law of adjustment, we see that it is already done, with nothing needed on our part other than recognition.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human reason and religion come slowly to the recognition of spiritual facts, and so continue to call upon matter to remove the error which the human mind alone has created.”
Science & Health Page 173:25-28

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 30, 2012 - Stuck in the past? Never ---

ACIM Workbook Lesson 89
Review: “I am entitled to miracles.”
and “Let miracles replace all grievances.”

[marsha's thoughts]
Aaron Happy in the Moment
Photographer unknown
At a recent meeting of our book club, we discussed a book which dealt with a young woman who had lived in foster care all her life. We talked about the "problems' which seem inherent in a child who is not loved unconditionally, who is perhaps abused in multitudes of ways. It's the general belief in this world that some things are too horrendous to get over; that we will be plagued with certain conditions forever, no matter what. On "The Dog Whisperer", which I have and will mention often in these writings, Cesar Milan tells us he rehabilitates dogs and trains people. I love hearing him talk of dogs living in the moment. When he is helping people understand a dog who seems maimed by past experiences in its life, he repeatedly tells the people that feeling sorry for the animal helps no one. Our thought and action hold animals (and people) in the same thought system which put them there in the first place! How can this be? The dog is hurting and we're being asked to deny that? Yes!! This is why we learn in the study of metaphysics that it is necessary to give up all beliefs -- not just those we deem to be "bad", but all material beliefs. By letting them go and replacing them with an openness of thought which allows us to hear the Truth of our Being, we experience the so-called miracle which is the natural order of Life. It may not seem logical to say that we can simply release feelings of fear and anger. They seem very real to us, but if we stop and examine them, do they have any purpose other than holding us where we are? One dog Cesar worked with had at one time slid on the floor into a glass door. The dog was now afraid to walk on any floor without a carpet. Upon investigation of its people's reactions, they immediately exacerbated the fears by petting and commiserating and talking about what a horrible experience it had been. They held the fear in thought by acts they thought of as compassion. What Cesar explains is that dogs live in the moment. Period. Unless they're held in that space by everyone around them. And so are we. How easy it is to replay unhappy circumstances and bring more into our experience by expectations of them. We tell ourselves that bad things come in threes, that this is a "bad day", that Murphy's Law is in effect (one of my personal pet peeves!). And we think we have no choice. Our pets are wonderful teachers for us. I'm so grateful for every experience which shows me the difference in belief and reality.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“MIRACLE:  That which is divinely natural, but must be learned humanly; a phenomenon of [the] Science [of the Christ].

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 29, 2012 - The Law of Light

Heather in the Light
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #88:
Review -- "The light has come."
"I am under no laws but God's"
[Marsha's thoughts]
It has recently come to my attention that a number of people whom I know and am frequently in contact with seem to be incapable of making a decision. They often need confirmation that their beliefs about a situation are worthy of them, and so they wait for someone else to tell them they think that way, too, and then they can give their opinion. This need for validation is not a rare condition. I believe I may have suffered from it at points in my life. The tools we have at our disposal from the study and practice of divine metaphysics tend to let us walk past the temptation to feel so self-important that we're afraid to be wrong. While it's usually thought of as low self-esteem which causes this, it seems to me that it's valuing your own believed-forever image of yourself over your true image in the likeness of God. Letting go many long-practiced ways of life facilitates our recognition of the light which has come, the Truth which is known within. And with the peaceful recognition of these things, we know the Truth which sets us free. This God-felt spiritual sense allows us to speak without fear. I love listening to divine Mind rather than chasing in circles with mortal mind! It's more interesting, it frees me from worry and doubt, it leads me in fascinating paths, it teaches peace.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"There is no material truth. The physical senses
can take no cognizance of God and spiritual Truth. Human belief has sought out many inventions, but not one of them can solve the problem of being without  the divine Principle of divine Science. Deductions from material hypotheses are not scientific. They differ from real Science because they are not based on the divine law."
Science & Health Page 273:2-9

March 28, 2012 - Light Expressed

ACIM Workbook Lesson #87
Review: “I will there be light.” and “There is no will but God’s.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
"Top of the World in Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston
Last evening, there was a reception in my gallery, Eureka Thyme, for people who are in town for a meeting of the state Keep America Beautiful group. My temptation was to be embarrassed by the large and ugly hole in front of the gallery. There are orange cones, sandbags, black plastic filled with last week's rain, and a general air of destruction. But as I've chosen to look at it as free advertising, drawing attention to my shop, I also chose to look past the war-zone look of it all to the pure goodness reflected by everyone involved. Interestingly, not a single one of the party attendees said anything about the mess, but only complimented us on our beautiful town, the great gallery space, and the wonderful food provided for them. The Light being expressed by the people I met at this event was palpable! One woman, with whom I felt an immediate affinity, was not only the leader of her local beautification program but had spearheaded an unusual art show. The Arkansas State Hospital is committed to the treatment of mental illness. This woman inaugurated an art show featuring works from the patients. She said most of the people there had nothing but the clothes on their back when they came to the facility. This amazing art show and sale is benefiting them in many ways. Not just by increasing self-esteem, but putting some cash back for them upon their release. She said this has helped them to want to get better, as many stay all their life for fear of returning to the "real world". How inspiring it is to meet people who are following inner guidance in the bringing of light to the world! Today I vow to listen deeply and follow through on what I hear!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea. The understanding and recognition of Spirit must finally come, and we may as well improve our time in solving the mysteries of being through an apprehension of divine Principle. At present we know not what man is, but we certainly shall know this when man reflects God.”
Science & Health Page 90:24-32

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 27, 2012 - Sing Your Song!

Happy Camels in Mongolia
Photo by Aaron Sspringston
ACIM workbook lesson #86
Review: "Only God's plan for salvation will work.". "Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation."
[Marsha's thoughts]
In the original introduction of these two lessons a couple of weeks ago, I wrote that we should all be writing! I'd like to amend that a bit today. Whatever activity you can do to take you to a space of no-thought, this is what I'd like to encourage! In listening to what I think of as free-form piano playing of the new-age variety, it struck me how important it is to be singing your song, whatever form that may take. For those of you who think you "don't have any talent" I would suggest you follow your heart in trying something new, or examine what you are doing and see it as expression of inner knowing. Piano lessons began for me at the age of four. By the time I went to college, playing was so engrained that it was like speaking. But it was always structured interpretation from pages of music. Never once had I just sat down and played without thought. Four years ago, I did. Something pulled me to the piano and a tune came out. It's a simple tune which mutates here and there, with interesting progressions and surprises. It's never the same, and it never leaves me where I started. It has beautiful healing notes which appear when they are needed. Now it seems another tune or two are getting ready to be born. We all have a song to sing, an expression in some way of the Divine. These expressions give us something which mere education cannot. It's a purely divine voice which requires a yielding of material senses in order to hear and reproduce. It may be prose, or poetry, or music, or painting. But don't forget it might be words said to a loved one, or vegetables grown with love, or the salvation of an animal from misery when you adopt it. The forms this Love demonstrated will take when we get out of its way are without number. Just as we are the ideas of God, so are these emanations which shine through us. Priceless!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Salvation: Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all."
Science & Health Page 593:20-21

March 26, 2012 - Cynicism Hides Light

ACIM workbook lesson #85:
Review: "My grievances hide the light of the world in me." "My salvation comes from me."

[Marsha's thoughts]
Joyous Child in Mongolia
photo by Aaron Springston
Cynicism hides the light of the world very effectively. As a small child, I freely expressed joy in everything and to everyone, but slowly and thoroughly this joy was quieted by rules and other forces of conformity. By the time I was a teenager, cynicism had taken over my every action. This is a definition of cynicism: "An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others." During the 60s and 70s, although it was heralded as the Age of Aquarius, the free love that permeated our atmosphere was actually a charade of the Love I had felt as a child. We made fun of those who weren't like us, and by doing so became unsure of what we were. There was an attitude of disdain which came with our superiority. We knew our government was wrong, as were our parents, most teachers, and the majority of our peers. It's no wonder that a major magazine's cover declared that God was dead, because materialism and cynicism had killed any expression of real Love. I was convinced that to have children would be a travesty, as this world was no place for humans to be. Nearly half a century past those turbulent times, I see wonderful changes in all of us. Everyone I know realizes that Love is a force within us which can't be quieted; that fear can never be as powerful as Love; that there is no reason to pretend only the foolish think this way. More people every day are waking up to the Truth of their being, living the salvation of this realization, and not allowing anything to hide this light. Any day now everyone will awaken to their function as a living ray of this Love, and we won't be afraid of it. It is our heritage! We have denied it as long as we can. The Truth is alive within us and it only takes recognition to bring it to fruition. Let's live our salvation today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"'Thy kingdom come:' let the reign of divine Life, Truth, and Love [God]
be established in me, and rule out of me all sin [erroneous thoughts of separation]; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!"
Daily Prayer from the Church Manual

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 25, 2012 - Living Love

ACIM Workbook Lesson 84
Review: “Love created me like Itself.”
and “Love holds no grievances.”

"Top of the Mountain in Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
As I write this, I've just spent a week in the gallery during which time the town has been packed with families on spring break. It has been busy every day and I've talked to hundreds of people. By mid-afternoon today, I felt like I couldn't go on. The people all seemed to be demanding and just downright odd, and I simply didn't want to be there. At first I retreated, getting quiet and attempting to not relate to them, letting everyone mill about me with a minimum of interaction. Next, I examined my motives in all of this and reasserted why I was there. Of course, I'm doing this to make a living, but there's more to it than that. I'm there to express Love, because that's what I am. And by this expression, I hope that others can see that's what they are, also. Okay, I'm feeling a bit better now, but not good enough to change my attitude. When a friend and fellow shopkeeper came in, I was more than happy to tell her how tired I was. Shortly thereafter, the spell was finally broken when a small child, around a year old, came in on his dad's shoulders. He was fussy and sort of crying as his dad came up to me and started asking questions about where to eat dinner. I began talking to the baby, answering his dad's questions, but looking at him. Suddenly joy spread through my chest -- and the baby started to giggle, too! No more was I a tired mortal wishing I could be somewhere else. And the baby suddenly seemed to realize he had the best seat in town and he was the loved of Love. Whew! Am I glad that spell was broken!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The rich in spirit help the poor in one grand brotherhood, all having the same Principle, or Father; and blessed is that man who seeth his brother's need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another's good. Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and goodness, which shine through all as the blossom shines through the bud. All the varied expressions of God reflect health, holiness, immortality-- infinite Life, Truth, and Love."
Science & Health Page 518:15-22

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 24, 2012 - Happiness is my function

Photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #83
Review: “My only function is the one God gave me.” and “My happiness and my function are one.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
Conflict resolution. Conflict transformation. How much time and energy do we spend in attempting to negate conflict between others and/or within ourselves? We can make lists of the merits of our choices, we can role play and put ourselves in others' places in a situation, we can enlist therapists to help us out. There are lots of ways to search for the door out of conflict. I have found the only true way to leave it behind is to realize that such a thing does not exist anywhere other than in our thought. Anyone who has ever tried to calm fighting siblings knows the process can be daunting no matter how you approach it! I'll always remember a time when my boys were around 8 and 10 years of age. Their disagreements had advanced to the point where I saw no way out other than to give one of them away! One day, during a particularly intense bout, I gave up and sat down in my bedroom to have a good cry. Next to my chair was a stack of Christian Science Sentinels, the weekly publication which gives us practical metaphysical writings. I reached down and pulled one from the middle of the stack and opened it up to an article about brothers fighting! I don't remember anything about the content, other than it was just what I needed for the situation. And I remember the solution had to do with having no strong opinions. By letting go of my I'm-right-you're-wrong attitude, I was able to lead them to the same way of thought, by living it, not just telling them what they should do. Living Love creates bridges which bring us together in peace. Trust that your function and your happiness are your God-given right, and don't be afraid to open up and see what unexpected ways they will manifest.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.”
Science & Health Page 106:7-10

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 23, 2012 - Light of the World

ACIM Workbook Lesson #82
Review: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness”
“Let me not forget my function.”

Heather, Yellowstone, Sunrise
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
We all share the same light which brings peace to every mind. It's easy to forget that this is true. Darkness often feels as real as light, but it's a mirage. We can go around telling people about light, but that doesn't take away the darkness in a room. By bringing light to a situation, no matter how small the flame, the darkness is dispelled as surely as if the sun were shining. And we're like the rays of light from the sun. We are an emanation of the One light, the same essence, with the same function. It seems easy to forget this function. Unhappy circumstances in life can make us think we've lost our light. But that can't happen. An eclipse may cover the sun beams temporarily, but they are still there, shining as brightly as ever, although unseen by some. And so it is our function to remember what our true being is. We are Love with a capital "L"! By our remembrance of this Source our function is fulfilled. Our light glows and grows, illuminating peace.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, "Love thy neighbor as thyself;" annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry,--whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed.”
Science & Health Page 340: 23-29

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 22, 2012 - Self Importance

ACIM Workbook Lesson #81:
Review: "I am the light of the world"
"Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world."

Photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
I just watched an episode of Modern Family in which Claire has lunch with an old college friend. Her friend has a very successful career and an exciting life as a single woman. Claire is a jealous and wants to show off her three kids and husband of seventeen years so she takes her friend home to meet them. Her handsome husband is inexplicably wearing a big fake mustache and is trapped in a port-a-potty placed there by the water company during work on the lines. Her oldest daughter is having a loud altercation with her boyfriend. Her other daughter and her son have been recycling in the neighborhood and have the kitchen filled with semi-empty bottles of alcohol. The son is in his underwear because he spilled booze all over himself, while the daughter is chasing a rat around the house which came in with the boxes. So much for self-importance, huh? Most of us probably have a silly story about a situation that backfired when we've wanted to show off in some way. When we stop and think about these feelings and what is behind them, it's easy to see how this desire to be "special", to be better than someone else, is at the core of every disagreement and conflict in the world.  With the understanding that we are all the reflection of Love, each demonstrating our individuality within this realm of unity, it becomes possible to let go of false images of self-importance and relax into the perfection of this experience we know as life. By doing so, we are the light of the world. By seeing ourself in others and others in ourself, we fulfill our function of forgiveness, letting go of ideas and beliefs which foster this misconception of difference and embracing Love as our common denominator.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers."
Science & Health Page 15:26-27

March 21, 2012 - Problems Solved

ACIM workbook lesson #80:
"Let me recognize my problems have been solved."

Spring in Eureka
Photo by Melanie Myhre
[Marsha's thoughts]
The realization that there is only one problem, which is our seeming sense of separation, and that since it is impossible to be separated from our source our problem is already solved since it never existed in anyway other than belief, is such a freeing notion! It doesn't matter if the "problem" is one of a child who is making choices we feel sure will cause him and others pain and sadness, or if a sickness seems to hold us in its grip, or a financial struggle of some sort appears to be keeping us captive, all these maladies of sense are one and the same to the metaphysical principle which negates them. And that's what this lesson tells us today. This knowing that we're a reflection of God, actualized by our emanation as Life, Truth, Love, Spirit, Soul, Mind, Principle, lets us live with no limits in our human existence. In my lifetime, I've seen this divine principle work in so many ways. This seeing beyond the material picture to the spiritual truth allows us to live Truth rather than erroneous material belief. What a relief!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"It is ignorance and false belief, based on a material sense of things, which hide spiritual beauty and goodness. Understanding this, Paul said, 'Neither death, nor life, ... nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.'
This is the doctrine of Christian Science:that divine Love cannot be deprived of its
manifestation, or object; that joy cannot be turned into sorrow, for sorrow is not the master of joy; that good can never produce evil; that matter can never produce mind nor life result in death. The perfect man -- governed by God, his perfect Principle -- is sinless and eternal.
Harmony is produced by its Principle, is controlled by it and abides with it. Divine Principle is the Life of man. Man's happiness is not, therefore, at the disposal of physical sense. Truth is not contaminated by error. Harmony in man is as beautiful as in music, and discord
is unnatural, unreal."
Science & Health Page 304:3-21

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 20, 2012 - Solving Problems?

ACIM workbook lesson #79:
"Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved."

Aaron and Heather at The Principia
Photo by Marsha Havens
[Marsha's thoughts]
We, as humans, love to list and tell our problems to all who will listen. Some of us even make written lists in contemplation of the solving of these problems. Is this how to "recognize the problem so it can be solved"? Even though we may think that this action does some good, this is not what today's lesson is talking about. There are, in reality, no individual problems. The only problem is that we perceive ourselves as separate from God. Every seeming problem in the world is the result of this misinterpretation of reality. Hence, the solution lies in the realization that there is only one problem. The solution to this one problem is found in the recognition that we are Love's creation, reflecting only good, God. And so the answer has always been there waiting for us to see it: There is no separation from the One source. It can be difficult to accept this if you are a watcher and reader of so-called news. This system we have set up for ourselves which allows current events to be broadcast all over the world keeps us in a fear-filled state. This material substitute for our real oneness can be rather frightening. By internet and satellite connectivity we are allowed to see the horrors of material existence, constantly and conveniently. We become addicted and think it's necessary to know all these things. But what if we can know everything that is true without dualistic evidence? A few hours ago we had a lovely cleansing rain. After the rain, I threw open the windows and the sweetest breeze I've ever known passed through the house. I feel a similar pureness when I leave my heart open to Truth and Love, unfettered by testimony of the material senses. And I know peace.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Ontology receives less attention than physiology. Why? Because mortal mind must waken to spiritual life before it cares to solve the problem of being, hence the author's experience; but when that awakening comes, existence will be on a new standpoint."
Science & Health Page 556:25-30

March 19, 2012 - Seeing with Love

ACIM workbook lesson #78
"Let miracles replace all grievances."

[Marsha's thoughts]
Heather and Aaron in South Africa
Photographer unknown
Today's lesson asks us to choose one person and see them as God sees them, rather than with all the muddled grievances we may be holding. This person might be a co-worker who seems to find ways to undermine us regularly. Perhaps this person is a good friend whose behavior seems irritating to us. Maybe it's a neighbor who allows their dog to poop in our yard. Gosh, there are so many it's hard to choose just one!!  The circumstance really doesn't matter though, because when we choose to see the miracle of Spirit, the false testimony of material sense disappears. It seems that once we fall into the trap of expecting "bad" behavior from others, that's what we get! A fellow shopkeeper and I were discussing this last week. It seemed that the people coming into her place were careless with merchandise, loud, dull, and not contributing to the fun-loving atmosphere we strive to achieve in our sweet tourist town. And so do we get what we expect to receive? Can changing that expectation change the result? Or is the result the same and we're simply seeing it differently? I'm not sure it matters, as we're not seeing a result and trying to change it. We're seeing with God's eyes, and with that sight we are led to do what needs to be done, in every circumstance. It's been said in so many ways by so many people throughout time. Ghandi tells us to be the change we wish to see. Rumi tells us to be with those who help our being. Jesus tells us the kingdom of heaven is within. Say it any way you choose, while you see it with Love.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it. The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds; but this severance of fleshly ties serves to unite thought more closely to God, for Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh over the world and begins to unfold its wings for heaven."
Science & Health Page 57:22-30

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 18, 2012 - Celebrate!

ACIM workbook lesson #77
"I am entitled to miracles."

Aaron in Montana
Photo by Heather Magnan
[Marsha's thoughts]
Yesterday being St. Patrick's Day, I've been thinking about celebrations and the reasons behind why we do these things. Most if not all of them are based on some myth, which is usually fairly odd and far-fetched. Even those which are based on facts -- i.e., 4th of July, Independence Day -- carry with them some blatant prejudice and strange behaviors. So why do we do these things? It's all based on history of some sort, remembrances of past material events, and it usually involves a lot of drinking and so-called celebrating, and there is generally some sort of nationalism involved. Like today's St. Patrick's Day craziness -- what's up with that? Perhaps it's because we all want to believe in magical beings which will give us happiness and abundance. We tend to believe that these things are somewhere and that we can find them if we only get lucky enough to be at the end of the rainbow. Or everything will be great if we give our lives to Jesus so we can receive the kingdom. And don't forget about those birthday wishes coming true if we blow out the candles thoroughly! Maybe we celebrate so hard because we innately know all this good is ours simply for the acknowledgement of it, but we don't understand how to do that. These miracles we so desperately seek are the natural order of things, and can be had for the knowing of them. So we dance, drink, celebrate. We wildly strive to find what is already ours, which we would see if we only look within and acknowledge who we truly are. The miracle is God's law. Now that's something to celebrate!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"A miracle fulfills God's law, but does not violate that law. This fact at present seems more mysterious than the miracle itself."
Science & Health Page 134:31-32

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 17, 2012 - Divine Principle

ACIM Workbook Lesson #76
“I am under no laws but God’s.”

Bath in the Wilds of Mongolia
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
It hasn't been that many years ago when saying out loud the things we're studying about today would have caused quite a stir amongst the powers that be. Those who saw God in nature and celebrated that holiness were burned as witches. Those who realized their power as a reflection of God were thought of as egotists (at the very least!) and perhaps shunned by their friends and family. What a delicious feeling it is to be able to say what we feel and thereby celebrate the Truth of our being!  By putting into practice the laws of God, worlds which were invisible appear to us with increasing frequency. Yes, when we say and do things which could be construed as other-worldly, we may be chastised in some minor ways -- perhaps simply looked at askance by friends -- but that's nothing compared to the tortures inflicted in centuries past. I thank every single person who raised their voice in honor of Truth, fearlessly righting misperceptions in thought which had been passing for God's law. Many people try to change my mind about the metaphysics of divinity, thinking they are saving me from some judgment from above. They are doing what they think best, and I have no animosity toward them. Living free of made-up rules allows us to see and accept the rule of Spirit. Without false laws we can hear what Love is saying to us, we can feel the joy that is ours, and we can know that God never takes, but only gives.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Citizens of the world, accept the ‘glorious liberty of the children of God,’ and be free! This is your divine right. The illusion of material sense, not divine law, has bound you, entangled your free limbs, crippled your capacities, enfeebled your body, and defaced the tablet of your being.”
Science & Health Page 227:24-28

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 16, 2012 - Light is here -- now!

May Festival of the Arts poster
by Jeremy McGraw
ACIM workbook lesson #75:
"The light has come."

[Marsha's thoughts]
What a joyous lesson today's is! Our perseverance in dropping false testimony of the material senses is to be celebrated today! The light has come! Yes, we know it's always been there waiting for us to know it, but in our personal existence, it seems the light has come. Just as the sun (son?) has risen! Having just spent six days in solitude, interspersed with blissful gatherings of dear friends, I went back to work today. The first group of women who came in seemed to me to be overly critical of everything, and my usual posture of sending them Love was nowhere to be found. When they left, I laughed out loud at myself and the snooty reaction I had toward them! Here I am, all blissed-out and peaceful, taking offense because they aren't sharing that with me. This taking notice was essential in leaving those feelings behind. And by going forth with a laugh and a prayer of acknowledgement that the light has come, I was soon emanating the Love which dispels inharmony. The rest of the day was spent in happy interludes with people enjoying their vacation. There was a man who referred to his wife as an angel, often iterating ways she brought joy to their life. The light has come. There was the grandmother from Canada, meeting her daughter and granddaughter who were from South Texas. The stories they told me during our short time together were humorous and loving.  The light has come. There was the old hippie couple, visiting from a short distance away, where they live hidden and happy in the deep forest. The light has come. I could go on and on with stories of these manifestations of Light. May we all bask in this celebration today! There is no reason to wait to acknowledge that the light has come. Now is the time, and it's the time to receive this light by your demonstration of it, in whatever way that may be -- as long as it's in every way!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy. Let us rejoice that we are subject to the divine
'powers that be.' Such is the true Science of being. Any other theory of Life, or God, is delusive and mythological.”
Science & Health Page 249:6-10

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 15, 2012 - Peaceful Reality

ACIM Workbook Lesson #74
“There is no will but God’s.”
Street in front of Eureka Thyme
Photo by Randal Thompson

[Marsha's thoughts]
For the past few weeks, there have been repairs to the "underground" going on in front of my gallery. Eureka Springs is unique in many ways. One of those ways is the fact that certain streets were raised in order to allow the flow of water and mud during rain storms to pass underneath them. In effect, there is empty space under some of our sidewalks and streets. An underground wall in front of Eureka Thyme is in the process of being repaired right now. We are a tourist town, and the month of March has traditionally been the start of the "season", with spring break in surrounding areas bringing us masses of people. The weather is warm, the flowers are blooming, and my gallery is closed. The attached photo shows how far they are from finishing these repairs! Numerous people have said they can't believe how calm I'm being about all of this. What good would it do to be otherwise, I ask? But today's lesson is much needed and I will often repeat these words from it: "I am at peace. Nothing can disturb me. My will is God's. My will and God's are one. God wills peace for His Son." Throughout this seeming ordeal I have held to the spiritual fact that all involved will be open to hearing intuition guide them in this endeavor. Every time the situation crosses my mind, I will turn to the words of today's lesson and also the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. This week's Christian Science Lesson is entitled "Matter" and its elucidation of what reality is soothes me. And all is well.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment. What a glorious inheritance is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent Love! More we cannot ask: more we do not want: more we cannot have.”
Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Page 307

March 14, 2012 - Willpower?

ACIM Workbook Lesson #73
“I will there be light.”

Heather on Skateboard
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
So much is said about willpower and its role in the control of ourselves. And there is always more to be said and written about the subject because of its changeable nature. Human willpower is another belief which we can set aside in favor of the power of Soul, Spirit, Mind. Whether it's cessation of a habit, better diet, more exercise -- the list is quite long in what we should and shouldn't be doing with our bodies -- all of these things are subordinate to the laws of Spirit, the principle of Life. For some reason, I've gained quite a few pounds in the last couple of years. This is particularly surprising to me as I had slowly lost weight for a number of years and had reached what I thought of as my ideal size. This weight loss had not been premeditated and I thought of it as a byproduct of clearer metaphysical thought. So now that the weight is back, am I to think of it as muddy metaphysical thought? The temptation is certainly there to do such! But wouldn't this be looking at the problem rather than the solution? And I use these terms loosely as there is no problem, hence no solution! There is none if I am placing myself at the point of spiritual perfection, which is where we eternally are. Seeing my will as God's will, or the only will, is where I want to be in thought. Constantly stepping back from material circumstances and repositioning my sight on spiritual realities is the answer to every seeming problem or material question. So to me the statement, "I will there be light", is a constant reminder that light is all there is. Any darkness of thought is counteracted by this correction in perception. When I look in a mirror and see reflected back at me something I'd prefer not to see, I will remember my true reflection is one of Spirit. By returning my thoughts to this Truth, I will be led in ways of which reflect this true identity.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The power of the human will should be exercised only in subordination to Truth; else it will misguide the judgment and free the lower propensities. It is the province of spiritual sense to govern man. Material, erring, human thought acts injuriously both upon the body and through it."
Science & Health Page 206:4-9

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 13, 2012 - Paulo Coelho, "Aleph"

ACIM Workbook Lesson #72:
“Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.”
"Mongolian Journey"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
For those of you who are fans of Paulo Coelho there is cause for celebration! His latest book, "Aleph" gives me exactly what I've been wanting -- A good read! As in his most well-known book, "The Alchemist", he takes us on a spiritual journey which shows us that we are indeed not alone in either our fears or our realizations of Truth. This newest novel is described as his most personal, and from the little I know of Mr. Coelho's life, our main character seems to have many common characteristics with his creator. When he writes of spiritual progress feeling stagnant, I ache for him. These  sentences ask for remembrance: "It isn't what you did in the past that will affect the present. It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future." What a vibrant, hopeful statement! And now is the time! What you do right now is the pivotal point in your life. Let go of any and all grievances of any kind. Notice your thoughts as they peek out at you during the day. Are they reinforcing old, often-painful beliefs, or are they leading you to salvation? In the lesson today, we learn that God did not create this body. God created everything that is real and eternal, and it's our realization of this true Self which brings us peace and harmony of being. I find novels such as those written by Mr. Coelho to be delightful! After the intense study of divine metaphysics, it's pure joy to read a book which speaks to these ideas so unabashedly. I urge each of you to write! Write in blogs, write letters to the editor, keep a journal -- anything and everything which solidifies our yearning to know Oneness needs to be written. It deserves a voice which contains no fear, no shame, only Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Is Spirit the source or creator of matter? [The] Science [of the Christ] reveals nothing in Spirit out of which to create matter. Divine metaphysics explains away matter. Spirit is the only substance and consciousness recognized by divine Science. The material senses oppose this, but there are no material senses, for matter has no mind. In Spirit there is no matter, even as in Truth there is no error, and in good no evil. It is a false supposition, the notion that there is real substance-matter, the opposite of Spirit. Spirit, God, is infinite, all. Spirit can have no opposite."
Science & Health Page 278:1-11

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12, 2012 - Music Opens the Way

ACIM Lesson #71:
“Only God’s plan for salvation will work.”

Paul McCartney in Utah Summer 2010
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
The above statement, taken without prior knowledge of what it means in these writings, absolutely smacks of everything from predestination to some fundamental religious teachings with all the punishment and consequence taught therein. Mrs. Eddy's definition of salvation  is, "Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all." When looked at in this way, salvation is an ongoing event, realized when we part the veil of belief in separation from God. I recently attended a concert of area musicians who performed adeptly and from the heart. Music is of great benefit in assisting us to get out of our own way, to allow thought to progress past limited repetition of beliefs and habitual practices of rituals. Music is an aid which opens our thought to things we may have forgotten or never have known. I love to sit with an all-encompassing symphony orchestra, opening my mind to only the music, until at some point I feel there is nothing else in the world. I recall Wayne Dyer talking about muscle testing using different items. An organic banana allowed full strength in his son, where holding a CD of raucous music left him much weakened. Each of us enjoys different kinds of music, and there are many levels of this enjoyment. Something we would like with friends at a party won't be the same as the quiet strains of Bach which take us deeper within ourselves prior to meditation or writing. Find the music which opens you to hearing the messages Life, Truth, and Love are offering you. Surround yourself with this river of salvation and see where it takes you.

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“‘Now,’ cried the apostle, ‘is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,’ – meaning, not that now men must prepare for a future world salvation, or safety, but that now is the time in which to experience that salvation in spirit and in life. Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in [the] Science [of the Christ]. To break this earthly spell, mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously.”
Science & Health  Page 39:18-27

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 11, 2012 - Who will save us?

ACIM Lesson #70:
“My salvation comes from me.”
                                                                                                                    [Marsha's thoughts]
Happy Belize Man and his Happy Dogs
photo by Ramona Hambrick
Perhaps it's always been that we expect someone else to right the wrongs we see all around us. We point fingers and expect guilty parties to fix what wrongs we perceive to have been done. It's easy to expect someone else to do things, and then be disgruntled when "they" don't respond in the way we expect and hope. And so when we see someone step up and do whatever they can to alleviate pain, to bring the light of salvation to a situation, it's an occasion to rejoice! Today has been a day of such happiness for me. A group of women have been meeting monthly for eight years under the guise of a book club. We really just get together because of our fondness for each other, and the book leads us in discussions which are poignant, heartfelt, and personally meaningful in individual ways which are not always immediately discerned. Today we were witness to an astounding series of events which are being facilitated by one of our group who is a veterinarian. Five years ago, she vacationed in Belize, a beautiful tropical paradise. While there, she realized that many, perhaps most, dogs were left to fend for themselves, particularly when it came to reproduction -- or the stopping of it! She was led to return and spend a week spaying and neutering, and performing any other tasks which their limited budget and care facilities would allow. In the past five years, other veterinarians have joined the cause and there have been donations enabling the building of a facility from which these volunteers can do their work. What started out as one woman doing what she could has snowballed into many people sharing in an awareness (a salvation, if you will), of how to improve conditions for animals and humans alike. This wonderful woman has followed her heart, and through this action she has inspired others to do what they can, and more in return are doing the same. I see this as the perfect demonstration of living Love. Her love for and kinship with all things living is an inspiration to so many. The realization of this inner knowing and her fearless efforts to improve conditions for these animals and the ones who love them, this is the salvation we all hold within ourselves. And it blossoms when we set it free through our action.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“To ascertain our progress, we must learn where our affections are placed and what we acknowledge and obey as God. If divine Love is becoming nearer, dearer, and more real to us, matter is then submitting to Spirit. The objects we pursue and the spirit we manifest reveal our standpoint, and show what we are winning.” 
Science & Health Page 239:16-22

Friday, March 9, 2012

March 10, 2012 - Let your Light Shine

ACIM Workbook Lesson #69
“My grievances hide the light of the world in me.”

Mongolian Night
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
The last words of today's lesson are: "Be sure to tell yourself: If I hold this grievance the light of the world will be hidden from me, if you are tempted to hold anything against anyone today." Confusion is the word I keep hearing when I meditate on these lines. Most assuredly I don't want to hold anything against anyone -- particularly myself! When I think about grievances I may be holding onto, I get confused about my function in all of this. Actually, I can't even articulate what I may be aggrieved about! Anytime I delve into thought to see if I'm holding onto anything, tightly refusing to let it go because it's comfortable and the light holds unknown wonders, I simply get confused and don't know where I was going with the thought. Yippee! This I take as a sign of spiritual progress and material allowance. I don't need to deconstruct grievances by understanding them. I only need to acknowledge that they're there in order to see their unreality and to know that they have no real purpose in my life.  It makes me so happy to not need to examine every little reason about why things are as they are. By acknowledging what is, it becomes unimportant what isn't! Without grievances to cloud my transparency, what wonderful Truth will flow into, out of, and through my being! In this flow, I will never be put to confusion.

Mary Baker Eddy Quote:
“The manifestation of God through mortals is as light passing through the window-pane. The light and the glass never mingle, but as matter, the glass is less opaque than the walls. The mortal mind through which Truth appears most vividly is that one which has lost much materiality--much error--in order to become a better transparency for Truth. Then, like a cloud melting into thin vapor, it no longer hides the sun.” Science & Health Page 295:14-24

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 9, 2012 - No Grievances

ACIM workbook lesson #68:
“Love holds no grievances.”

Principia College Soccer 2006
[Marsha's thoughts]
How many of you can remember something said in grade school which hurt your feelings or humiliated you? With me, these things are becoming dimmer as they are less rehearsed. In years past, there were certain instances which played regularly in my mind at the slightest provocation. Although these remembrances are mostly gone now, what of the day-by-day events which seem to beg me to take offense? They jump up and down asking to be remembered and retold, wanting to hold us to the past through emotion. To hold a grievance, you must live in the past. I remember a line from a little book by Alan Lightman called Einstein's Dreams. He says that those who live in the past are condemned to live there alone.  And how could it be otherwise? Habitually recounting what used to be, or wishing for what never was, or wanting what could have been, are thought processes which are symptoms of holding grievances. Today's lesson commentary tells us that forgetting that I am Love, that everyone is Love, that everything is Love, is holding a grievance. I've witnessed this forgetfulness in someone very dear to me. It has caused what could be thought of as a persecution complex. She lives in great fear and dread, with constant feelings of guilt and all the defenses this causes her to enact, blaming everyone and everything for her unhappiness and discord. It seems to me that anyone would want to replace this with the knowledge of Love as their reality, letting all the rest fade away as mistaken belief. But apparently you have to want to see. So today I will hold thought to a return to Love, a figurative return, as I remember that I never left, and neither has anyone else. This Love replaces all grievances in my thought, and by this process I am safely and peacefully at One with God and all.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares.”
Science & Health Page 574:27-30

March 8, 2012 - What is Love?

Workbook Lesson #67:
“Love created me like itself.”

Portrait by
Melanie Myhre Photography
[Marsha's thoughts]
What is love? As a personal value, love changes and shifts. Friendships end over disagreements, marriages fall apart, societies struggle with how to remain cohesive while accepting those who think differently. As an attribute of God, Love is unchanging. Actually, this Love is more than just an attribute, or a part, of God. It is God. Mary Baker Eddy gives us seven synonyms for God which intertwine and flow through everything we experience. These are: Life, Truth, Love, Spirit, Soul, Mind, Principle. This Love which is God is the divine Principle of being. This sustaining Principle is never changed by human whims. On the contrary! This Love changes our material expectations and perceived shortcomings, when we can allow it to. There is currently a situation in my life where two people I care for do not get along with each other. It's interesting to see what they perceive in each other, then bounce it off of my own personal perception. And while these observations could change my view of each of them, I am striving to see them both in their true identity as spiritual expressions of Love. They both share in the wisdom of the ages, because they reflect divine Mind. We are all the joyful manifestations of Soul, and this is shown by sharing it freely with all. Seeing others as the expression of Father-Mother Love helps them to see themselves this way. Seeing ourselves as complete allows shifts to occur in the way we treat others and ourselves. All problems, large and small, are symptoms of a basic misconception that we are fallen humans separated from God's Love. The acceptance that we are Love, wholly and purely, starts a domino-effect process which inevitably includes everyone in this shift of thought, from the unreal belief in what we are to the pure understanding of Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“From Love and from the light and harmony which are the abode of Spirit, only reflections
of good can come. All things beautiful and harmless are ideas of Mind. Mind (Love) creates and multiplies them, and the product must be mental.”
Science & Health Page 280:4-8

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 7, 2012 - Happiness is my Function

ACIM workbook lesson #66:
“My happiness and my function are one.”

African Sky and Heather
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
Fulfilling my function is happiness. How do I know what this function is? By listening for Truth. Truth, in all its forms, has always been very important to me. I've often felt I was too truthful, and could cite a few instances of this! Having this great love of and need for truth, it came as quite a surprise to find out that the life I'd lived for 37 years, the name I'd used, the birthdate I'd celebrated, the people I'd called my mom and dad, were a lie. When I was two months old, my mom took me in from her niece who was 17 and had given birth with no one to help her. Her boyfriend had skipped over the border into Mexico. Her family ignored her, as they wanted her to give me up and she didn't want to. After two months of being on her own, she relented and gave me to her aunt (which is what her family had wanted all along). The sweet people I had always known as parents then changed everything they had lived for 20 years and moved across the country where they weren't well known. They did this in order to save this baby from the flood of criticism and judgment which accompanied a child born out of wedlock in the decade of the 50s. Perhaps it was their living of this huge lie which caused them to instill truthfullness so solidly in me. For whatever reason, I am thankful to have it. Because of this love of Truth, I've always wanted to know it -- in every way. But in the past two decades, it's taken the form of spiritual Truth, which shows me my function, which is my happiness.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it."
Science & Health Page 57:18-21

March 6, 2012 - One Thing

ACIM workbook lesson #65:
“My only function is the one God gave me.”

African Sunrise
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
For years I resisted admitting that only one thing was required of me in order to know the peace I so wanted. I thought to give myself to this one thing would cause me to be some sort of religious zealot. It seemed that to live only in Spirit would somehow make me into something predictable and boring. At that time, material existence appeared exciting, while spiritual living implied a certain aloneness with God which couldn't possibly be very much fun.  As the years have passed and I've become more aware of what living in Spirit means, the understanding of myself as a reflection of God has taken form in many ways. On the surface, it could seem that nothing has changed. I still work, play, sleep, interact with others. But everything is different. There is no angst nor worry about whether I'm doing the right thing and what future effects this will cause. By listening to my inner Self and following that guidance, I don't need to make lists of pros and cons and weigh the value of these in making decisions. And this following doesn't mean that I mindlessly go through life as an automaton doing what God tells me. It means that infinite possibilities are opened to me, that thought is expanded in ways that transcend the material beliefs of the past, that contentment and peace are waiting for me to find them. While holding first in thought and practice our own desires and learned beliefs about what we should be doing in daily life, it's easy to pretend that we know what we're doing. And if this doesn't bring us the happiness and peace we thought it would, we tend to self-analyze and attempt to revise our ways. By choosing to listen inwardly, life becomes more simple and fulfilling. And that's because I'm listening for my only true function.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"This scientific sense of being, forsaking matter for Spirit, by no means suggests man's absorption into Deity and the loss of his identity, but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace."
Science & Health Page 265:10-15

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