Monday, March 12, 2012

March 13, 2012 - Paulo Coelho, "Aleph"

ACIM Workbook Lesson #72:
“Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.”
"Mongolian Journey"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
For those of you who are fans of Paulo Coelho there is cause for celebration! His latest book, "Aleph" gives me exactly what I've been wanting -- A good read! As in his most well-known book, "The Alchemist", he takes us on a spiritual journey which shows us that we are indeed not alone in either our fears or our realizations of Truth. This newest novel is described as his most personal, and from the little I know of Mr. Coelho's life, our main character seems to have many common characteristics with his creator. When he writes of spiritual progress feeling stagnant, I ache for him. These  sentences ask for remembrance: "It isn't what you did in the past that will affect the present. It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future." What a vibrant, hopeful statement! And now is the time! What you do right now is the pivotal point in your life. Let go of any and all grievances of any kind. Notice your thoughts as they peek out at you during the day. Are they reinforcing old, often-painful beliefs, or are they leading you to salvation? In the lesson today, we learn that God did not create this body. God created everything that is real and eternal, and it's our realization of this true Self which brings us peace and harmony of being. I find novels such as those written by Mr. Coelho to be delightful! After the intense study of divine metaphysics, it's pure joy to read a book which speaks to these ideas so unabashedly. I urge each of you to write! Write in blogs, write letters to the editor, keep a journal -- anything and everything which solidifies our yearning to know Oneness needs to be written. It deserves a voice which contains no fear, no shame, only Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Is Spirit the source or creator of matter? [The] Science [of the Christ] reveals nothing in Spirit out of which to create matter. Divine metaphysics explains away matter. Spirit is the only substance and consciousness recognized by divine Science. The material senses oppose this, but there are no material senses, for matter has no mind. In Spirit there is no matter, even as in Truth there is no error, and in good no evil. It is a false supposition, the notion that there is real substance-matter, the opposite of Spirit. Spirit, God, is infinite, all. Spirit can have no opposite."
Science & Health Page 278:1-11

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