Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Panoply of Love

Mongolia River Crossing - photo credit
Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #244 “I am in danger nowhere in the world."

Reading the above affirmation of our safety in any situation reminds me of a profound example of this Truth. A young woman was abducted from her college campus, tied up and blindfolded, then taken to a remote area. Throughout this trip, the woman continuously affirmed the One ever-presence which we all reflect. She affirmed this not only in relation to her well-being but also for the perpetrator.  After quite a while, the man stopped the car and apologized to the woman, at which point she shared some thoughts concerning the truth of his being. Then they proceeded back to her apartment so she could give him a copy of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I'm sure we all have stories about instances of protection, which perhaps seem like divine intervention. Let's not think of this as intervention, but as the way things really are; not a setting aside of material danger, but an understanding of the divine Principle of all being. By this, we rest in the assurance that all is well. This knowledge has enabled me to peacefully know my son is safe during numerous travels. He's been away from home since he was 14, and flitting around the globe on his own since he was 19. Friends have wondered how I can be so calm and free from worry about him. It's because I know where his safety lies -- as does he.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” Science & Health Page 571:18-21

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Non-Judgment a Constant Meditation

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #243 “Today I will judge nothing that occurs."

How is it possible to "judge nothing that occurs"? This practice of non-judgment is a constant meditation with me, and I must admit I often feel like a failure at it. (Which in itself is a judgment!) This basic metaphysical precept of letting go and letting God, realizing that we of our own selves know nothing, facilitates giving up judgment because how can we judge what we do not know? And so I will continue to make note that my opinion is simply that: an opinion, not a Universal Truth. I thank Mr. Shakespeare for a thought that is in the front of Science & Health: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The optical focus is another proof of the illusion of material sense. On the eye’s retina, sky and tree-tops apparently join hands, clouds and ocean meet and mingle. The barometer, — that little prophet of storm and sunshine, denying the testimony of the senses, — points to fair weather in the midst of murky clouds and drenching rain. Experience is full of instances of similar illusions, which every thinker can recall for himself.” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 122:15-23

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #242 “This day is God's. It is my gift to Him."

Last year, after sending out today’s workbook topic, someone wrote me asking if giving a gift to God meant going to church. After I stated my thoughts about “This day is God’s. It is my gift to Him.”, she told me she had little enough time to herself and didn’t want to give up a day to anyone. I guess we can have the idea that if we live our life for divine Love, we’re not living it for ourself. Recently I spoke with her and she tells me she now sees how giving is receiving. She also mentioned that she understood how giving up all the beliefs she had and listening for divine Mind was living in a dimension she hadn’t thought was possible. Her new way of living and listening was such a source of happiness for her! She’s happier than she remembers ever being before, and that’s a gift!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth.” Science & Health Page 485:13-16

Monday, August 28, 2017

Wise Words

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #241 “This holy instant is salvation come."

For millennia we have been moving to this point in consciousness! Today I am going to be remembering every seer whose words have awakened this knowledge of salvation within me. These will be people who have become a part of us all to such an extent that they are ever-present in our conversations and thought. I want to remember words of John Lennon, Emerson, Shakespeare, Rumi -- all those who have given me hope in knowing I'm not the only one feeling this way. And while visiting these words I love, I will know that this salvation is not only desired, but is here, now, for the remembering.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Acquaintance with the Science of being enables us to commune more largely with the divine Mind, to foresee and foretell events which concern the universal welfare, to be divinely inspired,--yea, to reach the range of fetter-less Mind.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 84:14-18

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Familiar Patterns

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #240
“Fear is not justified in any form."

Our lives tend to fall into familiar patterns as we move through our days. We may find ourselves going to the same places, saying the same things, thinking the same thoughts -- and all of  these habits become comfortable. Even if we're experiencing disharmony, we often fear change. We may say, "Something told me I should do so-and-so". We often hear this calling, this inner voice leading us toward a different path than we're on, but we feel it takes courage to walk a road less or never traveled, and so we settle. To settle for anything which brings us less than joyful existence is to dishonor ourselves, which is to dishonor God. The next time I think I'm feeling this thing we call fear, I'll choose to interpret the emotion as excitement about what will come next!

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:

“Had Blondin believed it impossible to walk the rope over Niagara's abyss of waters, he could never have done it. His belief that he could do it gave his thought-forces, called muscles, their flexibility and power which the unscientific might attribute to a lubricating oil. His fear must have disappeared before his power of putting resolve into action could appear.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 199:25-31

Saturday, August 26, 2017

False Humility

photo credit: Aaron Springs
ACIM Workbook Lesson #239 “The glory of my Father is my own"

“Let not the truth about ourselves today be hidden by a false humility.” (ACIM) Often we believe that we are not worthy to accept our divine nature as the image and likeness of God. This false humility is only mortal mind, or ego, trying to keep us from shining. I'm-not-worthy feelings from my past tend to recur in thought, provoked by the most tenuous connection. A teacher's scorn, a friend's put-down, my own disappointment in myself -- these things seem to linger, arguing that I couldn't possibly be good enough to accept myself as a joint heir with Jesus.  But with every affirmation of Truth, with every revelation of divine Mind, I reaffirm  that I Am That I Am, and come a step closer to understanding.

“I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”
Walt Whitman

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The Divine Being must be reflected by man,--else man is not the image and likeness of the patient, tender, and true, the One 'altogether lovely;' but to understand God is the work of eternity, and demands absolute consecration of thought, energy, and desire.” Science & Health Page 3:12-15

Friday, August 25, 2017

Dreams of Separation

ACIM Workbook Lesson #238
“On my decision, all salvation rests.”

My decision, (my job, if you will) is to forget the dreams of malice, revenge, hatred, and anger. These dreams of separation from our Oneness are simply that — dreams, with no relation to the reality we are coming to know. My self is the one Self we all share, so I may choose to accept this as my identity, or I can continue to choose the illusions of belief in separation. It’s not always easy to see this false identity as something I no longer want. It jumps up and down and insists that it is good and I am bad if I choose anything other than it. How grateful I am to have friends who support my decision to grasp for the heights of my Being, allowing the lower propensities to remain where they lie. Thank you greatly —

“Christian Science commands man to master the propensities, — to hold hatred in abeyance with kindness, to conquer lust with chastity, revenge with charity, and to overcome deceit with honesty.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 405:4-9


photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #237 “Now would I be as God created me."

How did God create me? If I think of creation from a standpoint of human, mortal mind, I may think of the  Adam and Eve story. Looking beyond material, illusory opinions to pure spiritual ideas is a step toward understanding how "God created me". We tell ourselves: I'm only human and I couldn’t be created as the image and likeness of God. If we accept material creation myths as the truth of our being, we live the dream of life in and of matter with all the limitations that implies. The realization that we are an idea of God takes us to the threshold of understanding Life. Today I will see everything in the light of spiritual truth, omitting no one nor thing!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The mythical human theories of creation, anciently classified as the higher criticism, sprang from cultured scholars in Rome and in Greece, but they afforded no foundation for accurate views of creation by the divine Mind.”

Science & Health Page 255: 5-10

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

We Are Rulers of Our Thought

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #236 “I rule my mind, which I alone must rule."
I know someone who often says, You can't help what you think; it's what you do with those thoughts that matters. Unfortunately, this person is miserable in her circular thinking, going over and over events which are distressing to her, telling herself again and again that it's god's plan and she must abide by it. Whew! Today's lesson is teaching us we do have a choice in what goes through our mind. We are the rulers of our thought and have the ability to choose, to turn fear upside down and let it go. In accepting the gift of Truth from divine Mind, there can be no choice between being right or being kind—after all, Love is all there is!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “God's thoughts are perfect and eternal, are substance and Life. Material and temporal thoughts are human, involving error, and since God, Spirit, is the only cause, they lack a divine cause. The temporal and material are not then creations of Spirit. They are but counterfeits of the spiritual and eternal.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 286:21-27

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Keep it Simple

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #235 “God in His mercy wills that I be saved."

The mass consciousness we swim in tells us we've done something wrong and can't be saved until we do a whole bunch of things right. Let's release all of those beliefs and concentrate on what feels true, right now, in this moment. Toward this end I will, at every possible moment, quiet my thoughts and allow Truth to permeate my being. It's there all the time, this Love which is God, this divine Love which supports us more surely than the swirling waters of mass consciousness. Our true consciousness is expressed most perfectly in two words: I Am. I think I’ll keep it simple today. Join me!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The scientific unity which exists between God and man must be wrought out in life-practice, and God's will must be universally done. If men would bring to bear upon the study of the Science of Mind half the faith they bestow upon the so-called pains and pleasures of material sense they would not go on from bad to worse …” Science & Health Page 202:3-9

Monday, August 21, 2017

Be Gentle With Yourself

ACIM Workbook Lesson #234 “Father, today I am Your Son again.”

My memories are turned to a dear little old lady who lived up the street. Margaret had been alone for more than a decade and she had taken all the mirrors out of her house. When some other neighbors and I began to help her with housekeeping chores and other things, someone put a mirror on the wall in her bathroom. When she first saw it, she got very upset and began trying to pull it off the wall and, when that didn’t work, she tried to break it. She had not seen herself in so many years that she couldn’t face what she saw. Many of us feel the same way about viewing ourselves in the light of Spirit. We have become so accustomed to thinking of ourselves as less than, as separate from, the beauty of Love, that it may not be easy to accept our spiritual Self. We may have a tough time releasing our beliefs and allowing ourselves to Be. Please, let’s be gentle with ourselves and savor the glimpses we see upon the release of what we think we are! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Matter is a human concept. Life is divine Mind.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 569:3-4

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Only Good

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #233 “I give my life to God to guide today."

I have made a vow to myself to only "see, hear, and repeat good". I’ve noticed myself (and others) mindlessly repeating things we have heard, whether it be truth or rumor, good news or a horrid happening, or simple inanities. In the volatile atmosphere of our emotionally-charged country, it is particularly important to scatter joy and express kindness. While it is also part of being kind to be compassionate with others, that doesn’t mean we must exacerbate their pain by adding ours to it. I’ve heard it said that worry is much like praying for something bad to happen. With these thoughts in mind, I will remember my vow to only see, hear, and repeat good. God is Love. I am a reflection of that — and so are you!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “The power of the human will should be exercised only in subordination to Truth; else it will misguide the judgment and free the lower propensities. It is the province of spiritual sense to govern man.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, Page 206:2-7

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Be My Mind

ACIM Workbook Lesson #232
“Be in my mind, my Father, through the day."

Certain words cause me to cringe and so (at this point in my releasing of belief and learned behavior) I simply leave them out or change them. For instance, in today’s topic I prefer to leave out the words ”in" and “my Father”. With the word “in”, I immediately think there is something missing which must be brought into me, so I prefer to say “be my mind”. Changing the wording allows me to feel more at One with this ever presence I am acknowledging. I’ve also left out the word "Father" for much the same reason. The human connotations which have been given to this term overwhelm some people, perhaps even me, although I've worked hard to give up any idea of a man in the clouds giving out favors or throwing lightning bolts! I urge you to not worry about semantics and other word games we tend to play with ourselves. But when something causes me discomfort in the wording of these spiritual exercises, I have no problem with thinking of it in another way, until my thinking about the words change. After all, this is what it's all about: changing our thought!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“IN:  A term obsolete in Science if used with reference to Spirit, or Deity.” Science & Health Page 588:22-23

Friday, August 18, 2017

Wings of Life

PC: Chris Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #231 “Father, I will but to remember You.

God is Love. Today as I remember Love, I also remember a beautiful documentary entitled, "Wings of Life". At one point, it's described as a love story from flowers to pollinators. Adding to my love affair with this movie is its narration by Meryl Streep. The flowers multiply in beauty, with gratitude to the bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and bats. I pause to think of things which inspire me to express more goodness and Love: people, music, nature -- movies like this one! In line with my quest to be with those who help my being, I will stay with entertainment which brings beauty and grace to life, turning away from inanities and programing designed to disturb the senses. Following the law of divine Love satisfies -- and I am grateful.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Man should renew his energies and endeavors, and see the folly of hypocrisy, while also learning the necessity of working out his own salvation.” Page 426:13-15 Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Infectious Joy

Creation of Sandy Wythawai Starbird
"Happy Bird"
ACIM Workbook Lesson #230
“Now will I seek and find the peace of God."

I read about an interesting experiment. Two people were placed face to face. One was instructed to smile as happily as possible, and the other was asked to retain a neutral look. In most of the cases, the person who was supposed to stay neutral couldn't keep from smiling, too. Happiness, joy, and peace are all spiritual attributes which shine forth through us as the experience of divine Love. They are infectious, don't you think? Let's broadcast this seed far and wide today and watch it grow!

 Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love.”
Science & Health Page 264:24-27

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Choose Again

ACIM Workbook Lesson #229 “Love, which created me, is what I am."

Because of deep communication with someone, avenues have opened in my thought. This opening has been painful and freeing. Turning perceptions inside out and examining why they are as they are can show us more about ourselves than 20 years of therapy ever would, but it takes a fearless attitude to approach, dissect, and transform. A major reason I love A Course in Miracles is its directive to choose again. When thought (belief, if you will) is found festering, or lacking in empathy, or exhibiting untoward traits in its expression, we have the ability to stop, turn it around, and choose again. I am most grateful for the opportunity Love gives us…

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Mind: The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined.” Science & Health Page 591:16-20

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

No Condemnation

PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #228 “God has condemned me not. No more do I."

Imagine growing up in a home with a parent who was very solid in his belief in God and faithfully attended a church based in traditional theological dogma. This way of thought included a belief in original sin and all the ritual you must go through in order to try to win the grace of God. Now let's imagine that your other parent is a Christian Scientist who teaches you that God is Love and you don't have to do anything to earn that Love, because you are an emanation of it. We have two parents whose views of spirituality are as opposed as they can be when talking about the exact same thing from different perspectives. I think it's very possible you might turn away from both of these teachings, perhaps declaring that there is no God. This was Robin Williams' situation. I would love to know more about it…

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “The notion of a material universe is utterly opposed to the theory of man as evolved from Mind. Such fundamental errors send falsity into all human doctrines and conclusions, and do not accord infinity to Deity.” Science & Health Page 545:13-15

Monday, August 14, 2017

A Foretaste of Eternity

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #227 “This is my holy instant of release.”

Every moment is a holy instant and everything is a meditation. Each time I have an attack thought and turn it into a loving, non-judgmental one, I am in meditation. When someone speaks words which could send me into a tirade of condemnation or defense, but I calmly think and say something like “you may be right”, it’s a holy instant acknowledged. One moment of slipping between the thoughts is “a foretaste of eternity”!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “One moment of divine consciousness, or the spiritual understanding of Life and Love, is a foretaste of eternity.” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 598:23-24

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Present Possibilities

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #226 “My home awaits me. I will hasten there.”

"If I so choose, I can depart this world entirely. It is not death which makes this possible, but it is change of mind about the purpose of the world. If I believe it has a value as I see it now, so will it still remain for me. But if I see no value in the world as I behold it, nothing that I want to keep as mine or search for as a goal, it will depart from me. For I have not sought for illusions to replace the truth." ACIM LESSON #226

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When you read this, remember Jesus' words, ‘The kingdom of God is within you.’ This spiritual consciousness is therefore a present possibility.”

Science & Health Page 573:32-2

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Light Dispels Dark

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #225 “God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”

Today’s lesson is asking us to experience the Love which is ever-present by virtue of Oneness. This includes everything and everyone. With one infinite Mind, there are no degrees of unity. This is often difficult to experience in the form we expect it to take, being at peace with someone who is unfeeling, vindictive, misguidedly perpetrating evil. I don’t think we’re being asked to condone violence in any of its forms, rather to counter hate with Love, and war with peace. I told someone today that when we open a dark closet, the darkness doesn’t escape into the room; the light dispels the dark. And so it is…

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“…with one Mind and that God, or good, the brotherhood of man would consist of Love and Truth, and have unity of Principle and spiritual power which constitute divine Science."

Science & Health Page 470:2-5

Friday, August 11, 2017

Perfect Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #224 “God is my Father, and He loves His Son.”

Today's Course in Miracles lesson tells me that God is my Father and He loves His Son. When we take away material gender-related terms, it's easier for some of us to know this is telling us that we are all reflections of creative Mind (God), and that divine Love is equally ever-present for all. There is no division by religion or any other so-called standard. There is no Love more readily bestowed on someone who fits the requirements to be called saint or sinner. This perfect Love is available to all, simply for the accepting of it. We truly are all created equally!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfills the Scripture, “Love thy neighbor as thyself;” annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry, — whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed. "

Science & Health Page 340:21-29

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Hats We Wear

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #223 “God is my life. I have no life but His.”

I’ve been thinking about how we define ourselves by our jobs, our talents, our looks, our cars, our children — well, the list goes on, doesn’t it? When I closed my beloved art gallery, many people warned me that it would be a huge adjustment not going there every day and having it as the center of my existence. But it wasn’t! I think that’s because it never defined me. I never thought of myself as being what I was doing. It’s easy to think of one’s self as being a mother, or a mechanic, or any number of things which we do on a daily basis. And there is nothing wrong with that; nothing at all! But I’m very grateful that all the hats I’ve worn in this life are just that: accouterments to Life!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"God is divine Life, and Life is no more confined to the forms which reflect it than substance is in its shadow.”

Science & Health Page 331:1-3

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

And So It Is...

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #222 “God is with me. I live and move in Him.”

We are waking up from our dream of separation! In this awakening, we are experiencing another level of living and are becoming more consciously intuitive in our daily activities. Whereas we used to think of "hunches" as meaningless feelings, we are now realizing they're whispers from divine Mind. Living life as the reflection of Love opens our thought to Oneness, and we see a world without judgment. People are dropping lifelong habits, and they're glad to see them go! And so it Is…

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The universe reflects and expresses the divine substance or Mind...” Science & Health Page 300:29-30

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Quieter Mind

PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #221
“Peace to my mind.  Let all my thoughts be still.”

Growing More Peaceful Every Day”, these are the words written on a pillow a friend gave me. Through the decades, my idea of what constitutes peace has evolved. In younger days, the only peace I wanted was during sleep. The rest of the time was happily busy with people and learning things. Then came the years spent partying, which I don't think were peaceful, but memory is rather foggy during that time. Motherhood brought a certain peace to my restless soul, but it was full of the activity of child rearing and caring for a home where my boys’ friends were always welcome. Following that was the relative quiet of running a business. The practice of relating to others in a peaceful manner was my education during that decade. Finally, I now understand it's not what I'm doing, but how I'm experiencing it. The peace which seemed fleeting is possible in every moment, and not because there is nothing to do, but because I enjoy every single moment without judging it against anything from the past or wishing it to be different in the future. Ah, the bliss of a quiet(er) mind!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,--this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony." Science & Health Page 323:32-2

Monday, August 7, 2017

Palpable Peace

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #220 Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #200 “There is no peace except the peace of God.”

In these volatile times, perhaps you've witnessed anger spreading quickly in various situations. I’m convinced that peace spreads just as quickly! I once had a demonstration of peace quelling anger -- visibly, quickly, thoroughly. I was leaving work in the early evening, and as I started down a stairway across from Basin Park a man began to sing the beautiful Louis Armstrong hit, "What a Wonderful World". I stood listening to him and was filled with happiness and buoyant peace which was so encompassing that I barely noticed voices shouting to my left. When he finished, I glanced over at three people sitting on the wall and shouting obscenities directly at me. It was as though I couldn't comprehend what they were doing and I just kept smiling and looking directly at them, with this incredible feeling of Love still growing inside me. As I watched the young people and their angry faces, it seemed that they were deflating like balloons. All the anger was seeping out of them with a visible shift in their demeanor. I joyfully waved at them and went down the stairs. I'll never forget that palpable feeling of light displacing darkness. I'll bet they haven't either!

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
"Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences, by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love." Science & Health Page 264:24-27

Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Freedom Before Unknown

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #219 Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #199 “I am not a body. I am free.”

Be with those who help your being. I've always loved this thought, haven't you? More and more, I find myself reveling in the company of friends, and being even more content in solitude. This seeming conundrum feels similar to the realization that I'm not a body: It's both exhilarating and calming! It’s great not to be a victim of the false beliefs of material life. I'm content in knowing there is so much to realize in this unfolding Life. Thinking back through the years and recognizing momentous friendships which have helped change my perspective, I am grateful beyond words. The Love I feel for these precious people is eternal, and with this knowledge comes a freedom before unknown. A Freedom Beyo
Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"This mortal is put off, and the new man or real man is put on, in proportion as mortals realize the Science of man and seek the true model." Science & Health Page 408:22-26

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Primal Order

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #218 Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #198 “Only my condemnation injures me.”

Recognition of our unity is a major turning point in our evolution. With the knowledge that everything is connected, that what affects one affects all, we are prompted to stand up and make the change within ourselves which we would like to see in the world. Knowing that there are only two choices, Love or fear, dispels the blindness which has kept us helpless for so long. To wake up from the hypnosis we have allowed ourselves to fall under is a very exciting proposition, don’t you think?  Love is the liberator! Open yourself to divine Mind and live as you were created, accepting your reality as the reflection of Love, allowing Spirit to guide your every action. The time is now!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God’s unchangeable law. Spiritual evolution alone is worthy of the exercise of divine power.” Science & Health Page 497:24-27

Friday, August 4, 2017

Willingness to Choose Again

Photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #217 Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #197 “It can be but my gratitude I earn.”

When my mind wants to replay a circumstance in all its glorified drama, I recognize that I have a choice. I can choose again and not see that person, that event, in a way which causes me to feel yet more pain, anger, sorrow. I can think instead of the goodness, kindness, and love inherent in everyone, and allow its reality to form an image in my thought. I can play lots of games with myself in this way, and perhaps cajole myself out of thinking badly or sadly, but to get to the root of this circular dream, the answer may lie in the ideas we're studying today: "It can be but my gratitude I earn". I take this to mean, in part, that I needn't worry about what anyone else thinks about me. If I am being true to myself as a reflection of divine Love, that is enough! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, — this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony.”  Science & Health Page 323:32-4

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Inverted Thought or Freedom

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #216 Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #196 “It can be but myself I crucify.”

Best friends, lovers, and all other forms of close interpersonal relationships, are to be cherished and appreciated. It seems impossible to lose the feelings which drew us together in the first place, and when there is a breach in trust or harsh words spoken, it’s painful. The first reaction in such a situation may be blame, as no one wants to think they are wrong. I don’t want to feel right or wrong in a current chasm which has developed between myself and someone I love very much, nor do I have any desire to apportion blame for what has occurred. Attacking him will not make me feel any better. If I attempt to nail him to a cross with harsh feelings or condemnations, I will be crucifying myself. I don’t want to join the ego thought system which tells me how I should feel in this or any other situation. I refuse to attack and crucify myself. I choose freedom for us both.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “When examined in the light of divine Science, mortals present more than is detected upon the surface, since inverted thoughts and erroneous beliefs must be counterfeits of Truth.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures  Page 267:19-22

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #215 Central theme: "I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me." Review: #195 "Love is the way I walk in gratitude."

I am gaining confidence in learning how to get out of my own way, relying on the wisdom which is heard through spiritual sense. Today is not about being grateful to God, but because of God! God is Love. To experience and demonstrate this Love, nothing is required of me other than my awareness of it. When facing circumstances which feel difficult, I will look at them under the microscope of Love, honestly wanting to know the Truth of the situation. In gratitude, I open my eyes to whatever may be revealed.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"We should examine ourselves and learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart, for in this way only can we learn what we honestly are. If a friend informs us of a fault, do we listen patiently to the rebuke and credit what is said? Do we not rather give thanks that we are "not as other men"? During many years the author has been most grateful for merited rebuke.” Science & Health Pages 8:28-3

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Giving It Up To Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #214 Central theme: "I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me." Review: #194 "I place the future in the Hands of God."

I know a woman who is involved in the messy settlement of her mom's estate. When she gets letters from the attorneys, she puts them in her bible and says she's giving it to God. This is NOT what we're talking about today! The willingness to radically rely on God opens the way for ideas and spiritual sense to lead us in ways we may not have considered before. Things may then "come up" from the depths of our emotional stores, allowing them to be acknowledged and released. That's what I call "giving it to God"! The past is gone. With every letting go of well-rehearsed, long-gone events, or the quiet release of guilt or pain, peace becomes reality for me. It doesn't matter if anyone was right or wrong, it doesn't make any difference what motives were involved, part of me has been emptied to be filled with the only reality: Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We cannot fill vessels already full. They must first be emptied. Let us disrobe error. Then, when the winds of God blow, we shall not hug our tatters close about us.”

Science & Health Page 201:13-15

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