Friday, October 11, 2013

October 12, 2013 - Awakening to Truth

"Horsehead Nebula"
from Hubble Telescope, NASA
ACIM Workbook Lesson #285
“My holiness shines bright and clear today.”

I've had the privilege of attending an art show which included an installation called "Cosmicpomorphic". The artist's daughter did an interpretive dance, set to original music, which beautifully explained the artist's thoughts while creating these paintings of "space-scapes". To me it spoke to the confusion we experience when being born into this illusory world. We move through life without a clue, enjoying some things and being terribly hurt by others. Then one day we realize that it is more than we think it is. We awaken to what has always been there: the kingdom of heaven within our own selves. I truly feel we are on the verge of a mass awakening. Yes, many people are fighting against such a thing, in fear that they might lose control. Laughable, isn't it? What control?? Today I accept my true holiness! This awakening has always been possible. Let's have the willingness to accept it!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We must form perfect models in thought and look at them continually, or we shall never carve them out in grand and noble lives. Let unselfishness, goodness, mercy, justice, health, holiness, love—the kingdom of heaven—reign within us, and sin, disease, and death will diminish until they finally disappear”

Science & Health Page 248:25-32

Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 11, 2013 - Changing Thoughts That Hurt

"Utah Fall"
photo by Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #284
“I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt.”

I know a woman who is in her 90s. Since her husband passed on, she has been unhappy with everything around her. Holidays only remind her of times they shared, and she's sad they're gone. The changing of seasons brings grief for various husband-related reasons. She doesn't enjoy meals or celebrations of any sort because she can't share the time with him. We have spoken numerous times about this, as she talks about him a lot. Every time she relates her grief, I remind her of her happiness. I don't think she knows it's all right to be happy. She feels she would dishonor him by having fun without him. I see it as the opposite: the dishonor is in the turning from joy to sadness in the name of love. Today I will examine the thoughts I have that hurt. Is it possible to change the pain to quiet joy by a slight shift in thought about the situation? I look forward to finding out! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“It is self-evident that we are harmonious only as we cease to manifest evil or the belief that we suffer from the sins of others. Disbelief in error destroys error, and leads to the discernment of Truth”

Science & Health Page 346: 13-16

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 10, 2013 - Utopia

"Happy Bird"
Primal Image
by Sandy Wythawai Starbird
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”

Imagine the utopia of life lived in the acceptance of our true Identity as a creation of divine Mind. When we see that we are a reflection of God, Love, when we understand that our essence is Truth, then we are able to accept our Identify and demonstrate that truth in daily life. One of the most valuable tools I have found is the ability to say, "I was wrong." Or perhaps the necessary allowance is admitting that I'm not always right! Small distinction there, but it seems more difficult. Nevertheless, Divine Mind guides and governs us all, when we allow it.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.”

Science & Health Page 126:8-14

October 9, 2013 - Peace, Love, Now

"Peace in Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #282
“I will not be afraid of love today.”

"Imagine" by John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... 

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... 

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one 

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... 

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love is priestess at the altar of Truth. Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept.”

Science & Health Page 454:21-23

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 8, 2013 - Open Thought to Change

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #281
“I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.”

Today's ACIM lesson begins a ten-day examination of "What is the Holy Spirit". The Holy Spirit is the memory of what you are, what you always have been, what you always will be. This becomes clear when interference is cleared, allowing us to hear this gentle presence speaking within our consciousness.  How this will be heard is as individual as you are. Our Oneness doesn't dictate that we are all the same. On the contrary! We are led in ways we couldn't have concocted in our own mind. Divine Mind is quite another story, where everything is limitless in scope. Let's grow with our new perception, expressing spiritual completeness in daily experience. That's the Holy Spirit!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear." 
Science & Health Page 506:18-21

October 7, 2013 - No Limits

"Sunset on the Delaware River"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
A CIM Workbook Lesson #280
"What limits can I lay upon God's Son?"

We all know of instances which seem miraculous to material sense. The most profound one which comes to me is of a woman born without eyes, yet she could see. We are able to understand this phenomena on many levels. Materially we could say that she is mind reading, "seeing" what others think about colors and placement of furniture and such things. Spiritually we know that we are all One, and hence know everything because we reflect all that Is. Both of these concepts can seem impossible while we're stuck in the day-to-day illusions we accept as real. Let's start out with small practice sessions to see where expansion of thought can take us. I enjoy giving my dog commands without speaking or gesturing. This is much easier than trying to open my thought to what he has to say! Animal communication is one of my daily goals as I work towards the clarity which comes with letting go of erroneous thought. Kinship with all Life. Namaste ~~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The everlasting I AM is not bounded nor compressed within the narrow limits of physical humanity, nor can He be understood aright through mortal concepts. The precise form of God must be of small importance in comparison with the sublime question, What is infinite Mind or divine Love?"

Science & Health Page 256:13-18

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6, 2013 - Freedom From Bondage

"Park City Mountain Resort"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #279
“Creation's freedom promises my own.”

When we are told we are free, we have an idea of what that means. What of our imagined bondage? I know I live with limiting beliefs every day, and it often seems impossible to be released from them. As children we are told not to talk to strangers, to be careful lest we fall, to be afraid of God, to live in certain ways in order to gain the approval of others -- the list goes on. We think a multitude of rules and beliefs must be obeyed in order to survive and thrive, and when we start to realize most of these so-called rules have nothing to do with our true existence, it can be frightening -- and exhilarating! The freedom of our true creation is seen through a change in our perception of reality. Taking ourselves out of the prison of preconceived notions allows the Love we are to show through our actions in sublime ways. And we glimpse freedom.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Omnipotent and infinite Mind [God] made all and includes all. This Mind does not make mistakes and subsequently correct them.”

Science and Health Page 206:28–30

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