Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 3, 2014 - Safe and One

Phi Phi Island, Thailand"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #337
"My sinlessness protects me from all harm."

The sinlessness which protects us from all harm refers to a realization of our unity with God. Remember, we've defined sin as anything which separates us from the Love which is God. I have a very dear friend who was a Marine in the Viet Nam conflict. He spent two years in hell, at times shooting people with machine guns for so long he couldn't feel his arms. Even though he doesn't often speak of those days, his life has been a series of tragedies and illnesses. It could be said he's a victim of life's circumstances. I so often wish he could see his sinlessness as a child of Love. Only through the eyes of God can he be seen in this sinlessness. Left to material sense, there is blame, guilt, shame. I pray today that we recognize the untouched purity which is our birthright as the evidence and experience of God. Namaste' ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The sinless joy, — the perfect harmony and immortality of Life, possessing unlimited divine beauty and goodness without a single bodily pleasure or pain, —constitutes the only veritable, indestructible man, whose being is spiritual."

 Science & Health Page 76:22-26

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 2, 2014 - Sweeping Away Distortion

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #336
"Forgiveness lets me know that minds are joined."

"Forgiveness sweeps away distortion, and opens the hidden altar to the truth."  Looking at this sentence, even through the limited eyes of our mortal mind, it seems so beautifully true! I was chatting with a friend who tells me that her neighbor is convinced there is a mountain lion in their country neighborhood. He's going through all sorts of interesting practices in an attempt to "insure his family's safety". I live in town and my next door neighbor has strobe lights going all night long off of his back porch, attempting to deter turkey vultures from bedding down in the trees surrounding his house. Both of these people are afraid for reasons only they know. I can join them, either by fearing along with them or thinking about how silly I believe their actions to be. Either way would exacerbate their fears. So knowing that our minds are joined by virtue of our parent Mind, I choose forgiveness and allow love to replace any feelings of ridicule which may tempt me. Now that I've said it, let's see if I can do it!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The nearer a false belief approaches truth without passing the boundary where, having been destroyed by divine Love, it ceases to be even an illusion, the riper it becomes for destruction. The more material the belief, the more obvious its error, until divine Spirit, supreme in its domain, dominates all matter, and man is found in the likeness of Spirit, his original being."

Science & Health Page 97:14-20

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014 - Unforgivable?

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook  Lesson #334
"Today I claim the gifts forgiveness gives."

Does the word "unforgivable" exist in your vocabulary? Do you think of certain acts as being too heinous to release from your blame? It could be that something you did, personally, in your past remains unforgivable in your own mind. There are a multitude of things we can hold against ourselves and others. An epiphany in thought can free you from the bonds of guilt and/or blame. The realization that God does not blame anyone for anything frees us to do the same. Allowing ourselves to see the world as God sees it -- because we are the evidence and experience of God -- sets up a whole new paradigm from the religious dogma which has been passed down for millennia. We needn't be afraid to claim our place as a worthy and loved individual expression of divine Mind. We're learning to follow our heart rather than our brain -- and it sure feels Good!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts."

Science & Health Page  497:9-11

November 29, 2014 - Conflicted

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook  Lesson #333
“Forgiveness ends the dream of conflict here.”

When there is something we feel conflicted about, we can examine it and resolve it through forgiveness. I am reminded of the feeling of conflict I felt surrounding the myth of Santa Claus. When my son was two and I was expecting my second child, I announced to a friend that I wasn't going to do the Santa charade. She told me that was a terrible thing to do to children and gave me many reasons why I shouldn't do away with their belief in this massive illusion. And so I gave in and perpetuated this suppositional conflict within myself. This is a perfect example of all the illusion we willingly put on ourselves, isn't it? The spirit of Christmas is defined in many superficial ways, and it seems the most blatant of these is Santa Claus. It is used in the same way religion tends to use God. If you are good, if you don't cry, if you don't pout, then Santa/God will give you certain things. If you break these rules, you'd better watch out! Yes, Santa is fun and yes God is good. And there are so many ways to celebrate the goodness which is innately ours through our inseparable Oneness with God! There is so much to celebrate in the reality of this beautiful life! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The suppositional warfare between truth and error is only the mental conflict between the evidence of the spiritual senses and the testimony of the material senses, and this warfare between the Spirit and flesh will settle all questions through faith in and the understanding of divine Love.”

Science & Health Page 288:3-7

December 1, 2014 - Pure and Sinless

"Thailand Wildlife"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #335
"I choose to see my brother's sinlessness."

Forgiveness is a choice. I remember years ago during a metaphysical society meeting someone saying, "Evil is a choice". She said this in relation to years of sexual abuse and psychological torture, perpetrated by the two people she should have trusted most as a child. She recognized that evil was a choice when she was presented with what seemed to be an overwhelming suggestion to do something similar to her infant child. In that moment, she realized she could choose, and she did. Now she chooses forgiveness in all aspects of her life. She has chosen to see her parents in the holy light of Love. She has chosen to live her life in peace, with a willingness to turn from past remembrances and see things in the reality of God's Love. She has chosen forgiveness for herself and everyone, knowing that we are One.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Reasoning from cause to effect in the Science of Mind, we begin with Mind, which must be understood through the idea which expresses it and cannot be learned from its opposite, matter. Thus we arrive at Truth, or intelligence, which evolves its own unerring idea and never can be coordinate with human illusions. If Soul sinned, it would be mortal, for sin is mortality's self, because it kills itself. If Truth is immortal, error must be mortal, because error is unlike Truth. Because Soul is immortal, Soul cannot sin, for sin is not the eternal verity of being."

Science & Health Page 467:29-7

Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 28, 2014 - Fear Binds; Forgiveness Frees

ACIM Workbook Lesson #332
“Fear binds the world. Forgiveness sets it free.”

How many things are you bound to by fear? I know there have been many fears which have dictated my actions. Perhaps fear of being alone binds you to relationships which have served their purpose and need to be released. This might be thought of as a "failure" -- which brings up another fear, huh? What if we don't think of the ending of a marriage or friendship as a failure, but as a progression of this life? The same may be said of a career or hobby. These things can be steps on a journey to somewhere you never dreamed you would go. If you've planned your life in every detail, it may seem like giving up to move on to something else. That's why I love this way of thought! There are no rules, other than listening for divine Mind to guide and lead us to wherever we need to be. This guidance doesn't always mean leaving something -- it could be staying with a job or relationship, regardless of what logic dictates. Listening and following is always an adventure!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Until the majesty of Truth should be demonstrated in divine Science, the spiritual idea was arraigned before the tribunal of so-called mortal mind, which was unloosed in order that the false claim of mind in matter might uncover its own crime of defying immortal Mind.

Science & Health Page 564:19-23

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 27, 2014 - Awakening Peace

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #331
“There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.”

"Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening". I love this line from today's ACIM lesson. Today begins a series of ten teachings geared to help us understand what the ego, which is spoken of so often in these lessons, actually is. If the thoughts we are having cause us conflict, they are of the ego -- or mortal mind, as Mary Baker Eddy refers to it. If there is harmony and peace, then our thoughts are God's ideas. Actually, there is nothing other than divine Idea; everything else is illusion. That is why erroneous thought is considered unreal. The only reality is God. Either God is All or God is not. Hearing statements like this is when that little ego kicks in and makes a fuss. How can that be, it says? What about me?? Don't be afraid to tell it to be still. It is, after all, unreal. The silence that replaces the clamor holds the harmony of Being.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"When advanced to spiritual being and the understanding of God, man can no longer commune with matter; neither can he return to it, any more than a tree can return to its seed. Neither will man seem to be corporeal, but he will be an individual consciousness, characterized by the divine Spirit as idea, not matter."

Science & Health Page 76:12-17

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