Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Disappearing Footprints of the Past

"Mt. Timpanogos"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #288
“Let me forget my brother's past today.”

I spent some time visiting with old friends whom I hadn't seen in two or three years. It was a joy-filled afternoon, remembering good times we'd shared together in what seems to be another lifetime.  I was particularly delighted because they seem to have forgiven many things they had  deemed to be unforgivable when we last visited. Most of these actions had occurred years, even decades, before, and the strain of long-held hurts were taking their toll on my friends. There had been a bitter edge in their voices and the strain of pain showing around their eyes, but this last visit was entirely different. None of the old pain was discussed and they both seemed more relaxed, happier, and accepting of life, joking about circumstances which in the past were bemoaned. I'm seeing this yielding and forgiving more within myself and, also, in others. I Hope you are, too!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“As the crude footprints of the past disappear from the dissolving paths of the present, we shall better understand the Science which governs these changes, and shall plant our feet on firmer ground.”

Science & Health Page 224:4-7

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Falling Into Divine Love

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #287
“You are my goal, my Father. Only You.”

In the early 1900s, people flocked to Eureka Springs for the healing waters. Thousands of people in need found their way here, as they still do today. People are drawn to our town, often without knowing why. I love watching the transformation as people's thought changes from focusing on the problem to relaxing into Truth. In varying degrees, we are all realizing that true healing comes when we release our beliefs in things and open ourselves to feeling the presence of Love. When this is our only desire, when there is no other need or want, new perceptions become visible and viable. Often it takes extreme conditions to cause us to seek the understanding of our unity with God. But isn't it sweet when we skip that step and fall straight into the Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man.” 

Science & Health Page 560:11-15

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hush of Heaven - October 13, 2015

"Bryce Canyon Sunrise"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #286
“The hush of Heaven holds my heart today.”

We're doing less and accomplishing more; soon we'll be doing nothing and accomplishing everything! I don't know where I first heard that statement, but I love it!! And I love the word "hush", as it's used in the ACIM workbook lesson topic: "The hush of Heaven holds my heart today." It sounds and feels like what it means! A quiet susserence which feels like nestling into a featherbed, or maybe the sound of a snowfall late at night -- the hush of something exquisitely cozy. These are the feelings I'll call to mind today while remembering there is nothing I need do, because it is already done.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Having no other gods, turning to no other but the one perfect Mind to guide him, man is the likeness of God, pure and eternal, having that Mind which was also Christ."

Science & Health Page 467:13-16

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Joy Loves Company!

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #285
“My holiness shines bright and clear today.”

I heard someone say something which I hadn't heard in a long, long time: Misery loves company. Is that why so many of the conversations we hear center around disease and inclement weather? Yikes! I suppose it would be too rude and counterproductive to tell people why this way of existence is not conducive to happiness. But I can feel joy -- and scatter it!! -- even in the face of any suffering thought which is brought to me today. And no, this won't be a laughing-in-the-face-of-sorrow type of joy. This will be a gentle joy, a quiet joy, sent out in true compassion, born from the acknowledgement of divine reality. This will be my holiness shining today. We know that joy loves company, too. Let's see how infectious happiness can be!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
The periods of spiritual ascension are the days and seasons of Mind’s creation, in which beauty, sublimity, purity, and holiness — yea, the divine nature — appear in man and the universe never to disappear.
Science & Health Page 509:24-28

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Changing Hurtful Thought

Harry Dog and the Christmas Bears
ACIM Workbook Lesson #284
“I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt.”

The process of turning around all hurtful thoughts is an interesting one! Through years of desiring to see with the eyes of Truth, its realization now comes more frequently and with more ease. As a 12-year-old, the loss of my dog was devastating. I wouldn't allow myself to love another animal for more than ten years. After giving myself permission to love again, I have gradually brought my thought closer to understanding the Oneness of Love. When looking in the eyes of a beloved pet, I see those which I've loved in the past. Often when talking to a new friend, I may have deja-vu-ish feelings of being with someone in the past. All these experiences bring the realization of the Oneness of all being, and I relish each loss and gain in this embrace. Whatever the hurt or suffering seems to be, it can be perceived in another way. Love fills our being from its core to its edge. This unbroken reality allows me to feel a gentle Presence in every experience. And I am grateful.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The human mind will sometime rise above all material and physical sense, exchanging it for spiritual perception, and exchanging human concepts for the divine consciousness.” Science & Health Page 531:11-13

Friday, October 9, 2015

Truth Shining Through

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”

Imagine the utopia of living life in the acceptance of our true Identity as a creation of divine Mind. When we see that we are a reflection of Love, when we understand that our essence is Truth, then we are able to accept our identity and watch it blossom in daily life. Over the years, we develop a complex idea of who we are, and we spend a great deal of time defending and adding to this concept. The thought of giving that up can be distressing, and many of us refuse to even consider it. But what if this yielding expanded our identity rather than causing it to disappear? There is no need of losing yourself in the process of acknowledging unity. Just imagine — 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Man is not absorbed in Deity, and God’s man cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal Life; nor is he an isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance.” Science & Health Page 259:1-5

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Concepts of Love

ACIM Workbook Lesson #282
“I will not be afraid of love today.”

A friend from the west coast visits our fair village once a year and he is here now. We were having a conversation and he told me he has decided he is incapable of love. Now this is the kind of statement that I relish because I know we're going to have a great conversation! I started out asking him if he's ever loved an animal. "Sure," he says, "but I can't love another person." After asking him a barrage of questions, I dropped the major Truth that he refuses to accept: There is only one Love, expressed in whatever way we choose. This is a man whose company I enjoy for his love of music, his passion for quantum physics, and his never-ending interest in things he doesn't understand. He went away pondering that there is no such thing as an inability to love, only a decision to choose something else instead. I look forward to our next conversation!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love is priestess at the altar of Truth. Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept.”

Science & Health Page 454:21-23

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                        Humans are extremely resilient, and our environment is awesome in its regenerative powers. The Book of Hope, by Jane...