Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nothing to Lose in This Sacrifice!

photo credit: Chris Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #323
"I gladly make the 'sacrifice' of fear"

Why is it so difficult to let go of something we don't want? No one wants to live in fear, but it seems we've convinced ourselves its necessary for survival. I know I fall into this trap. I want to think subjectively from divine Mind, but constantly fall into the objective stance of thinking about God rather than thinking as the expression of God. The fear-based life going on around us seems to be contagious. I'm tired of living from a place of worry about what-if situations. The confusion which comes from a mind full of crazy scenarios and potentially dangerous situations is not the way I choose to be. So today I am actively giving away these feelings in favor of peace and Love, knowing it becomes easier with every so-called sacrifice of fear.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Give up your material belief of mind in matter, and have but one Mind, even God; for this Mind forms its own likeness."

Science & Health Page 216:30-32

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Illumined by Light

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #322
“I can give up but what was never real.”

Have you noticed we often want to hold on to illusions, perhaps fearing that giving up long-held beliefs will diminish us? Today's lesson explains how we cannot give up anything real, so there is nothing to fear. As I look at this world we have made, many metaphors for this holding-on-letting-go action come to thought.  Most people I know are yearning for a more simple existence, in which needs are met in nurturing ways. We want real food, grown by people we know, with love. We don't want knick-knacks to fill our shelves, but instead find meaningful objects which bring grace and beauty to our lives. These changes in material trappings exemplify the changes in our thought, whereby we strive to release illusive beliefs in exchange for the new/old ideas of Spirit. Today I will recognize the difference in unnecessary illusions, which only serve to dull my sense, and the palpably glowing Ideas which nourish me.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is the idea of Spirit; he reflects the beatific presence, illuming the universe with light.”

Science and Health Page 266:27–29

Monday, November 16, 2015

Freedom in Love

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #321
“Father, my freedom is in You alone.”

What wondrous freedom we are finding through our recognition of everyone as the expression of divine Love! Recognizing our being as this Creation frees us from hurt feelings and thoughts of retaliation during times when things don't go as we had hoped and expected. I have a dear friend who has gone through what is traditionally known as a break-up with the woman he was going to marry. He sees this as a natural progression of their relationship, feeling that they had a wonderful time together, that they learned a lot about life, and it's all right if they go their separate ways. I think he feels this way because he knows that Love includes everyone, not just those whose actions we like. This knowledge brings us the freedom to be joyful and allows others the same right! I am very grateful.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss.” Science & Health 480:3-4

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Powerful Thought

ACIM Workbook Lesson #320
“My Father gives all power unto me.”

Most religious doctrine and non-secular belief propounds the idea that we, as humans, are weak, sinful, and powerless. Our interpretation of the language of ACIM and Mary Baker Eddy could tend to keep us in that belief too, if we are holding onto past perceptions. But we are being asked to release everything we ever knew in order to see ourselves as the actual experience of God. It's very difficult to stop thinking of God as somewhere out there, and that's why I find it helpful to use some of the synonyms for Deity. Thinking of myself as a creation of divine Mind, a reflection of divine Love, makes it easier to grasp these concepts without separation. Would I rather see God as an old man in the sky, or as divine Love flowing in and through everything, not as a judgmental figure but as a gentle presence? I know which one brings me peace!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Mortals must look beyond fading, finite forms, if they would gain the true sense of things. Where shall the gaze rest but in the unsearchable realm of Mind? We must look where we would walk, and we must act as possessing all power from Him in whom we have our being."

Science & Health  Page 264:7-12

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Unprejudiced Minds

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #319
“I came for the salvation of the world.”

During the five years in which our metaphysical society met weekly, I had the chance to experience a multitude of folks who wanted to save the world. Today's lesson topic, "I came for the salvation of the world", seems to be telling us to go forth and proselytize, or perhaps to save souls or something of that sort. It is not. This lesson tells us, "...what one gains is given unto all", and the salvation spoken of is not to be found at some future date, but now, always. Every iota of Truth we accept is a gift to the world. We are all the expression of divine Mind and it only takes a cleansing of ego-based thought to accept this. By our humble yielding, we begin to understand that our salvation lies in this knowledge!

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Millions of unprejudiced minds--simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert--are waiting and watching for rest and drink.”

Science & Health Page 570:14-17

Friday, November 13, 2015

We're All This Together

"Early Morning Skiing in Utah"
photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #318
“In me salvation's means and end are one.”

We're all in this together, although it appears as though we all see things through different eyes. We seem to be satellites, rotating around something unseen, sometimes floating in unison, often bumping into each other and throwing our orbit out of sync — but we're all in this together. Let's leave out the word "in": We're all this together. This togetherness sometimes manifests itself as groups of people who commingle for the joy of being with each other. We may have book clubs, and study groups, and sewing circles, and various groups of people who come together in communion. This fellowship has been sought-after since the beginning of time. Personally, I have no interest in being a part of any group simply to be with others. There must be a communication which surpasses the ordinary. I want stunning honesty, inspiring exchanges, Love shared. From this demonstrated Oneness with each other as the experience of God, salvation is realized as the means, the end, the Only.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
 "Knowing the Science of creation, in which all is Mind and its ideas, Jesus rebuked the material thought of his fellow-countrymen: 'Ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?' How much more should we seek to apprehend the spiritual ideas of God, than to dwell on the objects of sense! To discern the rhythm of Spirit and to be holy, thought must be purely spiritual."

.Science & Health Page 509:28-5

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Yielding to Truth

photo credit: Kailey Jones
ACIM Workbook Lesson #317
“I follow in the way appointed me.”

"Isn't it interesting ...". When I hear this phrase coming out of my mouth in a sanctimonious tone, I've found it to be an indicator that I'm getting ready to give a speech based on strong opinions and unnecessary emotions. Watching people in leadership roles, I've noticed something similar with them, too. Their words seem to be ego-based, their ideas headstrong, and their demeanor unhappy. Then I look at my friends who are following the law of Love, scattering contagious joy as they "follow in the way appointed". This comparison gives me renewed resolve to break away from the bonds of learned behavior and let myself follow Truth's calling. And if I err and jump up on my high horse to pontificate, thank goodness I get to choose again!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“All the evidence of physical sense and all the knowledge obtained from physical sense must yield to Science, to the immortal truth of all things.”

Science & Health 493:6-8

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