Monday, November 20, 2017

Ideas of Divine Mind

PC: Mauwena Davies
ACIM Workbook Lesson #325 “All things I think I see reflect ideas.”

I Am an idea of divine Mind. I am a product of all the thoughts I have, I decide what those thoughts mean, and what might come about because of them. Which one of these sentences do you think is true? Thinking about being an idea of God is one thing; Being that Idea is yet another! Objectively thinking about being an idea of Mind is easy, but to subjectively reflect this idea might seem impossible. Could a sunbeam be anything other than an emanation of the sun? We, as a creation of divine Mind, cannot be anything other than Its experience. As a material creature subject to all the whims of mortal mind, we never know what to expect. Thank goodness we're actually spiritual!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Ideas of Truth alone are reflected in the myriad manifestations of Life, and thus it is seen that man springs solely from Mind.” Science & Health Page 543:26-28

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Listen and Follow

PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #324 “I merely follow, for I would not lead.”

Many people are concerned about what to do with themselves upon retirement. Most of the people I know are concerned they may end up working more than before, as there are so many good causes they want to support. Following the guidance of divine Mind never steers us wrong. This following may be difficult for people who are accustomed to weighing the pros and cons of situations before making decisions. What a perfect time to put into practice the reliance on inner knowing we've been learning! To quietly listen is a learned behavior. If you are used to being busy all the time, if your thoughts are constantly in motion, it can be quite a change to expect answers from silence. Start doing it now! Place thought on the question, then let it go, allowing your mind to be quiet. You may be surprised by the immediate results!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“What we most need is the prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace, expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds.  Science & Health Page 4:3-4 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

No Fear

PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #323 "I gladly make the 'sacrifice' of fear"

Why is it so difficult to let go of something we don't want? No one wants to live in fear, but it seems that we've convinced ourselves it’s necessary for survival. I know I sometimes fall into this trap. I want to think subjectively from divine Mind, but constantly fall into the objective stance of thinking about God rather than thinking as the expression of God. The fear-based life going on around us seems to be contagious. I'm tired of living from a place of worry about what-if situations! The confusion which comes from a mind full of crazy scenarios and potentially dangerous situations is not the way I choose to be. So today I am actively giving away these feelings in favor of peace and Love, knowing it becomes easier with every so-called sacrifice of fear.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Give up your material belief of mind in matter, and have but one Mind, even God; for this Mind forms its own likeness."

Science & Health Page 216:30-32

Friday, November 17, 2017

Give Up What?

photo credit: Richard Quick 
ACIM Workbook Lesson #322 “I can give up but what was never real.”

When you think of giving things up, what comes to mind? Perhaps it's giving up certain habits, or maybe foods that we deem to be bad for us, or perhaps things which are cluttering our life. Whatever comes to thought, rest assured it's not real! I often think of this statement: It's not what enters the mouth which defiles us, but what comes out. But giving up negative chatter and gossipy talk is also not real, given the definition we're working with today! Only that which is a manifestation of divine Mind, God, is real. So these things we give up are simply clearing the way for reality! This reality becomes apparent, but we know it's always been there, waiting to be revealed in the "twinkling of an eye" if we're truly willing to release what binds us. Let there be light!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is the idea of Spirit; he reflects the beatific presence, illuming the universe with light.”

Science and Health Page 266:27–29

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Harmony and Bliss

PC: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #321 “Father, my freedom is in You alone.”

Someone close to me has been going through an experience which would traditionally be thought of as betrayal and a cause for great emotional pain. As we spoke over the phone, he mentioned more than once how odd it was that he felt all right about the situation. He is seeing the relationship as one which has brought great joy to his life experience. As we grow in our understanding of Creation, we start to see we actually are the expression of divine Love, God. In this realization, we begin to utilize spiritual sense, which opens a whole new view of life. Releasing thoughts of how we should react to situations as dictated by material senses, we free ourselves to be expressions of Creation, without the belief systems we've always relied upon. And in this freedom, there is joy!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss.” Science & Health 480:3-4

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

True Sense of Things

photo credit: Arthur Bruno
ACIM Workbook Lesson #320 “My Father gives all power unto me.”

Most religious doctrine and non-secular belief propounds the idea that we, as humans, are weak, sinful, and powerless. Our interpretation of the language of ACIM and Mary Baker Eddy could tend to keep us in that belief too, if we are holding onto past perceptions. But we are being asked to release everything we ever knew in order to see ourselves as the actual experience of God. It's very difficult to stop thinking of God as somewhere out there, and that's why I find it helpful to use some synonyms for Deity. Thinking of myself as a creation of divine Mind, a reflection of divine Love, makes it easier to grasp these concepts without separation. Would I rather see God as an old man in the sky, or as divine Love flowing in and through everything, not as a judgmental figure but as a gentle presence? I know which one brings me peace!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Mortals must look beyond fading, finite forms, if they would gain the true sense of things. Where shall the gaze rest but in the unsearchable realm of Mind? We must look where we would walk, and we must act as possessing all power from Him in whom we have our being." Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 264:7-12

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Humility or Arrogance?

ACIM Workbook Lesson #319 “I came for the salvation of the world.”

I love how this lesson tells us there is no arrogance in the realization that we are here for the salvation of the world! When we think we can do everything through our own mortal thought, this is the height of arrogance. Perhaps true humility comes from the realization that we can do nothing on our own, but that we are capable of everything when allowing our true self to shine, demonstrating what it means to be a reflection of divine Mind. By this humble yielding to our divine nature, we are admitting that what/who we are is indeed spiritual not material. From this point, there are no limits and we are free to live Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Millions of unprejudiced minds--simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert--are waiting and watching for rest and drink.”

Science & Health Page 570:14-17

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