When I got home from church duties today, it was nearing sundown. The sky was every color imaginable. The grays rolling across the blue and pink and orange, highlighted by blackness here and there, with even a few flashes of distant lightning. Then there were big fluffy golden-glowing clouds, defying description. The wind was blowing enough that the vultures were floating around on the currents, playing their before-sleep games while entertaining all who enjoy watching them, not minding who loves them or despises them. The dogs and cats watched the birds, who happily played chase with each other, or perhaps the game was Simon Says. It’s truly a glorious time to be sitting on the front porch! As John Cougar Mellencamp says: “Life goes on, long after the thrill of livin’ is gone.” This life is a thrill! Which reminds me of something I've told before: Life is like a roller coaster. Some people find it scary and stressful; others think it's exciting and fun. It's all how we look at it, don't you think?