Friday, October 6, 2023

Seeing What Is

From Meow Wolf in Denver, CO

Everyone has heard the tale about blind people touching different parts of an elephant, and their interpretations of what they are feeling. It seems to me that's where we are in the current political imbroglio. Some people see Democrats as the devil's spawn; others see Republicans as brainwashed automatons. Where does it end? An election won't stop the disagreements, any more than a civilized debate will resolve our differences. For years I've looked for common ground on which to stand with one another. You would think love, peace, health, and happiness would be desired by everyone, but it seems people interpret these values in different ways. This is one of the reasons I love A Course in Miracles. We are taught to release any preconceived notions concerning what things mean. Look at a table and see it for what it is; not what you think about it and what it brings up in memories. As we practice doing this with things and situations, something shifts within us, allowing truth to be known and belief to be released. We don't automatically become all-knowing beings, but we learn to recognize the fallacy of our interpretations. So next time you think you're touching a snake, remember it just might be an elephant's trunk! 

"Science shows that material, conflicting mortal opinions and beliefs emit the effects of error at all times, but this atmosphere of mortal mind cannot be destructive to morals and health where it is opposed promptly and persistently by Christian Science. Truth and Love antidote this mental miasma, and thus invigorate and sustain existence." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 273:29

“Let all your brother’s errors be to you nothing except a chance for you to see the workings of the Helper given you to see the world He made instead of yours. What, then, is justified? What do you want? For these two questions are the same. And when you see them as the same, your choice is made. For it is seeing them as one that brings release from the belief there are two ways to see. This world has much to offer to your peace, and many chances to extend your own forgiveness. Such its purpose is, to those who want to see peace and forgiveness descend on them, and offer them the light.” 

A Course in Miracles T-25.III.7:2-9

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Grateful for my Neighbor/Friend


Linwood Ladies on Election Day, 2020

There’s nothing like good friends and neighbors, and it’s especially wonderful when these categories overlap! This evening I had a lovely, long visit with my across-the-street neighbor, Chris. Our conversations always jump around to every conceivable topic, but tonight we both had a desire for light, fun banter, so we talked about movies, books, numerous television series, and our cats and dogs. While I love everyone on my street, this woman is the icing on the cake as far as neighbors are concerned. She has had an interesting life, is well-read, funny, intelligent, and knowledgeable about current affairs. A few months ago I sang the praises or another friend, and I truly think we should tell people how wonderful they are and how much they mean to us. Today I feel a close kinship with my neighbor/friend, and my heart is full of affection and good will which spills over onto this page. How fortunate I am that she moved to our street! 

“Such is my will for you and your brother, and for each of you for one another and for himself. Here there is only holiness and joining without limit. For what is Heaven but union, direct and perfect, and without the veil of fear upon it? Here are we one, looking with perfect gentleness upon each other and on ourselves. Here all thoughts of any separation between us become impossible. You who were a prisoner in separation are now made free in Paradise. And here would I unite with you, my friend, my brother and my Self.” 

A Course in Miracles T-20.III.10:1-7

“Kindred tastes, motives, and aspirations are necessary to the formation of a happy and permanent companionship. The beautiful in character is also the good, welding indissolubly the links of affection.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 60:4-8

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

May I Rise Where I Have Fallen

Art by Mohamed Elabari

Yesterday was a time of clearing out papers and miscellaneous items from a storage area in my home. It was a happy trip through the past, but perhaps it’s the reason I awoke this morning with an influx of regret. As I contemplated unfortunate events which flooded my memory, a documentary about the functioning of our brains came to mind. It seems that every time we remember something which has happened, we change it, and then it becomes part of our delusion concerning the past! This helped me to break the mesmerism I was subjecting myself to, and I remembered that no matter how bad I felt about something, it would not change. But my thought about it could. I can forgive myself and move forward, living for what is, not what was or could be. A few hours later when opening my email, it was with joy I read the following which was part of Marianne Williamson’s morning meditation:

“I atone in my heart for the mistakes I have made: the recklessness and irresponsibility, the laziness and dishonesty, the harm I have caused myself or others. I pray for those who I may have harmed, and ask that they be healed of any pain I might have caused them. I vow to be a better person now, that I might rise where before I had fallen, and shine where I had dwelled in darkness.

Today I atone for the mistakes of my past.” 

Marianne Williamson

“The atonement is a hard problem in theology, but its scientific explanation is, that suffering is an error of sinful sense which Truth destroys, and that eventually both sin and suffering will fall at the feet of everlasting Love.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 23:-7-11

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Space Between Thoughts

Ozark Morning Photo courtesy of Mark McGee

It seems I can be perfectly calm and contented if I don’t talk to people! I’m sure many of you know what I mean. It’s easy to be unpleasantly surprised by the behaviors and reactions of others. When we see instances of people exhibiting their highest good, then witness the opposite in the next instant-- well, it gives pause. In this world, where we want to analyze everything and find answers to questions we don't even know how to ask, it's tempting to become angry in the face of divisive behavior, bullying actions, and accusations from those who should know better. But let's not, okay? Rather than react, let’s go to “the space between our thoughts”. There are many techniques for doing this, and people like to label the activity as prayer or meditation. It doesn’t matter what we call it, as long as we’re able to do it. I think this is one of the reasons I love duplicate bridge. When I’m playing, there is no room in my mind for worrying or wondering. It’s a single-minded enjoyment of mental gymnastics, and I love to lose myself in the world of cards, with nothing to think about but the coziness of something I know so well. I hope you don’t hesitate to lose yourself in a beloved activity! Namaste …

“It is impossible to accept the holy instant without reservation unless, just for an instant, you are willing to see no past or future. You cannot prepare for it without placing it in the future. Release is given you the instant you desire it. Many have spent a lifetime in preparation, and have indeed achieved their instants of success. This course does not attempt to teach more than they learned in time, but it does aim at saving time. You may be attempting to follow a very long road to the goal you have accepted. It is extremely difficult to reach Atonement by fighting against sin. Enormous effort is expended in the attempt to make holy what is hated and despised. Nor is a lifetime of contemplation and long periods of meditation aimed at detachment from the body necessary. All such attempts will ultimately succeed because of their purpose. Yet the means are tedious and very time consuming, for all of them look to the future for release from a state of present unworthiness and inadequacy.” 

A Course in Miracles T-18.VII.4:1-11

"We may well be perplexed at human fear, and still more astounded at hatred, which lifts its hydra head, showing its horns in the many inventions of evil. But why should we stand aghast at nothingness?" 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 563:4

Monday, October 2, 2023

Looking Up

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston

Fall is in the air! I've always loved this time of year, and am particularly looking forward to the changes in weather. There's a feeling of putting down something heavy, cleansing our palates, releasing the mugginess which has been hanging around for months, breathing deeply the crisp air — getting ready for freezing weather to release us from biting bugs and dying leaves. Ha! The lowering of humidity, the excitement of something big about to happen, the changes -- I look forward to this shift. The whole world is ready for a shift in thought; an epiphany of deeper understanding. Let’s all continue to hold the light for those who choose not to see. It is there for all, an open secret to happiness. May we keep looking up! Sending Love to all...

“The rays of infinite Truth, when gathered into the focus of ideas, bring light instantaneously, whereas a thousand years of human doctrines, hypotheses, and vague conjectures emit no such effulgence.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 504:23-26

“Yet even the little spark in your mind is enough to lighten it. Bring this light fearlessly with you, and bravely hold it up to the foundation of the ego’s thought system. Be willing to judge it with perfect honesty. Open the dark cornerstone of terror on which it rests, and bring it out into the light. There you will see that it rested on meaninglessness, and that everything of which you have been afraid was based on nothing.” 

A Course in Miracles

Sunday, October 1, 2023

An Invincible Love

“In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that in the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger -- something better, pushing right back." Albert Camus 

“The good in human affections must have ascendency over the evil and the spiritual over the animal, or happiness will never be won. The attainment of this celestial condition would improve our progeny, diminish crime, and give higher aims to ambition. Every valley of sin must be exalted, and every mountain of selfishness be brought low, that the highway of our God may be prepared in Science.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 61:4-10

“Thanks be to you, the holy Son of God. For as you were created, you contain all things within your Self. And you are still as God created you. Nor can you dim the light of your perfection. In your heart the Heart of God is laid. He holds you dear, because you are Himself. All gratitude belongs to you, because of what you are.” 

A Course in Miracles W-197.8:1-7

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Going Home to the Mountains

Rocky Mountain High

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life. Awakening from the stupefying effects of the vice of over-industry and the deadly apathy of luxury, they are trying as best they can to mix and enrich their own little ongoings with those of Nature, and to get rid of rust and disease.”   John Muir - Our National Parks

“To mortal mind, the universe is liquid, solid, and aëri-form. Spiritually interpreted, rocks and mountains stand for solid and grand ideas.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 511:23-25

“Accept the miracle of healing, and it will go forth because of what it is. It is its nature to extend itself the instant it is born. And it is born the instant it is offered and received. No one can ask another to be healed. But he can let himself be healed, and thus offer the other what he has received. Who can bestow upon another what he does not have? And who can share what he denies himself? The Holy Spirit speaks to you. He does not speak to someone else. Let by your listening His Voice extends, because you have accepted what He says.” 

A Course in Miracles T-27.V.1:3-12

New Today

Calling in Well!

Snow Messages of Love We are having a lovely, snowy night in the Ozarks. It brings back memories of when my boys were young and we would be ...