Wednesday, October 4, 2023

May I Rise Where I Have Fallen

Art by Mohamed Elabari

Yesterday was a time of clearing out papers and miscellaneous items from a storage area in my home. It was a happy trip through the past, but perhaps it’s the reason I awoke this morning with an influx of regret. As I contemplated unfortunate events which flooded my memory, a documentary about the functioning of our brains came to mind. It seems that every time we remember something which has happened, we change it, and then it becomes part of our delusion concerning the past! This helped me to break the mesmerism I was subjecting myself to, and I remembered that no matter how bad I felt about something, it would not change. But my thought about it could. I can forgive myself and move forward, living for what is, not what was or could be. A few hours later when opening my email, it was with joy I read the following which was part of Marianne Williamson’s morning meditation:

“I atone in my heart for the mistakes I have made: the recklessness and irresponsibility, the laziness and dishonesty, the harm I have caused myself or others. I pray for those who I may have harmed, and ask that they be healed of any pain I might have caused them. I vow to be a better person now, that I might rise where before I had fallen, and shine where I had dwelled in darkness.

Today I atone for the mistakes of my past.” 

Marianne Williamson

“The atonement is a hard problem in theology, but its scientific explanation is, that suffering is an error of sinful sense which Truth destroys, and that eventually both sin and suffering will fall at the feet of everlasting Love.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 23:-7-11

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