Friday, October 13, 2023

Loving and True Ideas

We’re all trying to be kinder in our communications. We’re all learning how to listen and ask questions without being confrontational. To me, these have been some of the most difficult life lessons. Listening without reaction, questioning without self-righteousness, learning from everyone — even those with opinions diametrically opposed to mine — maybe especially from them! One thing I’ve discovered is that it doesn’t matter what I say out loud, if my thoughts are confrontational. We can’t hide our true feelings behind the facade of kind words: we must be kind. Those of you who have pets know how true this is. You can’t hide your real feelings from an animal — or an aware human. Go forth with joy, because it shines through in your actions!

“A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive. The new idea, conceived and born of Truth and Love, is clad in white garments.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 463:12

“Every loving thought is true. Everything else is an appeal for healing and help, regardless of the form it takes. Can anyone be justified in responding with anger to a brother’s plea for help? No response can be appropriate except the willingness to give it to him, for this and only this is what he is asking for. Offer him anything else, and you are assuming the right to attack his reality by interpreting it as you see fit. Perhaps the danger of this to your own mind is not yet fully apparent. If you believe that an appeal for help is something else you will react to something else. Your response will therefore be inappropriate to reality as it is, but not to your perception of it.” 

A Course in Miracles T-12.I.3:3-10

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