Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23, 2012 - Unreal or True Thought?

Workbook Lesson #54
Today is the fourth of a ten-day review of the first lessons. For a guide to this review, and a short description of each of the five, go to this link:

Shared Thought at the Great Wall of China
Photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
Upon awakening today, I had about 20 inane and/or insane thoughts before I realized what I was doing! Thoughts that start out as simply as "What day is this and where am I supposed to be?" quickly followed a chain of remembrances which took me from a lovely cooking store to my childhood home, zooming over to a friend's house and a remembered conversation, and zipping back to a neglected household chore. This is why it is so important to guide your first thoughts in paths of Spirit. Without this discipline, we can spend all our time with meaningless thoughts which create turmoil rather than peace within us. I have found that leading first thoughts to Truth helps keep my mind in tune with the real for the rest of the day, rather than the material insanity which comes at us from every direction once we leave the sequestered world of our home. We so often feel we are bombarded by thoughts of fear and hostility, lack and disease, error and disharmony. What if our thoughts of peace and harmony could still the seeming turmoil of the world? Then would it be worth the effort to pull these thoughts away from the untrue and keep them steadfastly on the True? These teachings tell us that this is so, that we are not alone in experiencing the effects of our seeing. Everything true we think or speak or do is shared with all. How important then to see Reality rather than the insane beliefs we are taught by the repetition of them. What I see is what I think; what I think is what I see. Take a stand for Truth today and every day and see the transformational power.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Through discernment of the spiritual opposite of materiality, even the way through Christ, Truth, man will reopen with the key of divine Science the gates of Paradise which human beliefs have closed, and will find himself unfallen, upright, pure, and free, not needing to consult almanacs for the probabilities either of his life or of the weather, not needing to study brainology to learn how much of a man he is."
Science & Health Page 171:4`11

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