Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 7, 2012 - The Big Limitation

"Beaver Bridge"
photo by Jim Young

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #280
"What limits can I lay upon God's Son?"

How do you limit yourself? I can think of lots of ways I try to do it. When we think we are material, human beings, we limit ourselves. But we are freed by the realization that our real self is Spirit, and Spirit is not contained in matter. Okay, so we are truly Spirit, but we appear to be matter, and this thing called Spirit isn't in matter. So how does that work? Our governing force, our True Self, is spiritual. We are an idea -- a divine, compound Idea of God. This idea is what is perfect. The matter we see all around us is corporeal -- obviously! It changes, it disappears, it does not fit any definition of perfection we have in our vocabulary. So we try to make it fit, saying that everything is perfect just as it is, which leaves us feeling somehow punished because we're so miserable. I have found that every concept which includes spirit as being somehow co-mingled with matter brings me to a dead-end in thinking, time and again. Only by agreeing that we are limitless Spirit, neither compressed in nor bound to matter, can I feel the freedom that has no limits. I Am infinite Mind. I Am divine Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The everlasting I AM is not bounded nor compressed within the narrow limits of physical humanity, nor can He be understood aright through mortal concepts. The precise form of God must be of small importance in comparison with the sublime question, What is infinite Mind or divine Love?"
Science & Health Page 256:13-18

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