Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Infinite Possibilities

Lothar Schäfer
Someone was sitting on my couch in the living room. She was checking her phone for messages, holding it up to her ear, when a movement in the reflection on the screen caught her eye. As she looked closely at it, she saw that it was showing her the mirror which hangs on the wall across the room from her. In that reflection, she saw the house across the street, and it was moving as though she were passing it in a car. She checked the angles and reflections, searching for how such a thing could have happened, but there was no explanation. When she told me about this, she was surprised I believed her. I explained there are dimensions right here and now which are invisible to us, because we don’t want to believe anything exists other than what we see. I am now contemplating the field of infinite possibilities — and thinking of my dear friend, Lothar Schäfer. Hugs and Love sent to you!

“As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 264:13-15

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