Friday, March 22, 2013

March 23, 2013 - Shine

"Yellowstone National Park Morning"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #82
Review: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness” and “Let me not forget my function.”

We all share the same light which brings peace to every mind. It's easy to forget this is true. Darkness often feels as real as light, but it's a mirage. We can go around telling people about light, but that doesn't take away the darkness in a room. By bringing light to a situation, no matter how small the flame, the darkness is dispelled as surely as if the sun were shining. We're like the rays of light from the sun. We are an emanation of the One light: the same essence, with the same function. Unhappy circumstances in life may cause us think we've lost our light, but that can't happen. An eclipse may cover the sun beams temporarily, but they are still there, shining as brightly as ever, although unseen by some. Our function is to remember our true being. We are Love with a capital "L"! By our remembrance of this Source, our function is fulfilled. Our light glows and grows, illuminating peace.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, "Love thy neighbor as thyself;" annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry,--whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed.”
Science & Health Page 340: 23-29

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 22, 2013 - Self Importance?

"Colorado Night"
photo by Mawuena Davies
ACIM Workbook Lesson #81
Review: "I am the light of the world" and "Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world."

I love silly situation comedies; Modern Family, in particular.  A favorite episode is one in which Claire has lunch with an old college friend. Her friend has a very successful career and an exciting life as a single woman. Claire is jealous and wants to show off her three kids and husband of seventeen years, so she takes her friend home to meet them. Her handsome husband is inexplicably wearing a big fake mustache and is trapped in a port-a-potty placed there by the water company while they work on the lines. Her oldest daughter is having a loud altercation with her boyfriend. Her other daughter and her son have been recycling in the neighborhood and have the kitchen filled with semi-empty bottles of alcohol. The son is in his underwear because he spilled booze all over himself, while the daughter is trying to catch a rat which came in with the boxes. So much for self-importance, huh? Most of us probably have a silly story about a situation that backfired when we've wanted to show off in some way. When we stop and think about these feelings and what's behind them, it's easy to see how this desire to be "special", to be better than someone else, is at the core of every disagreement and conflict in the world.  With the understanding that we are all the reflection of Love, God, each demonstrating our individuality within this realm of unity, it becomes possible to let go of false images of self-importance and relax into the perfection of this experience we know as life. By doing so, we are the light of the world. By seeing ourself in others and others in ourself, we fulfill our function of forgiveness, letting go of ideas and beliefs which foster this misconception of difference and embracing Love as our common denominator.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers."
Science & Health Page 15:26-27

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 21 2013 - Problem Solved

"Mongolia Climb"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #80
"Let me recognize my problems have been solved."

We now realize that our only problem is thinking we are separate from God. We also see that it is impossible to be separated from our source, so our problem is already solved by that knowledge.  This realization that our problem never existed in any way other than belief is such a freeing notion! It doesn't matter if the "problem" is one of a child who is making choices we feel sure will cause him and others pain and sadness, or if a sickness seems to hold us in its grip, or a financial struggle of some sort appears to be keeping us captive. All these maladies of sense are one and the same to the metaphysical principle which negates them. And that's what this lesson tells us today. The knowing that we're a reflection of God, actualized by our emanation as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, lets us live with no limits in our human existence. In my lifetime, I've seen this divine Principle at work in so many ways. This seeing beyond the material picture to the spiritual truth allows us to live Truth rather than erroneous material beliefs. And it's a brand new world!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"This is the doctrine of Christian Science:that divine Love cannot be deprived of its manifestation, or object; that joy cannot be turned into sorrow, for sorrow is not the master of joy; that good can never produce evil; that matter can never produce mind nor life result in death. The perfect man -- governed by God, his perfect Principle -- is sinless and eternal."
Science & Health Page 304:9-15

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 20, 2013 - Solving Problems?

photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #79
"Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved."

We, as humans, love to tell our problems to all who will listen. Some of us even make written lists in contemplation of the solving of these problems. Is this how to "recognize the problem so it can be solved"? Even though we may think this action does some good, this is not what today's lesson is talking about. There are, in reality, no individual problems. The only problem is that we perceive ourselves as separate from God. Every seeming problem in the world is the result of this misinterpretation of reality. Hence, the solution lies in the realization that there is only one problem. The solution to this one problem is found in the recognition that we are Love's creation, reflecting only good, God. And so the answer has always been there waiting for us to see it: There is no separation from the One source. It can be difficult to accept this if you are a follower of the so-called news. The system we have set up for ourselves which allows current events to be broadcast worldwide tends to keep us in a fear-filled state. By internet and satellite connectivity we are constantly and conveniently bombarded with a prejudiced view of the world. We become addicted and think it's necessary to know all these things. But what if everything I need to know is brought to me without my searching? Much like a lovely, cleansing rain, after which I throw open the windows and invite the sweet breeze into the house. I feel a similar pureness when I leave my heart open to Truth and Love, unfettered by testimony of the material senses. And I know peace.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Ontology receives less attention than physiology. Why? Because mortal mind must waken to spiritual life before it cares to solve the problem of being, hence the author's experience; but when that awakening comes, existence will be on a new standpoint."
Science & Health Page 556:25-30

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 19, 2013 - Seeing With Pure Eyes

"Eric in South Africa - 2010"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #78
"Let miracles replace all grievances."

Today's lesson asks us to choose one person and see them as God sees them, with pure eyes, rather than with all the muddled grievances we may be holding. This person might be a co-worker who seems to find ways to undermine us regularly. Perhaps this person is a good friend whose behavior is irritating to us. Maybe it's a neighbor who allows his dog to poop in our yard. Gosh, there are so many, it's hard to choose just one!!  The circumstance really doesn't matter though, because when we choose to see the miracle of Spirit, the false testimony of material sense disappears. Once we fall into the trap of expecting "bad" behavior from others, that's what we get! A fellow shopkeeper and I were discussing this. It seemed that the people coming into her shop were careless with merchandise, loud, dull, and not contributing to the fun-loving atmosphere we are known for in our sweet little tourist town. We wondered if it's true that we get what we expect. Can changing our expectations change the result? Or is the result the same and we're simply seeing it differently? I'm not sure it matters, as seeing a result and trying to change it is not what this way of thought is all about. Our goal is to see with God's eyes, and with that sight we are led to do what needs to be done, in any and every circumstance. It's been said in so many ways by so many people throughout time. Ghandi asks us to be the change we wish to see. Rumi advises us to be with those who help our being. Jesus tells us the kingdom of heaven is within. There are many ways to say what you see with Love. How do I Love? Let me count the ways! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it. The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds; but this severance of fleshly ties serves to unite thought more closely to God, for Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh over the world and begins to unfold its wings for heaven."
Science & Health Page 57:22-30

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 18, 2013 - Celebrate!

"South African - Vuvuzela - 2010"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #77
"I am entitled to miracles."

With St. Patrick's Day having just past, I've been thinking about celebrations and the reasons behind doing these things. Most if not all of them are based on some myth, which is usually fairly odd and far-fetched. Even those which are based on facts -- i.e., 4th of July, Independence Day -- carry with them a bit of blatant prejudice and strange behavior. So why do we do these things? I guess they're all based on history of some sort, remembrances of past material events. They usually involve a lot of drinking and so-called celebrating, and there is generally some type of nationalism involved. Like this St. Patrick's Day craziness -- what's up with that? Perhaps it's because we all want to believe in magical beings which will give us happiness and abundance. We tend to think these things are somewhere outside of us, and that we can find them if only we get lucky enough to be at the end of the rainbow. Or maybe we think everything will be great if we give our lives to Jesus. And don't forget about those birthday wishes coming true if we blow out all the candles! Maybe we celebrate so hard because we innately know all this good is ours simply for the acknowledgement of it, but we don't understand how to do that. These miracles we so desperately seek are the natural order of things, and can be had for the knowing of them. So we dance, drink, celebrate. We wildly strive to find what is already ours, which we would see if we only look within and acknowledge who we truly are. The miracle is God's law. Now that's something to celebrate!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"A miracle fulfills God's law, but does not violate that law. This fact at present seems more mysterious than the miracle itself."
Science & Health Page 134:31-32

Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 17, 2013 - Divine Principle

"Ozark Sunset"
photo by John Rankine

ACIM Workbook Lesson #76
“I am under no laws but God’s.”

A mere hundred years ago it's very possible that speaking the ideas we so freely discuss today could have brought us severe repercussions! Those who saw God in nature and celebrated that holiness were burned as witches. Even today, those who realize their power as a reflection of God are thought of as egotists (at the very least!) and perhaps shunned by their friends and family. What a delicious feeling it is to be able to say what we feel and to celebrate the Truth of our being! By putting into practice the laws of God, worlds which were before invisible appear to us with increasing frequency. Yes, when we say and do things which could be construed as other-worldly, we may be chastised in some minor ways -- perhaps simply looked at askance by friends -- but that's nothing compared to the tortures inflicted in centuries past. I thank every person who has raised their voice in honor of Truth, fearlessly righting misperceptions which had been interpreted as God's law. Many people try to change my mind about the path I've chosen to follow, hoping to save me from God's wrath. They are doing what they think best, and I have no animosity toward them. Living free of made-up rules allows us to see and accept the rule of Spirit. Without false laws we can hear what Love is saying to us, we can feel the joy that is ours, and we can know that God never takes, but only gives.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Citizens of the world, accept the ‘glorious liberty of the children of God,’ and be free! This is your divine right. The illusion of material sense, not divine law, has bound you, entangled your free limbs, crippled your capacities, enfeebled your body, and defaced the tablet of your being.”
Science & Health Page 227:24-28

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