Monday, April 22, 2013

April 23, 2013 - Divine Government

"Boston Harbor"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #113
Review of:
#95 "I am one Self, united with my Creator."
#96 "Salvation comes from my one Self."

As little children, we are taught rules and why it is important to follow them. It seems to me we have gone overboard with rules. For instance, look at our tax laws!  When we look to Spirit to guide and govern every action, there is no need for a multitude of laws to tell us what we can and cannot do. Take, for instance, laws which tell us how and who to love. There's a television series called "Big Love" which takes a look into the everyday lives of Mormon polygamists. In the United States, polygamy is illegal. When we hear accounts of cruel men with 20 wives and 100 children, it's tempting to agree with that decree. But when the beauty of deep Love is illustrated in a multiple-marriage situation, it seems not only plausible but admirable. Love cannot be legislated. And this takes us back to those rules we are taught to live by, the laws which we will be punished for breaking. Personal government is not dictated by material laws. No matter how many laws we make, there are still those who perpetrate horrendous acts. But when we are governed by divine Law, which is heard when listening to that "still, small voice" within, we truly can demonstrate the Golden Rule of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. Living life by this Rule results in a peaceful feeling. If uneasiness is bouncing around in my chest, it's time to wonder why! So today I will be governed by intuitive feeling which comes from listening through spiritual sense. Ah -- At-One-Ment!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Atonement is the exemplification of man's unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love. Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him endless homage.”
Science & Health Page 18:1-5

April 22, 2013 - Calm Assertive Behavior

"Ozark Valley"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #112:
Review of:
#93 "Light and joy and peace abide in me"
#94 "I am as God created me."

Last year on this day, I wrote something which is a nice reminder to me this year. It concerns the giving up of strong opinions, not jumping up on my soapbox to expound upon things, and quickly admitting my mistake if I do happen to fall into the ego trap of self-importance. Part of today's lesson tells us that "light and joy and peace abide in me". I remind myself today that this is true, and examine what it is which leads me into forgetfulness of this fact. No longer do I react if someone has an opinion different from mine about politics, religion, or someone I love and respect. It is what it is, and I can happily say something like, "You may be right about that". The only things over which I fall into reactionary mode have to do with our environment -- things like hog farms and electric lines and wasting of resources and such. It would be very easy to insist that I'm right and you're wrong when a utility company wants to cut great swathes through our lovely wooded neighborhoods. And sitting with closed mouth and shielded eyes is not the response to many other situations either. I know there are divinely-inspired ideas waiting for me to discover them, showing me ways to act in defense of goodness and purity. I will today remember that "I am as God created me", while leaving behind self-righteous opinions, clearing the way for Truth to be heard.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker."
Science & Health Page 475:13-22

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 21, 2013 - What is a miracle?

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #111
Review of: 
#91 “Miracles are seen in light."
#92 "Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

When I first encountered A Course in Miracles writings, I was bothered by the use of the word "miracle". In Christian Science, I have learned that what we tend to think of as a miracle is actually the demonstration of divine law. In most cases, when someone says, "It's a miracle", there's the implication that material laws have been set aside for something unbelievable to happen. There is often the assumption that God has intervened and caused things to occur which otherwise wouldn't have. So I would cringe when hearing the word miracle. I have come to see that A Course in Miracles is using the word miracle in much the same way as Mary Baker Eddy refers to it. It is the demonstration of divine Principle, which is seen by replacing material illusions with spiritual sense. This experience is referred to in Science and Health as being "not supernatural, but supremely natural". I love that we are seeing ourselves as complete beings, utilizing the so-called sixth sense in everyday life, and not being surprised when "miraculous" things happen! When we wash away the dust of material belief, the light of Truth can shine through, giving us strength where we before thought we were weak. The light of holiness and goodness, the light of God, gives us every right idea we need to advance in our individual way. We need not worry about which road to take when we trust our inner knowing, our intuition, our true Self.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God's unchangeable law."
Science & Health Page 135:6-8

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 20, 2013 - Nothing Changes in Truth

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #110
“I am as God created me.”

During a conversation with friends, someone asked me how I could have come through a particularly traumatic time without some form of therapy. I hadn't really thought about this, but only knew that I had accepted reality over illusion. The reality is that I am as God created me. The illusion is all the stories I encountered which could affect how I feel about myself and others. So let's say you have just found out about something which happened in the past. This something changes many material truths you believed, including your name, age, and heritage. What reaction would you have? Perhaps your initial response would be anger. People would say this is a normal reaction to betrayal. With the realization that you are as God created you, this situation is seen to have absolutely nothing to do with your true Self. Then this hurtful illusion can dissipate as mist hit by sunlight. Our hurt feelings, our fears, disappear into their native nothingness, being replaced with the Truth of Being. "I Am as God created me." Anything other than our true creation is changeable. Today I choose unchanging, eternal Truth!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow.”
Science & Health Page 259:6-9

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 19, 2013 - I Rest in Love

"Mongolia Sunset"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #109
“I rest in God.”

To rest in God frees us from all planning and worry about possibilities.To give away all belief in and living from past experience clears the way to knowing God. To know God means to know ourselves, and to demonstrate Truth in our every thought and action. Although I find this spiritual practice invigorating, not everyone feels the same. I know people who think they would be giving away their individuality if they let go of their personal history. I find the opposite to be true. When I lose a sense of personal responsibility, when I let go the beliefs I've had about certain circumstances, there is a pure empty space in thought. This space is now free to recognize what was already there: Love. Divine Love. This Love is unchanging, whether we acknowledge Its existence or not. Only by relaxing into this infinity of Love can we rest in God. Through this yielding we can trust that the answers we need will be known to us, because they are always there, if we but listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love. Jesus demonstrated the inability of corporeality, as well as the infinite ability of Spirit, thus helping erring human sense to flee from its own convictions and seek safety in divine Science"
Science & Health Page 494:15-19

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 18, 2013 - Grateful Givers and Receivers

"Yellowstone National Park"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson 108
“To give and to receive are one in truth.”

Most of the people I know are givers. They give time and money to causes they love and support. They give  time and energy to family and friends. They give of themselves generously, always stepping up when anyone is in need. I could fill a book with the ways they give. But many of these wonderful people aren't comfortable receiving. Whether it's a compliment, or a helping hand when they're having problems, or a gift when they're in need, they often refuse the offerings -- or accept them with a bit of unease or perhaps guilt. The duality of these feelings is negated with the understanding of today's lesson, which tells us that giving and receiving are one in truth. "One thought, completely unified, will serve to unify all thoughts." This is a sentence from today's lesson. Reading this brings to mind instances when it has been demonstrated in daily life. For instance, when a situation seems volatile -- perhaps people are on the verge of a major disagreement -- practice peace in your thought and actions and watch its effect. This is because there is only one Cause, hence the effect is unified by that Cause. This unifying cause is the spiritual Principle which governs everything, when seen for what it is: Truth. Today I will open my heart to receive all the good which is innately mine. This reception opens avenues to share in unexpected ways. I will offer to others everything I want for myself: peace, happiness, joy, contentment, satisfaction, grace, love. Freely I have received, freely I give.

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us.” 
Science & Health Page 79:30-32

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 17, 2013 - Truth Corrects Error

"Illusions on a Bridge"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #107
“Truth will correct all errors in my mind.”

I heard an interesting analogy today concerning the body's immune system and the world's ability to heal itself. Each and every one of us are a cell in the immune system of the universe. Every thought we think is either contributing to the unified health of our planet or the propagation of fear and terror. Every prayer, every meditation, ever reaching out through inward listening is magnified exponentially. We have the power to change the world through ourselves. Every interaction brings us closer to a world of love or a world of fear. This Love which heals us personally spreads through the web of Oneness. In the same way that we take personal responsibility for ourselves, our health, our well-being, we can take responsibility for a return to Love. It does matter what we do and what we think. We never know when an interaction with someone else will make the difference in that person's life which turns them away from reactive fear to healing Love. The Truth which corrects all errors in our mind is our ascension into heaven within. Never doubt that you matter, that you make a difference.  Allow silence and listening to guide you to your role in being the change you want to see. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Immortal ideas, pure, perfect, and enduring, are transmitted by the divine Mind through divine Science, which corrects error with truth and demands spiritual thoughts, divine concepts, to the end that they may produce harmonious results." Science & Health Page 259: 27-31

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