Monday, May 6, 2013

May 7, 2013 - One Love

"Mt. Timpanongos Goat"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #127
“There is no love but God's”

Self-help books talk of the many faces of love. In divine metaphysics, there is no division in Love. This Love does not judge. No one is more worthy than another. No one is more able than another in expressing this Love. Living Love may not appear to be happening in the world we witness daily. We see love that's variable and hate that is solid. We are learning the unreality of changing love and abiding hate. The reality is the Love which is God. The workbook lesson asks us to affirm this often today: "I bless you, brother, with the Love of God, which I would share with you. For I would learn the joyous lesson that there is no love but God's and yours and mine and everyone's." Every instant when I catch a glimpse of this true Love is a moment to treasure.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love is infinite. Therefore all that really exists is in and of God, and manifests His love.”
Science & Health Page 340:12-14

May 6, 2013 - Giving is Receiving

ACIM Workbook Lesson #126
"All that I give is given to myself."

What do we think we are giving? Here are a few examples of what we often give: good advice, scornful judgment of another's actions, support for loved ones, opinions which we hope will change the world. This list could go on and on. In examining what I'd like to give today, I see that the only true thing which can be given is Love. Anything else is but a material opinion in some form. Even what we think of as forgiveness is a mortal concept which generally includes stipulations. There may be an implication that I'm forgiving you because I'm a better person than you are. Oh my! But we know that forgiveness is the key to the door of truth, so how do we forgive without material trappings? Love! When we give and live Love, there is nothing else to think about. Before I give anything today, I will ask myself, Is this what I want to receive? If it's not, then I'd best not give it. But my realization that God is Love, that Love is all there is, allows me to slip into that sweet space of living from Truth, which is expressing the Love which is our essence.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We cannot fathom the nature and quality of God's creation by diving into the shallows of mortal belief. We must reverse our feeble flutterings--our efforts to find life and truth in matter--and rise above the testimony of the material senses, above the mortal to the immortal idea of God. These clearer, higher views inspire the God-like man to reach the absolute centre and circumference of his being.” Science & Health Page 262:9-16

May 5, 2013 - Quiet

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #125
"In quiet I receive God's Word today."

Here is a quote from today's ACIM workbook lesson: "Today He speaks to you. His Voice awaits your silence, for His Word can not be heard until your mind is quiet for a while, and meaningless desires have been stilled. Await His Word in quiet. There is peace within you to be called upon today, to help make ready your most holy mind to hear the Voice for its Creator speak."
In quiet contemplation, I say nothing else concerning today's topic. If you want to read this lesson in its entirety, here's the link:

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The ‘still, small voice’ of scientific thought reaches over continent and ocean to the globe's remotest bound. The inaudible voice of Truth is, to the human mind, ‘as when a lion roareth’. … Then is the power of Truth demonstrated,--made manifest in the destruction of error.”
Science & Health Page 559:8-16

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4, 2013 - Realizing Oneness

Mugs Poster
by John Rankine

ACIM Workbook Lesson #124
"Let me remember I am one with God."

The recognition that we are one with God has a calming effect. It seems that those of us who think we are in charge of everything around us tend to be excited and often angry. Currently, I'm observing reactions to an art installation in Eureka Springs. There are three-by-four-foot posters plastered on blank walls around town .These posters depict 130 of our local artists making silly faces. The point of the project is to let people know they aren't stuffy, boring people and that we are a fun town. Midway through the month, the general public will be given markers to draw on the posters, further bringing frivolity to these black and white posters. I have no strong opinions about this art installation. I think the artist who thought up and enacted this idea is a wonderfully creative man whom I admire. Not everyone in town feels this way! Once again, we come back to individual perceptions and interpretations from belief and past experiences. Art and the creation and enjoyment of it is a wonderful litmus test of our ability to realize our Oneness with God and, hence, everyone and everything. I love observing people's reactions to various forms of art in our gallery. Now I'm enjoying watching the emotions these large mug shots are bringing to the surface in friends and loved ones. As the ACIM lesson tells us: "Today we see only the loving and the lovable. We see it in appearances of pain, and pain gives way to peace. We see it in the frantic, in the sad and the distressed, the lonely and afraid, who are restored to the tranquility and peace of mind in which they were created." And I will remember my Oneness with God and everyone as a reflection of that divine Mind which created us.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The eternal Elohim includes the forever universe. The name Elohim is in the plural, but this plurality of Spirit does not imply more than one God, nor does it imply three persons in one. It relates to the oneness, the tri-unity of Life, Truth, and Love. Man is the family name for all ideas,--the sons and daughters of God. All that God imparts moves in accord with Him, reflecting goodness and power.”
Science & Health Page 515:16:24

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 3, 2013 - New Beginnings

"Lilies and Bee"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #123
"I thank my Father for His gifts to me."

Don't we all love new beginnings? Every symbolic new beginning we experience gives hope that it truly will be this time; that the great shift in thought, in consciousness, has reached its tipping point, allowing the Utopia we so crave. We yearn for peace and plenty, purity of heart and environment, joy, satisfaction. But we keep forgetting the spiritual Principle which guarantees this reality, simply for our perception of it. Sometimes we catch glimpses of what it could be like. For instance, I witnessed a man and woman in their 70s cavorting like teenagers in giddy expectation of exchanging marriage vows.Their happiness in this new beginning was infectious! Also, a friend in The Netherlands has been sharing videos of their celebrations centered around the investiture of a new king. What a wonderful symbolic new beginning for the world, feeling a bit like Camelot with its reign of peace and beauty. My friend's joy in this event is palpable through the internet connection we share. The endlessly flowing giving-and-receiving action which divine Mind supplies is ours, right here and now. A true new beginning is at hand -- your hand and mine, today, now.  I will not be distracted by ego-based taunting to play the game being enacted all around us. I will look through the temptation to stay stuck in the muddle of material belief by giving energy to the lower propensities. Raising thought above what cries out so loud for attention, I'll see the beginning in every situation. But if there is no end, can there be a beginning? Ah -- ever-flowing forever. Now!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.
Science & Health Page 3:25-26

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2, 2013 - Holding Grudges?

"Washington, D.C."
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #122
"Forgiveness offers everything I want."

The forgiveness we speak of today is all-encompassing. This is more than just saying we don't hold a grudge against someone for something. The "forgiveness [which] offers everything I want" is born from the practice of realizing our unity with God, hence our Oneness with each other. By this understanding we can look past the multitude of forms which present themselves to us in the guise of reality, and, in looking through this veil, realize and demonstrate Truth. What more could we want other than peace, joy, love, contentment, bliss, appreciation, and satisfaction? And this larger, all-encompassing forgiveness reconciles any so-called differences we may have with each other, and also with anything we are holding against ourselves. Allowing divine Love to guide our every action and thought would free us to live differently from when our lives are dictated by material beliefs and habits. It's always amazing to me that some people choose to not speak to one another simply because they disagree about certain things. I like oranges, you like apples. So what? Our commonality rests in the Oneness of our true being. That's a constant reality!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.”
Science & Health Page 494:10-11

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May 1, 2013 - Love Fills All Space

"Pure Love"
photo by Aaron Springston

 ACIM Workbook Lesson #121
“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

In today's workbook lesson, we are asked to think of someone we don't like, someone who irritates us perhaps, someone we don't enjoy being around. In the time it takes to read the last sentence, we have chosen this person! Contemplate him. Meditate on her. Find some bit of light in them and let it grow until you feel the goodness, the God, which they inherently are. After we have allowed this feeling to grow, we are asked to think of someone we like and transfer that good feeling to them. In doing this, we then realize there is no difference in these people. All feelings of separation are released in this forgiveness, this realization of their Oneness with each other and ourself. By this process, we give and receive, understanding the unity in these seemingly separate acts. Whatever we give, we receive, because we already have the kingdom within us. So-called forgiveness is the letting go of false beliefs in various forms of separation, the understanding of the power contained in this realization, and the demonstration of that fact. Letting Love rule every aspect of our thought is forgiveness, because there is no room for anything but this Love when it is admitted as the only reality of our being. To paraphrase Mrs. Eddy, Love fills all space and there is nothing else to think about. That understanding is enough to allow happiness to reign!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty,and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!
Science & Health Page 520:3-5

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