Monday, August 12, 2013

August 13, 2013 - Living Love

"Happy Child in Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #225
“God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”

The ebb and flow of divine Love does not mean that it comes and goes like the tide, but that there is an ever-present circulation between its Source and the creation of divine Mind. Divine creation includes you and me, our true Selves as the reflection of this Love. The admission to myself that there is only one thing I want, which is to know God, to understand the relation of myself to All that Is, allows me to confess the Love I feel for God and all of Creation. Releasing the full power of this divine Love is translated into loving actions and thoughts in everyday life. We need not plan to be kind and loving, but by loving only God this expression is found in surprising ways!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Not materially but spiritually we know Him as divine Mind, as Life, Truth, and Love. We shall obey and adore in proportion as we apprehend the divine nature and love Him understandingly, warring no more over the corporeality, but rejoicing in the affluence of our God. Religion will then be of the heart and not of the head. Mankind will no longer be tyrannical and proscriptive from lack of love,--straining out gnats and swallowing camels.”

Science & Health Page 140:7-14

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 12, 2013 - One

"South Africa - World Cup 2010"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #224
“God is my Father, and He loves His Son.”

Today's ACIM lesson tells us that God is my Father and He loves His Son. Take away material gender-related terms and know that we are all God's reflection and divine Love is equally available for all of us. There is no division by race or religion, no Love bestowed on someone who does good things and someone who fits the requirements to be called sinner. This perfect Love is available to all, simply for the accepting of it. So as we go through our daily activities, let's remember to treat everyone with the loving respect and courtesy with which we would afford a dearly beloved parent or child. Let kindness and joy spread to every person you come into contact with today, and everyday. We really are all created equally!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, “Love thy neighbor as thyself;” annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry, — whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed. "

Science & Health Page 340:21-29

August 11, 2013 - Life Expressed

"Happy Bird"
by Sandy Wythawai Starbird
ACIM Workbook Lesson #223
“God is my life. I have no life but His.”

I often wonder if we all have this inner knowing that God is our life, but this knowledge is covered up by the material teachings we accept as truth. I met a man who seems to epitomize this knowledge within our Being. He started playing drums and realizing his communion with music at the age of four years. For the last 37 years, he has followed his heart through the expression of music. He is now buying a drum-making business from a local man who has become renowned for attention to detail and trueness of resonance. As he sat in my gallery playing from the heart, I felt filled with the joy that he exuded with his whole demeanor. I loved watching his hands on the drum heads, and the look on his face as he glorified Life unabashedly. I can still feel his joy! I am grateful for this proof of connection with All that Is. Namaste'

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"God is divine Life, and Life is no more confined to the forms which reflect it than substance is in its shadow. If life were in mortal man or material things, it would be subject to their limitations and would end in death. Life is Mind, the creator reflected in His creations. If He dwelt within what He creates, God would not be reflected but absorbed, and the Science of being would be forever lost through a mortal sense, which falsely testifies to a beginning and an end.”

Science & Health Page 331:1-10

Friday, August 9, 2013

August 10, 2013 - My Home

"Butterfly World in St. Louis"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #222
“God is with me. I live and move in Him.”

We are waking up from our oblivious stupor; from our dream of separation from God and each other. The admittance to ourselves that we are divine has taken us to another level of action to correspond with our thought. We are becoming more consciously intuitive in our daily activities. People are dropping life-long habits, and they're glad to see them go!  Today's ACIM lesson states this: "God is with me. He is my Source of life, the life within, the air I breathe, the food by which I am sustained, the water which renews and cleanses me. He is my home, wherein I live and move ..." And so it Is ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The universe reflects and expresses the divine substance or Mind; therefore God is seen only in the spiritual universe and spiritual man, as the sun is seen in the ray of light which goes out from it. God is revealed only in that which reflects Life, Truth, Love,-- yea, which manifests God's attributes and power, even as the human likeness thrown upon the mirror, repeats the color, form, and action of the person in front of the mirror.”

Science & Health Page 300:29-4

August 9, 2013 - "This year has brought us to eternity."

"Devi deva"
fabric creation by
Sandy Wythawai Starbird
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #221 “Peace to my mind.  Let all my thoughts be still.”

Today marks a transition with the Course in Miracles Workbook Lessons. The first 220 lessons have been exercises in giving up beliefs, habitual thoughts, inane or destructive actions, and numerous other things which have held us captive to sense. We now know how to differentiate between ego thoughts and the ideas of Mind. And we're not afraid to listen and trust what we hear in that silence between the words. We've been exercising our spiritual sense, while quieting our physical senses. And now we want the "direct experience of truth". Now we are ready to shift attention within ourselves, to the source Itself, letting go of any ritualistic words and dogma we have been harboring. We now understand what forgiveness is about. It's the understanding that there is nothing to forgive. We have also reached the point where we don't need specific times during the day to remind us to think about our nature as a child of God. This shift from habitual, material thought to inspired, divine ideas is feeling more natural to us now. And so, today I see us as quietly devoted to the peace of God. Every time we silently turn whole-heartedly to God -- knowing that all is Mind, Truth, Love -- we remember more of our original Being. We feel a perfect peace which allows our actions and words to be those of divine Mind, without worry, with total trust, knowing that our lack of expectation frees us. To quote from today's lesson: "This year has brought us to eternity."

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “The effects of Christian Science are not so much seen as felt. It is the ‘still, small voice’ of Truth uttering itself. We are either turning away from this utterance, or we are listening to it and going up higher. Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,--this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.’"
Science & Health Page 323:28-6

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 8, 2013 - Peace

"Bella Donna Eureka"
photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #220
Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #200 “There is no peace except the peace of God.”

It is quite lovely to watch this peaceful thought demonstrated throughout a group of people who gather together to share good food, companionship, and our understanding of the Principle of A Course in Miracles. Having been acquainted for a number of years, we relish seeing the calm demeanor, the single-eyed pursuit, the palpable peace emanating from and through each other. Some of us are amazed that this could happen to us! Some are surprised that it is even possible. We all are tickled pink that it can be as simple as surrendering belief and embracing Knowledge. How thrilling to know we're all in this together!

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
"Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences, by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love."

Science & Health Page 264:24-27

August 7, 2013 - Life and Love are Eternal

"Marsha & Jim at Metafizzies 2007"
ACIM Workbook Lesson #219
Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #199 “I am not a body. I am free.”

Be with those who help your being. I've always loved that thought, haven't you? More and more, I find myself reveling in the company of friends, and being even more content in solitude. This seeming-conundrun feels similar to the realization that I'm not a body. It's both exhilarating and calming. I'm excited that I needn't be a victim of the false beliefs of material life. I'm content in knowing there is so much to realize in this unfolding Life.  Having just spent an evening with a well-loved friend who is moving away from our town, I feel full of Love and peace. I am enriched beyond words for the gifts this friend has given me over the years. His wisdom and inspiration have been such an integral part of me. I cherish our times spent in conversation and laughter. Now I know why I felt I knew him the first moment I saw him. Life and Love are eternal.  

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"The real man is spiritual and immortal, but the mortal and imperfect so-called “children of men” are counterfeits from the beginning, to be laid aside for the pure reality. This mortal is put off, and the new man or real man is put on, in proportion as mortals realize the Science of man and seek the true model." Science & Health Page 408:11-22

New Today

Wholeheartedly Happy

Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater “Oh, that magic feeling; nowhere to go.” This line from a Beatles song has always captivated me. I’m sure it...