Friday, October 4, 2013

October 5, 2013 - We are Free!

"Yellowstone National Park"
photo by Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #278
“If I am bound, my Father is not free.”

Sometimes the miasma of materiality seems overwhelming. It's easy to feel bound by illnesses and injuries, financial burdens, grief. Our lives appear to have a beginning and an end. Physicists tell us of a perspective called quantum entanglement, in which particles separate yet remain connected, reacting to stimuli in the same way even though they no longer occupy the same space. In a book by Dan Cowan, Mind Underlies Spacetime, he explains, "...this direct connectedness occurs because each real entity is already everywhere." How perfectly this explains Oneness! This omnipresence is our perfect identity, without boundaries. We are free!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea.”

Science & Health Page 90:24-25

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 4, 2013 - Material Law or Spiritual Truth?

ACIM Workbook Lesson #277
“Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made."

A universal shift in thought is upon us and we're each feeling it in our own way. The understanding that we don't have to be bound by any material belief because our true identity is spiritual is bringing us to a tipping point in thought. Mass media and collective material consciousness tells us what to expect from material laws of cause and effect. Just think about how many things have been "proven" untrue which we learned as "fact" at some point. We can laugh when we see old advertisements proclaiming that lard makes families happy and that cigarettes are good for you, but many of us are frightened by giving up crutches we have relied on for years. Today I will notice the appearance of long-held beliefs telling me what is good and bad for me. I'll let them go and listen within for Truth. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The supposed laws which result in weariness and disease are not His laws, for the legitimate and only possible action of Truth is the production of harmony. Laws of nature are laws of Spirit; but mortals commonly recognize as law that which hides the power of Spirit. Divine Mind rightly demands man's entire obedience, affection, and strength. No reservation is made for any lesser loyalty. Obedience to Truth gives man power and strength. Submission to error superinduces loss of power.”

Science & Health Page 183:16-25

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 3, 2013 - Let Go of Belief and Dogma

"Butterflies and Thistle"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #276
“The Word of God is given me to speak.”

When I read the topic of today's ACIM workbook lesson, I immediately thought of a man who sometimes stands in prominent places in downtown Eureka Springs. He wears a sandwich board declaring that any man who marries a divorced woman is an adulterer. He speaks to people and warns them of various things which will send them to hell. And so I wonder: Does he think he's speaking the Word of God? I would hazard to guess that he does. I find it's very easy to jump up on my soapbox and declare various things. This is why I'm  making an effort to let go of beliefs and dogma! With practice, we can begin to recognize the difference in speaking from the heart, from Love, or voicing the rhetoric of a lifetime. I look forward to checking my understanding of this discipline as I travel through this parenthesis in time!  

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Let discord of every name and nature be heard no more, and let the harmonious and true sense of Life and being take possession of human consciousness.”

Science and Health Page 355:11-14

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 2, 2013 - Enlarged Perception

"Beloved Family"
ACIM Workbook Lesson #275 “God's healing Voice protects all things today.” 

The fragile feeling which envelopes us following the loss of a loved one isn't often thought of as something to cherish. In times past, I may have wished this feeling away. Now, I choose to honor it as one of the exquisite experiences we are granted in this beautiful plane of existence we call life. As with love, we are told life is fleeting. We are advised to grab hold and not let go, because there is a finite amount of it. Our human experience of life and love does seem to come and go with the wind, and it can feel just as hard to hold on to. From the perspective of mortal mind, this is so. When looked at from our humanness, there is no predicting when we may lose life or love. Accepting ourselves as spiritual Beings allows an expanded viewpoint of our experiences. Yes, they are to be savored. But enlarged perceptions of existence bring us something different. Understanding that my true self is a product of divine, never-ending Love causes me to want to experience that here and now. And so I'll listen for this healing Voice we are told of in today's ACIM lesson, because an inner knowing tells me of its Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Faith, if it be mere belief, is as a pendulum swinging between nothing and something, having no fixity. Faith, advanced to spiritual understanding, is the evidence gained from Spirit, which rebukes sin of every kind and establishes the claims of God."
Science & Health Page 23:14-17 

Monday, September 30, 2013

October 1, 2013 - Let Love Lead

ACIM Workbook Lesson #274:
"Ozark Rainbow"
photo by Marsha Havens
“Today belongs to love. Let me not fear."

At one point in her writings, Mary Baker Eddy refers to earth as a "preparatory school". To me this means we are learning how to let life become Life! As the image and likeness of God, we reflect eternal Life, divine Mind, healing Love. ​A number of friends are currently facing major challenges in their lives. While I can't experience what they are (as their feelings are individualized) I can remind them that they are always embraced in Love, and that that Love is contained by each and every one of us. We are unified in our essence, but individual in our form. As we go through our day, no matter what the circumstance, let's allow divine Love to lead the way.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Suppose
 one accident happens to the eye, another tot
 ​ ​
he ear, and so on, until every corporeal sense is quenched.
​ ​
What is man’s remedy? To die, that he may
 ​ ​
regain these senses? Even then he must gain
​ ​
spiritual understanding and spiritual sense in order to
 ​ ​
possess immortal consciousness. Earth’s preparatory
​ ​
school must be improved to the utmost. In reality man
 ​ ​
never dies. The belief that he dies will not establish his
​ ​
scientific harmony. Death is not the result of Truth but
 ​ ​
of error, and one error will not correct another.

Science & Health Page 468:4-13

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 30, 2013 - The Peace of God is Mine

"Roadside Poppies"
photo by Marsha Havens
ACIM Workbook Lesson #273
“The stillness of the peace of God is mine.”

I've heard it said that the older we get, the less things bother us. In earlier years, when I was bothered by everything, it seemed impossible that this could be so. While it seems to be true now, I see plenty of people riper in years who are much-bothered all the time! And so my conclusion is that peace is a state of mind. As we cultivate an awareness of the presence of God within ourselves, it becomes natural to turn to that gentleness in times of seeming turmoil. The peace of God is always there, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. Today I look forward to relishing this gentle presence every moment.

 Namaste' ~~~~~~~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Mind [God] demonstrates omnipresence and omnipotence, but Mind revolves on a spiritual axis, and its power is displayed and its presence felt in eternal stillness and immovable Love.”
From Retrospection and Introspection Page 88-89

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 29, 2013 - Illusions

"The Spiral Path"
created by Sandy Wythawai Starbird
ACIM Workbook Lesson #272 “How can illusions satisfy God's Son?”

Today's topic causes me to pause and examine what has brought happiness and a feeling of completeness through the years. During the "years that the locust ate", as I tend to think of a particular 20-year period, I generally felt happy, but never complete or fulfilled. Years of substance abuse, flitting from man to man, and activities which kept me busy but never satisfied are what I refer to as the lost years. Looking back, I hardly recognize that person. It's not that I was mean or horrible or anything, but I was living a drama-filled life, going from one disaster to another, finding solace by hiding in hedonistic pleasures. The peace which is found from wanting nothing other than to know God is astounding in its magnitude. What makes the difference in then and now? Obviously there is a world of difference, but I'm not sure what event caused the change in expectations. Ultimately, it doesn't matter because now is all we have! And so let's go forward with joy into what awaits us this day!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man. We cannot circumscribe happiness within the limits of personal sense. The senses confer no real enjoyment.”

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