Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Somewhere in Eternity

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #355 "There is no end to all the peace and joy, And all the miracles that I will give, When I accept God's Word. Why not today?"

Our true selves are the image and likeness, of God. Why then is there so much which seems to be unGodlike? Because God did not create matter. This human body we seem to reside in, to be inseparable from, is not our true self. When we declare our perfection as a child of God, that perfection has absolutely nothing to do with this material world we are living in. If God created everything and it is good, that cannot encompass the dual good/bad stuff we see around us. Our vision for today is to see with the eyes of our true Being. That true Being does not change. Reality does not change. What doesn't change? Our true Selves which are the image and likeness of the One; that which we all truly are. So what good does it do to realize that we're not what we see with our so-called mortal eyes? It brings us into harmony with what IS true. Declaring the Truth of our Being is more than just a mental exercise. It's establishing this Truth within our thought. This establishment leads to demonstration of Truth. This demonstration of Truth brings us back to where we began, and never leads us anywhere other than to the home which is forever within -- wherever in eternity that may be.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"To divest thought of false trusts and material evidences in order that the spiritual facts of being may appear,--this is the great attainment by means of which we shall sweep away the false and give place to the true." 

Science & Health Page 423:8-12

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Stand Together

photo credit: Aaron Springston
[from 2013] A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #354 "We stand together, Christ and I, in peace
And certainty of purpose. And in Him Is His Creator, as He is in me."

Under any circumstance, it can be difficult to stand "in peace and certainty of purpose". When we fall into a rushed mindset, it's almost impossible to recognize that a peaceful state even exists! Recently I was hurrying to an appointment and needed to drop off something at the post office on the way. As the building came into sight, along with its limited parking spaces, I saw a woman getting into her car and preparing to pull out. Great! I'll pull right in and quickly get in and out, accomplishing my task. Well, this lady didn't pull out, but rather sat there and made a phone call. I must admit I thought some unloving thoughts toward her as I waited impatiently for her to move. Then suddenly I realized I knew her. Not only knew her, but she is one of my best friends! I had been in such a dither that I didn't recognize her, and I thought ugly things about her, and now was very sorry for all of it. Would I have felt differently if I hadn't known her? Hopefully not! I would like to think I would have awakened and stopped judgmental imaginings without the prompting realization that I knew and loved her. Thinking thoughts of unity, I have patience with all, as I pray they do with me, too. Once again, Namaste' …..

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear.”

Science & Health Page 506:18-21

Monday, December 18, 2017

True Idea Voicing Good

photo credit: Dale Johnson
ACIM Workbook Lesson #353 "My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today
Have but one purpose; to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles."

The use of the word "Christ" need not put off anyone who is not a follower of Jesus. Both Mary Baker Eddy and A Course in Miracles define The Christ in many ways. One of my favorites is this from Science & Health: "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness." Every day is full of opportunities to bring Christ to a situation by listening to spiritual sense. When pondering today's topic, I couldn't help but think about a media-perpetrated debate about the color of Santa Claus' skin. If we bring Christ to this or any other situation, there is no need to take sides, as there are none. Skin color, gender, sexual orientation -- the multitude of dualities we choose to subscribe to, all meant to blind us to our unity -- none of them mean anything when brought to Christ, or spiritual sense. Let's hold to spiritual Truth when faced with erroneous mortal thought. It certainly makes life much simpler!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"The illumination of Mary's spiritual sense put to silence material law and its order of generation, and brought forth her child by the revelation of Truth, demonstrating God as the Father of men.” Science & Health Page 29:27-29

Sunday, December 17, 2017

True Colors

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #352 "Judgment and love are opposites. From one Come all the sorrows of the world. But from The other comes the peace of God Himself."

Did you know that the same color may appear to look different when placed on various background colors? I read an article about this which explained that the way we perceive a color is based on our education about color perception and how we've been conditioned to see color. Who knew?? As I struggled to grasp this fact, I realized it's the same with our perceptions of what reality is. Spiritual perception allows us to see beyond the seeming reality of our material senses. Interactions with others may be full of judgments and suppositions when we look at the situation with by-rote, learned behavior and the immediacy of emotions. But Truth, which shines forth when we see from a spiritual perspective, allows for improved interactions with others. This is true because our human experience is the visible expression of our thinking. To see the world through the eyes of Love frees us to love as God Loves: purely, without a skewed view of the color and fabric of everything we see. Now I know what the expression "showing your true colors" means!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Thought will finally be understood and seen in all form, substance, and color, but without material accompaniments." Science & Health Page 310: 6:8

Friday, December 15, 2017

Living Miracles - or Not!

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #350 "Miracles mirror God's eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, And through His memory to save the world."

I love this quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Through various religious teachings, most of us think of a miracle as divine power setting aside a material law, allowing something otherworldly or supernatural to occur. What if a miracle is simply a correction of our limiting beliefs, opening us to divine Mind and the limitless Life which is our true heritage as a child of Love? By this remembrance, we heal our mind of separation, giving us a clarity of thought and sight before unknown. I am very grateful —

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God’s unchangeable law. Spiritual evolution alone is worthy of the exercise of divine power.” Science & Health Page 135:6-10

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Every Moment is a Miracle

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #349 "Today I let Christ's vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead."

Every day we’re exposed to situations and people which seem to beg for our judgment! I’ve been surprised recently to learn that some religions teach that this is a good thing for us to be doing, that they are telling their flocks to go forth and correct “bad” behavior. Even if I’ve never thought it was my place to save anyone, I certainly have judged others in a multitude of ways, both silently and vocally. It’s an easy habit to fall into, particularly when we’re trying to feel better about ourselves and, hence, think about how much better off we are than “they” are. But realizing that I’m okay makes it easier to admit that you’re okay, too! Setting my intention first thing in the morning in accordance with Love helps me to live in grace throughout the day, and every moment IS a miracle.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“A miracle fulfills God’s law, but does not violate that law. This fact at present seems more mysterious than the miracle itself.” Science & Health Page 132:31-1

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Tipping Point of Love

ACIM Workbook Lesson #348 "I have no cause for anger or for fear, For You surround me. And in every need That I perceive, Your grace suffices me."

I have always felt as though there is a tipping point in mass consciousness, a point in which everyone sees their perfection and recognizes there is no difference in their own self and the self of that person over there. In this sight, there is a world bathed in peace and contentment. There are no conflicts because everything good and pure is done for the good of everyone, and nothing contrary exists because we do not have such thoughts in the face of beauty and Love. There is no world of separation because we are all One and happily recognize this Truth. In order for perfection to emerge, error must be washed away. A dear friend, who has never believed these things I espouse, called to ask me what’s happening to this tipping point of Love, as he feels we’ve tipped the other way. Once again, I reiterate: Every thought is important! I feel like we're getting close!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "We cannot build safely on false foundations. Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and ‘all things are become new’."  Science & Health Page 201: 7-9

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