Friday, January 26, 2018

A Union of Hearts

When I think back on my marriages, I wonder if things would have been different if I had put as much effort into listening to divine Mind as I did into following the social morès of the day.
photo credit: Aaron Springston
Expectations abounded in every direction: what we would be doing in a few years, how many kids we would or wouldn't have, how we would grow together until we were some sort of perfect single being. All sorts of odd things go through your mind when you're young and you believe in the mid-1900s television version of marriage. And so I crucified myself time and again (and again!) with false expectations and blame. Would things be different today with the Knowledge I am beginning to attain? I think so. I plan on marrying in the fall. I didn’t think this would ever happen, but we are both going forward with no expectations this time, only wanting to continue expanding in thought, releasing the past, loving the moment!

“Marriage should signify a union of hearts. Furthermore, the time cometh of which Jesus spake, when he declared that in the resurrection there should be no more marrying nor giving in marriage, but man would be as the angels. Then shall Soul rejoice in its own, in which passion has no part. Then white-robed purity will unite in one person masculine wisdom and feminine love, spiritual understanding and perpetual peace." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 64:17-25

“Whenever any form of special relationship tempts you to seek for love in ritual, remember love is content, and not form of any kind. The special relationship is a ritual of form, aimed at raising the form to take the place of God at the expense of content. There is no meaning in the form, and there will never be.” A Course in Miracles Chapter 16:5-12

Thursday, January 25, 2018

No Separation

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I’ve mentioned my book club a number of times in past writings. We are a group of women who have met for over thirteen years with a book as the center of our monthly discussion, but really that’s just a reason to get together and enjoy each others’ company. We have some who think logically from the standpoint of science, and some who live intuitively from the heart. We have teachers, a yoga instructor, a veterinarian, businesswomen, cattle and turkey farmers, a librarian — actually, a single definition isn’t enough for any one of these women. They are multi-talented and diverse. We have incredible discussions and enjoy one another more than I can say. While I feel that this group of women could solve all the problems of the world — and actually feel like we do that every time we get together! — I believe this feeling comes because despite our various opinions, we all live from Love. Everything we do is guided by something larger than what our human reason can encompass. And so as I bask in the glow of being with them, I will remember that the only problems comes from a belief in separation, and I thank these women for helping me to feel whole. Namastè ~~~

“Human reason and religion come slowly to the recognition of spiritual facts, and so continue to call upon matter to remove the error which the human mind alone has created.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 173:25-28

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

No Levels of Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
The Little Paris Bookshop is an exquisitely-written novel. It's a love story on many levels. If you love food, or people, or romance, and especially if you love books, this story will pick you up and take you to a place you may have been afraid to visit before reading it. The main character has a bookstore which is floating on a barge in the Seine. He calls this business The Book Apothecary and he prescribes specific books for the needs of his customers. This story explores the limitations we put on love and leads us to see that Love is truly all there is. There may seem to be other things -- lots of them! -- but ultimately it comes down to choosing between what you've decided is truth and what Truth actually is. There were many parts of this book which illustrated that it really doesn't matter what we think; truth is truth no matter what we may believe. The One we are may not be the one we seem to be!

"One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, “Love thy neighbor as thyself;” annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry, — whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed." Mary Baker Eddy -  Science & Health Page 340:21-29

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Swaddled in Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Fear stems from the idea that we can be separated from joy and love, from peace and security. I remember when my son left home for a boarding school at the age of fourteen. I was so sad that I felt I'd never laugh again. I literally couldn't imagine happiness, as everything I looked at reminded me he was gone. After a week or so of living in this maudlin state, I realized I was thinking of him as though he were dead. This led me to examine that avenue. What if he was dead? Wouldn't the love we felt still be alive? Of course, I would miss being around him, enjoying his company -- just as I was missing him with 300 miles of physical separation. A Rumi quote helped break this illusion: "Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. For those who love with heart and soul there is no separation." What is it which allows us to be together no matter where we seem to be? The Love which we are is a connection which cannot be broken by any set of material circumstance. When I'm really feeling the security of divine Love, I'm reminded of the way a baby is swaddled in a blanket. Divine Love swaddles us in its ever-present protection. While we may seem to face uncertainties and losses, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." (ACIM text)

Monday, January 22, 2018


I see happy people! Everywhere I go, everyone I see is exuding joy. Even in places other than Eureka Springs, most people seem to be happy. Very few have dead eyes or downward sliding smiles. A sweet friend passed on a couple of days ago after a short illness. The last time I saw her was about two weeks ago. We sat on her back deck on a beautiful spring day, talking and laughing. We laughed so much her husband came out and jokingly said the neighbors were complaining and we needed to hold it down. She was genuinely happy, totally unafraid, and profoundly grateful. She knew she hadn't long to enjoy the thrill of living on this plane, and she was making the most of it. I strive to do the same, every day, all the time…

“Look away from the body into Truth and Love, the Principle of all happiness, harmony, and immortality.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health 261:2-3

“My happiness and my function are one.” A Course in Miracles - Lesson 66

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Love One Another

Women’s marches, government shutdowns, zero-degree temperatures, 70-degree rainstorms — what an interesting week it’s been since I last wrote to you! Responding with Love is easier than many people think it to be. I made a Facebook post thanking everyone for being loving and supportive, because I see this happening in my life and the lives of those around me. But it brought out a couple of disagreements from women who feel excluded by cliques of people. On the opposite side, other woman spoke up about how they actively get involved, participating and helping others, and by those actions feel included and cared for. Looking at loving people through the eyes of others is an interesting exercise. Viewing how some interpret loving events such as peace marches can also be a different experience. Every moment is illuminating! For this, I am grateful, too. 

“‘Love one another’” (I John, iii. 23), is the most simple and profound counsel of the inspired writer. In Science we are children of God; but whatever is of material sense, or mortal, belongs not to His children, for materiality is the inverted image of spirituality.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 572:7-11

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Take a Stand

photo credit: Aaron Springston
We may feel alone in the desert when we speak truth to error. Perhaps we feel we're the only one when we take a stand for morality and goodness in our political system. Maybe you've been verbally attacked for telling others truth about GMOs and organic food. And what of data mining? Are we being controlled every time we get on our computer? This is the age where the CEO of Facebook tapes over the camera on his laptop in an effort to insure privacy. I mention these things because it’s very important to speak truth, to take a stand for morality, and never fear potential consequences. 

“Error is a coward before Truth. Divine Science insists that time will prove all this.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 387:4-6 

New Today

Calling in Well!

Snow Messages of Love We are having a lovely, snowy night in the Ozarks. It brings back memories of when my boys were young and we would be ...