Sunday, February 11, 2018

Releasing False Belief

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Many new-age thought systems try to find reasons for disease, then work to get rid of the "problem" which is causing you to be unwell. This is something which has no place in quantum thought.  When Mary Baker Eddy realized the nothingness of matter and the substance of Spirit, not many were willing to imagine the possibility until they saw physical proof. The healing which comes about through this understanding is not a manipulation of matter, but a yielding of erroneous belief to the Truth of creation by divine Mind. The Catch-22 is that if you are trying to heal something, you can't. But if you're knowing the Truth of existence, and that knowledge becomes more than just wishful thinking, the changeability of matter is shown in ways which we think of as healing. Knowing that there is nothing to be healed, that all is perfectly reflected as a creation of divine Mind, therein lies the healing. Going to the core of yourSelf and recognizing that your consciousness is One with Spirit, that is what brings an all-encompassing joy and peace which makes us happy to release false belief. Once that is gone, Truth shines forth in all Its magnificence! 

“That mortal mind claims to govern every organ of the mortal body, we have overwhelming proof. But this so-called mind is a myth, and must by its own consent yield to Truth. It would wield the scepter of a monarch, but it is powerless. The immortal divine Mind takes away all its supposed sovereignty, and saves mortal mind from itself. The author has endeavored to make this book the Aesculapius of mind as well as of body, that it may give hope to the sick and heal them, although they know not how the work is done. Truth has a healing effect, even when not fully understood.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 151:31-8

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Only Good Can Come of This

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Sometimes I find myself so caught up being "in charge" of things that I forget I'm really not! When you stop and think about it, isn’t everything redefined moment-by-moment? There may be snow storms, or people not doing what they were going to do, or someone needing your attention, or any number of changeable factors which -- well, you've been there yourself and know what I mean! That is why deciding to live by intuition and spiritual insight works for me. I don't like to worry about what-ifs and make contingency plans to cover alternate possibilities. When events are not happening the way I had hoped, it's a great comfort to know that "only good can come of this". A number of years ago a good friend told me she always held to those words when challenges were showing themselves. So I do, too. Only good can come of this! 

"Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, — this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress. Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 323:30-4

Friday, February 9, 2018

Chrysalis of Human Thought

Park City - PC: Aaron Springston
For the past few days, everyone has been anticipating the worst possible scenario of freezing rain and an ice storm. People have been recounting horror stories from past ice storms and predicting a repetition. I see this as an extreme example of what we do in everyday life. We seem to have been taught to expect the worst in every situation and prepare for it. I often wonder what a utopia this world could be if that’s what we saw as the inevitable result. The longing for peace, love, and beauty are such innate desires within us. Let’s hold onto our understanding of Love’s expression in our lives and go forward enjoying each moment!

"Faith is higher and more spiritual than belief. It is a chrysalis state of human thought, in which spiritual evidence, contradicting the testimony of material sense, begins to appear, and Truth, the ever-present, is becoming understood." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 297:20-24

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Searching For the Wrong-Eyed Jesus

photo credit: Dale Johnson
"Searching For the Wrong-Eyed Jesus" is a documentary on life in the South of the United States. This film takes us to small towns where people turn to drugs and/or religion when they've given up all hope of finding happiness. I watched in fascination, realizing for the first time what people find in so-called "holy-roller" churches. In their feverish love of God, they find the pleasure they crave. Others turn to mood-elevating drugs for the same reason. One person in the movie says that everyone is "lonely for God" in these desolate towns. Another line which struck me was this: "He was just a regular ol' Southern lunatic. In his quest for union, he ended up being more separate than ever." There is such truth to be found in their longing! I longed with them as they jumped up and down, speaking in tongues and dancing in odd jerky movements. There wasn't much difference in the drunken barroom scenes on Saturday night and the gyrations of the Sunday morning gatherings. They're all looking for the same thing: They want to fill the emptiness inside. They want excitement, fun, a way to pass time without feeling alone. I can't keep from thinking of how they would be set free with the knowledge of their true Being. The only way this can happen is if I realize it -- really realize it! --not just intellectually, but with my heart.

“The rich in spirit help the poor in one grand brotherhood, all having the same Principle, or Father; and blessed is that man who seeth his brother's need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another's good." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 518:15-19

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Weights and Measures

I remember a tale which relates to choosing joy rather than pain. In this story, we are asked how much a glass of water weighs. Then we are told it doesn't matter what its weight is; it matters how long we hold it. If we hold it a minute, it's light. If we hold it an hour, our arm and/or hand may become uncomfortable with the weight. If we hold it all day, our arm will feel paralyzed. This scenario is a metaphor for holding onto worries and fears. If we keep them with us, we become convinced they are impossible to overcome. We are paralyzed from the carrying of this weight. All we need do is put the glass down to be released from our burden! Then we are free to feel the joy which is innately ours as a child of Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Who that has felt the loss of human peace has not gained stronger desires for spiritual joy? The aspiration after heavenly good comes even before we discover what belongs to wisdom and Love. The loss of earthly hopes and pleasures brightens the ascending path of many a heart. The pains of sense quickly inform us that the pleasures of sense are mortal and that joy is spiritual.”  Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 265:23-30

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

States and Stages of Consciousness

"John Muir Trail"
photo credit: Aaron Springston
Imagine a world with no pain, no war, no lack. This is the world presented in a thought-providing movie called, "The Giver". This scenario seems Utopian on the surface, but no one sees colors, or feels love, or knows joy. This world of sameness is calculated to eliminate envy and greed, as these are feelings which lead to conflicts and war.  Jeff Bridges plays the giver of memories, and no one else knows the memories of past horrors or wonders. What do you think? Would it be worth it to have a perfectly comfortable and predictable world with no highs nor lows? Is this what we're trying to create for ourselves in giving drugs to anyone who steps outside of the so-called norm in society? What are we creating in our efforts to make everyone socially acceptable? I feel like I'm asking you questions in an Oprah book club or something similar! This movie asks us: Is all the pain worth the glimpses of love we may experience? I know many of us are willing to give up our belief in a hellish world of pain and reach within for heaven and harmony. I can see that many of us are finding bliss no matter what the outer circumstance, but a lot of people are frightened and resistant. We can't change anyone else, but we can change our own thought. If we really are One, this makes a difference!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“…the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that consciousness which God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the unillumined human mind, the vision is material. This shows unmistakably that what the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of consciousness.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 573:6-12

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Let It Go

Mongolia - photo credit: Aaron Springston
Some painful memories seem to stay with us. Throughout the years, certain events have re-played regularly in my mind. Although these reruns are mostly gone now, there are current events which seem to beg me to take offense. They jump up and down asking to be retold, wanting to hold me to them with emotions. To hold a grievance, you must live in the past. I remember a line from a little book by Alan Lightman called "Einstein's Dreams". He tells us that those who live in grievances past are condemned to live there alone. Habitually recounting what used to be, or wishing for what never was, or wanting what could have been, these thought processes are symptoms of holding on to the past. So today I will hold thought to a return to Love -- a figurative return, as I remember that I never left, and neither has anyone else. This Love replaces all grievances in my thought, and by this process I am safely and peacefully at One with God and all.

“The circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 574:27-30

“’Now’ has no meaning to the ego. The present merely reminds it of past hurts, and it reacts to the present as if it were the past. The ego cannot tolerate release from the past, and although the past is over, the ego tries to preserve its image by responding as if it were present. It dictates your reactions to those you meet in the present from a past reference point, obscuring their present reality.” ACIM Chapter 13:IV:5

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                        Humans are extremely resilient, and our environment is awesome in its regenerative powers. The Book of Hope, by Jane...