Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Cement of a Higher Humanity

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Humans seem to be pack animals. We love to break ourselves into groups and hang around with people who think as we do. We create churches, sororities, sewing circles, and numerous other clubs in which to gather and share our commonality. Perhaps the time has come for us to recognize that many of these tribal separations are keeping us from seeing the greater good in all humanity. Maybe if we can open ourselves in a more selfless manner, embracing each other because of our sameness, rather than in spite of our differences, perhaps we can stop worrying about what others may think of us and pull out all the stops for some honest to goodness truth. I don’t want to wait another moment for something which feels so right!

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Everyone Needs a Lift Sometime

From “Lift” written by Minh Lê and illustrated
 by Dan Santat,
Little, Brown and Company
One of my favorite things about having small children was searching for and reading fun and beautiful books. There is nothing liking having little bodies leaning against you, quietly enthralled by a story, eagering rushing to turn the page and see the next lucious picture, excited to know the rest of the story -- or to tell it before you read it because it's the umpteenth time you've done so! Today, parents have a whole new set of challenges with the changes which have taken place this year. What a great opportunity to find books which excite the imagination, releasing creativity which may have been stunted by the spoon-fed world of video movies and games. I read a review of a book called Lift, having to do with a little girl discovering a button in the elevator which takes her to a lush world beyond anything she had imagined. The reviewers favorite line in the book: "After all, everyone can use a lift sometimes!" I'm sure our librarians would be happy to choose a few uplifting picture books for us if we ask!!

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Monday, June 15, 2020

Small Great Things

SGT-paperback-cover.jpgIn the past, I’ve told you about the novelist, Jodi Picoult. I may have even mentioned her book, Small Great Things. Although she writes fiction, she is an extremely thorough researcher when she decides to write about a subject. She has taken us into the mind of a teenager with Asperger’s, abused wives, white supremacists, and more. I am revisiting the book I mentioned because of its take on racism. A black nurse in the birthing wing of a hospital is banned from administering to the baby of a proud racist. The baby dies while she is on watch and trying to follow hospital orders to not touch the infant. The story which unfolds is eye-opening, both from the side of the underground network of racist groups in this country, but also in its uncovering of the prejudices we have, which we usually don’t know are there. At this juncture in our world, every insight we gain is valuable. I want to understand why some people react violently to the mention of certain topics. In my campaigning for a democratic candidate in our area, I am seeing some interesting reactions. These return texts are what send me back to this book again. I want to know where the hate begins and what causes it to spew out. Whatever the cause, I face it and know it is a cry for love. Namaste...

"Human hate has no legitimate mandate and no kingdom. Love is enthroned." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 454:9

Sunday, June 14, 2020

I Need Do Nothing?

Photo Credit: Dale Johnson
A dear friend, who is also my Course in Miracles mentor, sent me an article centered around the statement “I need do nothing”. This spiritual teaching is almost guaranteed to get the ego (or mortal mind, for you of a Christian Science ilk) working overtime to assert its dominance over us. I can hear it saying, "But if I don’t do anything who will? I have to plan, or else nothing will get done. What do you mean I need do nothing? I have to do everything!” This statement actually is saying that we don’t have to prove ourselves in order to gain salvation, or forgiveness, or Love. These things, and more, are already ours, requiring no special work to free us from the past and future, nor to lift us out of fear and guilt. This realization can “anchor in us a permanent quiet center, a place of peace in us." From this quietude, we are able to follow our inner direction and do the busy work necessary on this plane of existence. So in summary, doing nothing is actually doing everything! When we release our feelings of inadequacy, guilt, sorrow, and such, miracles happen. We are shown what our purpose is and are able to recognize the path leading the way to utilizing our abilities and talents. What fun to wake up each day to discover what this is!

"'I need do nothing' is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation." A Course in Miracles T-18.VII.6.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Sending You Light

I have a good feeling about our world. People are hungry for change and more are speaking out every day. A good friend and neighbor sent me a beautiful performance called Sending You Light. I send this song to you today, and light to you every day. Have a beautiful Sunday everyone... 🎶💕

Friday, June 12, 2020

Living In an Upside Down World

Peaceful Ozark Morning - photo by Arthur Bruno

What if everything is upside down from what it seems to be?  We have all these ideas about what is true and what is false, what is good and what is bad, but what if we don't know, what if we are wrong? We have fact checking sites to help us decide if something is true, we have preachers and politicians to tell us what is right and wrong -- I think we're all tired of the constant push and pull of facts versus rumors and outright lies. My favorite thing about A Course in Miracles might be the workbook lessons, and how they help us give up our beliefs about everything. I know some people think this is a "bad" thing, because if we've been taught you HAVE to believe in something or else you're gullible and will fall for anything you are told. What if that's upside down thinking, too? When we allow ourselves to release what we think we know, we can step back and see what is, without putting labels on everything and backing away from something without even knowing why. In my interactions with various forms of thought, it's often difficult to put my feelings and beliefs to the side and simply hear what is being said. But I'm working on it! Non-reaction, simply being with the words, is a peaceful, joyous way to live. I think we all want peace, but some of us have forgotten. Let's keep on remembering to look at things as they are, not as we've decided they are. Namaste....

"Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way, the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially, but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound. " Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 126:8

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Misunderstanding Turned Around

Mongolia, with friends

Think about a close friend; one you really, truly like a lot. Perhaps you have so much in common that people sometimes mistake you for each other! This is the situation I have with a woman I met 10 years or so ago. We immediately liked each other and discovered our birthdate, month and year, were the same. Then something happened a few months ago which caused her to unfriend me on Facebook. I had not thought the incident was anything to be upset about; nothing more than a simple disagreement between friends, but we had not spoken in a few months. Then today, in my texting campaign for Suzie Bell, candidate for State House representative, I sent this old friend a text, because she was on my campaign-generated list of people. A two-word comment came back which was very rude. I was telling Kevin about it and he suggested that I call her. And so I did. Turns out the text comment was from a phone number she no longer has, although it was listed as her in both my texting list and on my phone. We had a good, long catch-up chat and I feel happier knowing a good friend is still just that! Isn't life interesting? Thank You greatly ... 

"Love never loses sight of loveliness. its halo rests upon its object. One marvels that a friend can ever seem less than beautiful." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 248:3

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Falling In Love With Life

Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra “May you fall madly in love this year ... in love with someone who unhinges your tired trajectory, in love ...