Monday, June 15, 2020

Small Great Things

SGT-paperback-cover.jpgIn the past, I’ve told you about the novelist, Jodi Picoult. I may have even mentioned her book, Small Great Things. Although she writes fiction, she is an extremely thorough researcher when she decides to write about a subject. She has taken us into the mind of a teenager with Asperger’s, abused wives, white supremacists, and more. I am revisiting the book I mentioned because of its take on racism. A black nurse in the birthing wing of a hospital is banned from administering to the baby of a proud racist. The baby dies while she is on watch and trying to follow hospital orders to not touch the infant. The story which unfolds is eye-opening, both from the side of the underground network of racist groups in this country, but also in its uncovering of the prejudices we have, which we usually don’t know are there. At this juncture in our world, every insight we gain is valuable. I want to understand why some people react violently to the mention of certain topics. In my campaigning for a democratic candidate in our area, I am seeing some interesting reactions. These return texts are what send me back to this book again. I want to know where the hate begins and what causes it to spew out. Whatever the cause, I face it and know it is a cry for love. Namaste...

"Human hate has no legitimate mandate and no kingdom. Love is enthroned." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 454:9

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