Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Thought Expands Into Expression

"County Road"
painting by Carol Dickie
Today was a day of talking with friends, and it's been fabulous. First thing this morning, I had a long email from a woman I love, one who was an artist at the gallery I ran. She is a skilled writer and I saw every story she told me about her daily life and things in her past (of which I had no clue)! Then I got a snail mail letter from another artist friend who describes herself as "the cut and paste queen of the geriatric set" (and she doesn't mean computer, because she doesn't have one). This quirky and fun friend wrote to me on a page from a coloring book, on which she had intricately filled in the beautiful design. Then I touched base with a nonagenarian whom I met a few years back over the bridge table. She told me of falling out of bed and breaking something, asking if I knew of anyone who might help her with household chores and, she honestly told me, to visit with her. So this prompted me to call another old friend whom I thought would enjoy this task. Then I called someone I've known for almost 40 years, whom I was hoping to help sell some furniture, and while we were chatting, a carpenter I had called stopped by to check out my needed repair. While he was here, a friend stopped by to drop off some clothing she had cleared out of a closet. After she left, the carpenter and I sat down to visit in the carport and he told me of his oldest daughter's problems stemming from Aspberger's and loneliness. In the process, he told me many things I did not know about him. Life is so very rich, and I appreciate each moment in this wild world. But today, it seemed as though all the energies in the universe conspired to bring me happiness. And I am thankful...

"Eternal Truth is changing the universe. As mortals drop off their mental swaddling-clothes, thought expands into expression. 'Let there be light,' is the perpetual demand of Truth and Love, changing chaos into order and discord into the music of the spheres." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 255:1

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