Thursday, June 25, 2020

Let It Go!

As someone who insists she lives by the non-attachment principle of "the glass is already broken", I'm rather hesitant to admit I have suffered angst over giving up my 22-year-old automobile! Last fall, my ever-dependable 1998 Honda Odyssey gave up the ghost. I couldn't stand to let it go at that time, and so it has sat out in front of my house for far too long. Today, I allowed our mechanic to take it away. It was like losing a family member. I remember the day my young sons and I bought it and brought it home. It perfectly suited our kid-oriented lifestyle and it was wonderfully comfortable -- perfect for us. On our way home the first evening we had it, we saw tire tracks leaving the road and a car's headlights in the tall brush. Of course, we stopped and aided the two women and children who were rather hysterical following their accident. One little boy was bleeding from a stomach wound and I wrapped him in a blanket we had in our new vehicle, sat down with him on the ground, and proceeded to sing a Mary Baker Eddy hymn to him: "Oh, Gentle Presence, peace and joy and power. Oh, Life divine that owns each waiting hour." As soon as the authorities came, we got into our new vehicle and came home, leaving our blanket wrapped around the calm child. I've often wondered what that family thought of our appearance and disappearance! Whatever the case, that was the beginning of two decades of trouble-free service from the vehicle I owned for 1/3 of my life! Good times...

"Who that has felt the loss of human peace has not gained stronger desires for spiritual joy? The aspiration after heavenly good comes even before we discover what belongs to wisdom and Love. The loss of earthly hopes and pleasures brightens the ascending path of many a heart. The pains of sense quickly inform us that the pleasures of sense are mortal and that joy is spiritual." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 265:23

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