Thursday, June 18, 2020

...When You Know Better, Do Better

Everything seems electric with excitement in this time of shifting thought. Big changes are happening which are unexpected for many, but many more of us have been waiting for this all our lives. I remember in the 1960s when we all sang "this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius", and just knew it was happening right then! We were excited to "get ourselves back to the garden" and bring in a time of peace and love. Then the years passed and it seemed nothing changed. We became lackadaisical in our expectations and quietly (for the most part) accepted Citizens United, and the so-called Moral Majority, and other groups which declared themselves to be the good which would expose and bring down the evil. Through the decades, many things did become better on the surface, but very little could bear the scrutiny of total transparency. The excitement I feel today is brought on by many things. Big corporations, such as PG&E in California, are accepting responsibility for their wrong-doing, coming right out and admitting liability and trying to do better. Our highest court in the land is making decisions based on morality and law, not pressure from big money and powerful politicians. What excites me the most is the individual declarations of "I was wrong", and watching what happens as they raise up their heads proudly and try to change their ways. I am told of a house on the way to Bentonville which had confederate flags and other ugly things in its yard. They are all gone. Once we begin to question our actions, our thoughts, healing begins to happen. I can hardly wait for tomorrow! Thank You greatly ...

"Eternal Truth is changing the universe. As mortals drop off their mental swaddling clothes, thought expands into expression." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 255:1

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