Sunday, August 20, 2023

Anchored With Love


First United Methodist Church of Eureka Springs
Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater

When churches are in the news, it’s often because they’ve done something racist, or selfish, or ridiculous. We hear about those things, but how often do we hear of small churches doing great things? I read an article about Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Greenwood, Mississippi. One woman said, “We’re not trying to be fake. We’re trying to fix Mississippi so we can say that we do love each other. If anyone ever wants to learn about race and how to overcome the problems we all face, come to Little Zion. We teach love.” This little town has many problems, including extreme racism, prejudice, and economic challenges. One person quoted Elie Wiesel, who was sent to a concentration camp when he was 15 and witnessed his father, mother, and sister’s death. He chronicled his ordeal in the book, “Night”, and he assures us that night does indeed turn into dawn. To quote from his memoir, “Open Heart”: “Even in darkness, it is possible to create light and encourage compassion.” I pray that each one of us, along with the residents of Greenwood, Mississippi, will continue to bring light to the darkness. To quote Mr. Wiesel again: “Even in exile, friendship exists and can become an anchor”. Namaste, dear friends...

"The Church is that institution which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas..." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 582:14

“A church that does not inspire love has a hidden altar that is not serving the purpose for which God intended it. I [Jesus] must found His church on you, because those who accept me as a model are literally my disciples. Disciples are followers, and if the model they follow has chosen to save them pain in all respects, they are unwise not to follow him.” 

A Course in Miracles  T-6.I.8:5-7

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Effects Without a Cause


Photo credit: Blake Lasater
[the use of his photograph does not indicate he agrees with what I say]

When listening to a youtube audio recording of Joel Goldsmith from the early 1960s, time and again the subjects he broached were things which have become major disruptions in our daily living today. As an overview of the many specifics, he says that if all the people in universities were studying ways to save humanity rather than ruin it, the world would be a utopia. He mentions marketing and the selling of yucky things to us, he talks about war and how we’ve convinced ourselves it’s okay to kill others if it’s to protect ourselves, he dares to say religious doctrine is leading us down hopeless paths. And here we are today, ruled by marketing and media, killing each other at an alarming rate, watching environmental disruptions roil up all around. As I write this, I know that no matter how upset I become about events, it will do nothing to rectify what has been done. I am reminded of a Paulo Coelho quote which goes something like this: We cannot change the past, but what we do in the present rectifies the past and changes the future. I’m going to listen to more Joel Goldsmith tomorrow and keep an open heart and mind, trusting myself to recognize paths of righteousness. 

“Speaking of the origin of mortals, a famous naturalist says: ‘It is very possible that many general statements now current, about birth and generation, will be changed with the progress of information.’ Had the naturalist, through his tireless researches, gained the diviner side in Christian Science, — so far apart from his material sense of animal growth and organization, — he would have blessed the human race more abundantly.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 548: 18-25

“The plans you make for safety all are laid within the future, where you cannot plan. No purpose has been given it as yet, and what will happen has as yet no cause. Who can predict effects without a cause? And who could fear effects unless he thought they had been caused, and judged disastrous now? Belief in sin arouses fear, and like its cause, is looking forward, looking back, but overlooking what is here and now. Yet only here and now its cause must be, if its effects already have been judged as fearful. And in overlooking this, is it protected and kept separate from healing. For a miracle is now. It stands already here, in present grace, within the only interval of time that sin and fear have overlooked, but which is all there is to time.” 

A Course in Miracles T-26.VIII.5:1-9

Friday, August 18, 2023

Caring For Those in Need


Characters in Ted Lasso

Most of us have friends experiencing maladies of a physical, mental, and/or emotional nature. We all have roles to play in the care and comfort of these friends. My main focus has always been on seeing through the material illusion to the spiritual truth. But recently I’m finding myself called to address, one-on-one, situations with people who need help in various physical ways. Of course, every situation is individual and many factors come into consideration. Whereas, I may be able to joke with one friend about her memory loss, another one might be in denial or take offense to me making “light” of it. One friend and I can laugh about cancer and the effects of chemotherapy, but another might burst into tears at the thought of their possible demise. Our conversations with others is not a one-size-fits-all response, and a good amount of empathy is required in any given moment. I’ve never been one to ignore the elephant sitting in the middle of the room; I like to talk to it and ask if there’s anything I can do for it. And so I find myself finding ways to commiserate and care without exacerbating the problem by heaping on excess sympathy. Every day brings new ways to express Love!

“What Comforter can there be for the sick children of God except His power through you? Remember that it does not matter where in the Sonship He is accepted. He is always accepted for all, and when your mind receives Him the remembrance of Him awakens throughout the Sonship. Heal your brothers simply by accepting God for them. Your minds are not separate, and God has only one channel for healing because He has but one Son. God’s remaining Communication Link with all His children joins them together, and them to Him. To be aware of this is to heal them because it is the awareness that no one is separate, and so no one is sick.” 

A Course in Miracles T-10.III.2:1-7

“Speak the truth to every form of error. Tumors, ulcers, tubercles, inflammation, pain, deformed joints, are waking dream-shadows, dark images of mortal thought, which flee before the light of Truth.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 418:28-31

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Unity in Times of Turmoil


Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater

The people of Ukraine have discovered their unity in surprising ways. One woman’s church was hit by a Russian missile. She told of people coming to clean up the debris and salvage what could be saved. She said neighbors who were self-proclaimed atheists were working side by side with the parishioners of the Transfiguration Cathedral. She was crying tears of joy because of the newfound camaraderie with her neighborhood. The reporter who wrote the article interviewed many older citizens who had always spoken the Russian language, but have recently learned to speak Ukrainian in solidarity with their fellow countrymen. There is a youth camp in Odesa where it’s recognized that children need to be children, and here they are free to laugh and play. At the same time, they realize many of these kids are emotionally troubled by what they have experienced, and they address the problems head on.  In reading the many instances of people becoming stronger and more compassionate because of the daily battles, there was a realization that the people of American are finding ways to stand in solidarity, too. It’s been a tough seven years. We’ve been lied to, manipulated, mocked, and it has been relentless. We need each other. We need to recognize our similarities while we heal and find our footing again. There is much work to be done, but let’s not forget to share joy with our neighbors. It’s cleansing and energizing!

“If you would look upon love, which is the world’s reality, how could you do better than to recognize, in every defense against it, the underlying appeal for it? And how could you better learn of its reality than by answering the appeal for it by giving it? The Holy Spirit’s interpretation of fear does dispel it, for the awareness of truth cannot be denied. Thus does the Holy Spirit replace fear with love and translate error into truth. And thus will you learn of Him how to replace your dream of separation with the fact of unity. For the separation is only the denial of union, and correctly interpreted, attests to your eternal knowledge that union is true.” 

A Course in Miracles T-12.I.10:1-6

“Unity of spirit gives new pinions to joy, or else joy’s drooping wings trail in dust.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 58:2-4

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Through Laughter and Tears


Laughter is such a cleansing activity, don’t you think? In times of trouble, I have been very grateful for friends who aren’t afraid to laugh with me. Yesterday was full of activity, which included visiting a friend who has been diagnosed with a bone condition. Although she is facing an uncertain future, we had a lovely time visiting and laughing with each other. Also included in our festivities was a friend who is experiencing some severe memory loss. We weren’t afraid to address that problem as it was happening and share a few chuckles about that, too. The woman who experienced the spontaneous break of her tibia is as full of life and laughter as she was before this malady showed up in her experience. What I love most about all of the older women in my life is how we are not afraid to address what is going on and come together to help each other, whether it be with tears or laughter.  We support one another through trying times, and celebrate during the joys. I’ve touched on this subject before, but I can’t repeat it often enough. The women I know are one tough bunch, and I’m so happy to know all who love out loud — no matter the circumstance. Here’s to you!

“In gentle laughter does the Holy Spirit perceive the cause, and looks not to effects. How else could He correct your error, who have overlooked the cause entirely? He bids you bring each terrible effect to Him that you may look together on its foolish cause and laugh with Him a while. You judge effects, but He has judged their cause. And by His judgment are effects removed. Perhaps you come in tears. But hear Him say, ‘My brother, holy Son of God, behold your idle dream, in which this could occur.’ And you will leave the holy instant with your laughter and your brother’s joined with His.” 

A Course in Miracles T-27.VIII.9:1-8

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health - Page:106:26-29

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Thank You For Lying


Photo credit: Aaron Springston

Seventy years ago, a young Chicano woman had a baby out of wedlock. She kept me for two months before her family forced her to give me to her Tia Sophia, who was 40 and had always wanted a baby, but she and her husband could not have children. And so they took me as their own, changed my name and birthdate, and moved to a state where no one knew them. When I found out about these events as my dad was on his deathbed, it came as quite a surprise. I was disappointed and angry because they had taught me to be incredibly honest, and it felt as though my whole life had been a lie. It didn’t take too many years for me to see the wisdom of their ways. In the 1950s an illegitimate child carried quite a stigma; perhaps an adopted one did, too. Looking back on the situation, I have nothing but gratitude for the people who educated me, loved me, and provided me with an understanding of divine metaphysics which could not have occurred in most households in Arkansas. Thank you greatly …

“Physical birth is not a beginning; it is a continuing. Everything that continues has already been born.” A Course in Miracles T-5.IV.2:4-5

“Citizens of the world, accept the ‘glorious liberty of the children of God,’ and be free!” 

Mary Baker Eddy — Science & Health 227:24-25

Monday, August 14, 2023

God Does Not Retaliate


Photo credit: Christopher Fischer

Almost every day, we hear people either thanking God for some goodness which has come into their lives, or else expressing disappointment in this God they’ve made in their image and likeness. Perhaps they’re distressed because their god has taken a loved one from them: “God called him home”. Or maybe they’re lamenting why god chose to allow a horrible thing to happen, such as a fire or tornado. I suppose we have these ideas because of Biblical teachings and preachers’ interpretations of them. But even if you choose to take the Bible literally, after the 40 days and nights of rain, God told Noah he would never do it again. Last Sunday, in the mainstream churches for which I provide musical accompaniment, the scriptural readings had to do with “God was not in the earthquake, fire, etc”. I guess it’s easier for us to have someone to blame, or give credit to, or fear, or love. So we anthropomorphize Spirit because it’s easier to visualize a person walking along with us. “God is my co-pilot!” Really??? We think we’re in charge and God’s riding in the next seat? Interesting. The whole God thing can be quite confusing if we try to follow the instructions given us in Sunday School. I have never run into dead-end conundrums when following the teachings of “primitive Christianity”. And the study is always joyous!

“God does not believe in retribution. His Mind does not create that way. He does not hold your ‘evil’ deeds against you. Is it likely that He would hold them against me? Be very sure that you recognize how utterly impossible this assumption is, and how entirely it arises from projection. This kind of error is responsible for a host of related errors, including the belief that God rejected Adam and forced him out of the Garden of Eden. It is also why you may believe from time to time that I am misdirecting you. I have made every effort to use words that are almost impossible to distort, but it is always possible to twist symbols around if you wish.” 

A Course in Miracles T-3.I.3:4-11

“Christian Science eschews what is called natural science, in so far as this is built on the false hypotheses that matter is its own lawgiver, that law is founded on material conditions, and that these are final and overrule the might of divine Mind. Good is natural and primitive. It is not miraculous to itself.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page127:30-3

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                        Humans are extremely resilient, and our environment is awesome in its regenerative powers. The Book of Hope, by Jane...