Sunday, September 24, 2023

Discerning Truth From Fiction

While watching a documentary on nutrition, they broached a topic which gave me pause to ponder. A woman said that if she decided to start a campaign to say that smoking is beneficial to our health, she could cherry-pick medical reports which supported her theory. This means she would take a sentence from here and there — for instance, “study on women who smoke shows they weigh less than women who don’t”, or something like that — and draw the conclusion that smoking is good for you. Then she said it’s pretty easy to get the media behind you, and she cited an instance of someone who wanted to promote chocolate as a weight-loss substance. They were able to get various tabloids to promote this idea. This all turns my thoughts to the silliness we see every day with political parties demonizing each other. As with nutrition, it is possible to find the truth behind statements. And there’s always intuition, that inner BS detector, which leads us to “greener pastures”. 

“The way to correct distortions is to withdraw your faith in them and invest it only in what is true. You cannot make untruth true. If you are willing to accept what is true in everything you perceive, you let it be true for you. Truth overcomes all error, and those who live in error and emptiness can never find lasting solace. If you perceive truly you are cancelling out misperceptions in yourself and in others simultaneously. Because you see them as they are, you offer them your acceptance of their truth so they can accept it for themselves. This is the healing that the miracle induces.” 

A Course in Miracles T-3.II.6:1-7

“We cannot fill vessels already full. They must first be emptied. Let us disrobe error. Then, when the winds of God blow, we shall not hug our tatters close about us.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 201:13-16

Saturday, September 23, 2023

An Optical Delusion

Art by Andrea Kowch

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. The striving to free oneself from this delusion is the one issue of true religion. Not to nourish it but to try to overcome it is the way to reach the attainable measure of peace of mind.”
Albert Einstein to a friend in a letter circa 1950.

“As mortals give up the delusion that there is more than one Mind, more than one God, man in God’s likeness will appear, and this eternal man will include in that likeness no material element.”
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 191:4-7

“God’s Oneness and ours are not separate, because His Oneness encompasses ours. To join with me is to restore His power to you because we are sharing it. I offer you only the recognition of His power in you, but in that lies all truth. As we unite, we unite with Him. Glory be to the union of God and His holy Sons! All glory lies in Them because They are united. The miracles we do bear witness to the Will of the Father for His Son, and to our joy in uniting with His Will for us.”
A Course in Miracles T-8.V.3:1-7

Friday, September 22, 2023

A Moment of Lift

Eureka Women
Photo credit: Richard Quick 

Few things bring me more sorrow than to hear of a fine woman running for public office being called a baby killer. I read a book by Melinda Gates titled "The Moment of Lift". In this informative and frank writing, she tells of visiting African countries and realizing what was holding people in their poverty-stricken lives. She saw women carrying water on their heads and babies in their arms, while the men sat and smoked and told stories. She talked to women about their lives, and time and again it came back to the fact that they had no control over how many babies they had. Maybe they were too young, or too old, or too sick to be having a baby, but they had no choice. Oddly enough, many were expected to have as many children as possible because most of them would die. What is the solution? Better health care, more abundant birth control, and education are the keys to uplifting these and other societies. Her foundation has been working toward these goals for more than a decade. For those who believe abortion should be illegal, I urge them to watch the PBS series, "Call the Midwife". This is a show about Catholic nuns and nurses dealing with the same issues -- lack of birth control, education, and health care -- but in 1960s England. What a difference it has made to get these issues out into the open, discuss them, and find solutions! No one wants to abort a pregnancy, and it hurts me when I hear people say that Democrats love abortions. This type of disconnect must stop. How? Education, empathy, facts, truth, love: those are the antidotes as I see them. We must talk about these things and understand that organizations such as Planned Parenthood contribute to lower abortion rates, not higher. Let's choose love over fear!

"Think of this, dear reader, for it will lift the sackcloth from your eyes, and you will behold the soft-winged dove descending upon you. The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 574:25

“He will remove all faith that you have placed in pain, disaster, suffering and loss. He gives you vision which can look beyond these grim appearances, and can behold the gentle face of Christ in all of them. You will no longer doubt that only good can come to you who are beloved of God, for He will judge all happenings, and teach the single lesson that they all contain.” 

A Course in Miracles W-151.10:1-3

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Tell the Truth, Right Out Loud

How many people does it take to repeat the truth before everyone begins to see it, too? Mark Twain supposedly said a lie would travel around the world while the truth was still lacing up its boots. I'm not sure that's true today, with the internet connecting everyone in its web. I'd bet the truth will travel just as fast if enough people speak it and write it!  Aristarchus first noticed the sun was stationary somewhere around 300 B.C., then it took a number of centuries before Copernicus revealed this truth with a mathematical model in the 1500s. Even then, Copernicus was so afraid of religious leaders, who thought everything was centered around them, that he didn't tell anyone until he was on his deathbed. Sound familiar? What about the earth being flat, railroad tracks coming together, mirages, and other such illusions? How long did it take for us to understand what was happening? While most of us know these things, I saw a horrifying statistic recently which said that 1/4 of the people still believe the sun revolves around the earth every 24 hours. Knowing the depth of ignorance (lack of knowledge) makes it even more important for each and every one of us to speak out about things which we know to be true. Research is easier than ever and more fun than it was 50 years ago. So pick a fact, study it thoroughly through a variety of sources, and tell everyone you know! 

 "Agassiz, the celebrated naturalist and author, has wisely said, 'Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next, they say it has been discovered before. Lastly, they say they have always believed it." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 104:8

“Call to your Father, certain that His Voice will answer. He Himself has promised this. And He Himself will place a spark of truth within your mind wherever you give up a false belief, a dark illusion of your own reality and what love means. He will shine through your idle thoughts today, and help you understand the truth of love. In loving gentleness He will abide with you, as you allow His Voice to teach love’s meaning to your clean and open mind. And He will bless the lesson with His Love.” 

A Course in Miracles W-127.9:1-6

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Meow Wolf - Denver, Colorado

Most of us acknowledge that certain prescription drugs cause adverse reactions, perhaps causing side effects of sleep-driving or other unconscious activity. We know this and have a choice in whether or not to reap the meager benefits anyway. But what if we were told that our favorite food caused us to believe things which simply are not true, or made us buy things, or perhaps think the earth is flat? Would we stop eating it, or would we say, "Oh, I know when I'm being manipulated and I can eat chocolate and still think independently."? There is a documentary called "The Social Dilemma" and it tells us in detail how we are being manipulated by Facebook, in particular. This platform is the reason many people have become flat earthers, believing the world is flat and there is a great ice wall at the perimeter and you will be put into jail if you get there. Others believe in pizzagate and think there is a network of well-known people kidnapping children and performing horrendous atrocities. These are the extremes, but what of the influences which are much more subtle? I leave you with this quote from a NetFlix documentary, posted at “It’s easy to think that it’s just a few stupid people who get convinced,” warns the engineer who created the rogue Youtube algorithm, “but the algorithm is getting smarter and smarter every day. Today they’re convincing people that the Earth is flat, but tomorrow they will be convincing YOU of something.” I'm not sure where I come down on this theory, but certainly will think seriously about it.

"As named in Christian Science, animal magnetism or hypnotism is the specific term for error, or mortal mind. It is the false belief that mind is in matter, and is both evil and good; that evil is as real as good and more powerful. This belief has not one quality of Truth. It is either ignorant or malicious. The malicious form of hypnotism ultimates in moral idiocy." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 103:18

“Miracles honor you because you are lovable. They dispel illusions about yourself and perceive the light in you. They thus atone for your errors by freeing you from your nightmares. By releasing your mind from the imprisonment of your illusions, they restore your sanity.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.I.33:1-4

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Smile and Carry On!


For the last eight years, I have been an organist/keyboard accompanist for a number of local churches and choirs. It’s been great and I’ve met wonderful people and learned valuable lessons. Something I realized last weekend is a good life lesson for others, too. Playing in front of numbers of people, often through some sort of sound system, it can be shocking if I strike an incorrect chord. It used to bother me when this would happen. I’d probably grimace and miss the next two or three notes, too, before sloppily recovering. My epiphany last weekend was that it’s not the mistake which matters, but how you recover. Smoothly carrying on without missing a beat pretty much insures that no one (other than the music director) is going to even notice it happened. This is a good life lesson, too. When we make what we think of a a mistake in our daily lives, we can be pretty sure no one else is going to notice. Unless, of course, we call attention to it by nervously giggling and then going on and on explaining something which matters to no one other than ourselves! So my point in telling you this is: lovingly forgive yourself, as you would someone else’s missteps. Be kind to yourself, smile, and carry on!

“Do not allow yourself to suffer from imagined results of what is not true. Free your mind from the belief that this is possible. In its complete impossibility lies your only hope for release. But what other hope would you want? ⁵Freedom from illusions lies only in not believing them. There is no attack, but there is unlimited communication and therefore unlimited power and wholeness. The power of wholeness is extension. Do not arrest your thought in this world, and you will open your mind to creation in God.” 

A Course in Miracles T-8.VII.16:1-8

“To be master of chords and discords, the science of music must be understood. Left to the decisions of material sense, music is liable to be misapprehended and lost in confusion. Controlled by belief, instead of understanding, music is, must be, imperfectly expressed.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 304:25-30

Monday, September 18, 2023

Better Views of Humanity

Photo credit: Kailey Jones

When did you last tell a lie? We may tell “polite” lies, designed to protect loved ones’ feelings, or we might commit an indiscretion which is referred to as a white lie. But what about a lie told to benefit yourself, without caring who it hurts or what harm it causes? And what of cheating? Maybe you moved your Monopoly piece too many squares during family game night, but how about taking goods and services from people and refusing to pay for them, or maybe taking a possession from someone — outright theft? I don’t know many, if any, people who do this. Everyone I interact with has a higher sense of integrity and a moral standard which precludes such actions. Actually, most people I know would never consider lying or stealing or cheating, be it a small indiscretion or a major event. It always comes as a surprise to me when I witness blatant misconduct in public officials, movie stars, ministers — anyone, anywhere. I remind myself constantly that everything is either expressing Love or calling out for love. And so I shall not look the other way, and I will do my best to answer that call. Namaste...

“Take away wealth, fame, and social organizations, which weigh not one jot in the balance of God, and we get clearer views of Principle. Break up cliques, level wealth with honesty, let worth be judged according to wisdom, and we get better views of humanity." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 239:5

“The peace of mind which the advanced teachers of God experience is largely due to their perfect honesty. It is only the wish to deceive that makes for war. No one at one with himself can even conceive of conflict. Conflict is the inevitable result of self-deception, and self-deception is dishonesty. There is no challenge to a teacher of God. Challenge implies doubt, and the trust on which God’s teachers rest secure makes doubt impossible. Therefore they can only succeed. In this, as in all things, they are honest. They can only succeed, because they never do their will alone. They choose for all mankind; for all the world and all things in it; for the unchanging and unchangeable beyond appearances; and for the Son of God and his Creator. How could they not succeed? They choose in perfect honesty, sure of their choice as of themselves.” 

A Course in Miracles M-4.II.2:1-12

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Calling in Well!

Snow Messages of Love We are having a lovely, snowy night in the Ozarks. It brings back memories of when my boys were young and we would be ...