Sunday, November 19, 2023

My Unrighteous Judgment

Although I think of myself as being mostly free of judgment and beliefs, I sometimes am blindsided by incredibly judgmental thoughts! Recently, I voiced the opinion that someone I play a word game with is cheating. When the words came out of my mouth, they felt ugly, and they have come back in memory numerous times. And then, a friend and I were discussing books for our book club in 2024. When she mentioned Virginia Wolfe, I reacted negatively. When she asked why I felt that way, I didn’t know. I told her it must be from my college years, but I did’t know why! As she told me of the reasons she loved this author, including how she had become a feminist partly because of her writing, I realized I was basing a present judgment on a past belief. Good grief! Today I am grateful that my erroneous thoughts were noticed and questioned. I pray that these incidents help me to see any future intrusions in my thoughts before they come out of my mouth!

“The choice to judge rather than to know is the cause of the loss of peace. Judgment is the process on which perception but not knowledge rests. I have discussed this before in terms of the selectivity of perception, pointing out that evaluation is its obvious prerequisite. Judgment always involves rejection. It never emphasizes only the positive aspects of what is judged, whether in you or in others. What has been perceived and rejected, or judged and found wanting, remains in your mind because it has been perceived. One of the illusions from which you suffer is the belief that what you judged against has no effect. This cannot be true unless you also believe that what you judged against does not exist. You evidently do not believe this, or you would not have judged against it. In the end it does not matter whether your judgment is right or wrong. Either way you are placing your belief in the unreal. This cannot be avoided in any type of judgment, because it implies the belief that reality is yours to select from.” 

A Course in Miracles T-3.VI.2:1-12

“Who, that has felt the perilous beliefs in life, substance, and intelligence separated from God, can say that there is no error of belief? Knowing the claim of animal magnetism, that all evil combines in the belief of life, substance, and intelligence in matter, electricity, animal nature, and organic life, who will deny that these are the errors which Truth must and will annihilate? Christian Scientists must live under the constant pressure of the apostolic command to come out from the material world and be separate. They must renounce aggression, oppression and the pride of power. Christianity, with the crown of Love upon her brow, must be their queen of life.” 

Mary Baker Eddy -Science & Health Page 450:25-7

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Local Farmers

My grandson at the pumpkin patch

During these troubling times, we aren't sure who or what to trust. I am choosing to trust in our local farmers. We have been building relationships with them for years. We've watched their families grow, their farms expand, their vegetables become more abundant with the increases in winter growing capabilities, along with changing planting and harvest techniques. Frequenting farmers markets has opened up a new food source for many, helping us turn away from pesticide-ridden crops and the fossil-fuel-guzzling shipments from thousands of miles away. They help us understand how to prepare nourishing food, how to plant our own small patches to supply our needs, allowing us to eat what is clean and has been produced with loving care. Small-scale food production is what most of us grew up with, and today it seems more important than any other time in our lives. I am grateful for each and every person who brings food to our tables and nourishes our spirit through the farmer's markets! Thank you greatly … 

“God is with me. He is my Source of life, the life within, the air I breathe, the food by which I am sustained, the water which renews and cleanses me. He is my home, wherein I live and move; the Spirit which directs my actions, offers me Its Thoughts, and guarantees my safety from all pain. He covers me with kindness and with care, and holds in love the Son He shines upon, who also shines on Him. How still is he who knows the truth of what He speaks today!” 

A Course in Miracles W-222.1:1-5

“In divine Science, man is sustained by God, the divine Principle of being. The earth, at God’s command, brings forth food for man’s use.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 530:5-7

Friday, November 17, 2023

War and Peace

 Art by Caitlin Connolly

Donna Ashworth writes words of comfort and hope. 

Today I share with you a writing from her.

“I think there are many of us who don’t know what to think, right now…

There is so much wrong and so little to be done. 

And what we are witnessing is beyond the pale, and so we wait, mute, hoping that some sense will be made, that some miracle will occur.

I think there are many of us who don’t know what to say, right now.

And so we are silent instead.

And we silently pray.

Pray for answers, for peace, for a miracle. 

Pray for a superman to sweep in and save the innocent, right the wrongs, clean the chaos and put the buildings back together so everyone can go home again.

I think there are many of us, so many of us, who don’t know what to do,

 right now...

And so we go about our lives, seemingly normal.

But inside we are praying. 

Inside we are hoping.

Inside we are desperate to find a way to help.

Desperate for safety for all.

Desperate for safety for all.”

Donna Ashworth

“Illusion meets illusion; truth, itself. The meeting of illusions leads to war. Peace, looking on itself, extends itself. War is the condition in which fear is born, and grows and seeks to dominate. Peace is the state where love abides, and seeks to share itself. Conflict and peace are opposites. Where one abides the other cannot be; where either goes the other disappears. So is the memory of God obscured in minds that have become illusions’ battleground. Yet far beyond this senseless war it shines, ready to be remembered when you side with peace.” 

A Course in Miracles T-23.I.12:1-9

“‘Now,’ cried the apostle, ‘is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,’ — meaning, not that now men must prepare for a future-world salvation, or safety, but that now is the time in which to experience that salvation in spirit and in life. Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in Science. To break this earthly spell, mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously. This thought is apprehended slowly, and the interval before its attainment is attended with doubts and defeats as well as triumphs.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 39:18-30

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Pray Without Ceasing?

Photo taken by Dale Johnson 
The first time I heard the phrase “pray without ceasing”, I didn’t understand how that could be possible. When I learned that prayer was listening, not asking or telling, it started to seem more feasible to be in continual prayer. As I’ve discovered ways to recognize when my mortal mind is overruling the divine Mind, it’s become even more imperative to listen to intuition rather than my own often-misplaced logic. We get caught up in day-to-day activity, but a desire to fall into the space between the thoughts facilitates the ability to do so. A short moment while waiting for a stoplight to change can be a few seconds of deep meditation. A walk with the dogs is a perfect opportunity to stop extraneous thoughts and savor quiet peace. Any activity which allows our mind to stop its repetitive race — gardening, sewing, piano playing — is a moment of communion with All that Is. Let’s not wait for that perfect, quiet time to meditate and pray, when every moment affords an opportunity!

“These forms of prayer, or asking-out-of-need, always involve feelings of weakness and inadequacy, and could never be made by a Son of God who knows Who he is. No one, then, who is sure of his Identity could pray in these forms. Yet it is also true that no one who is uncertain of his Identity can avoid praying in this way. And prayer is as continual as life. Everyone prays without ceasing. Ask and you have received, for you have established what it is you want.” 

A Course in miracles S-1.II.2:1-6

“Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers. Practice not profession, understanding not belief, gain the ear and right hand of omnipotence as they assuredly call down infinite blessings. Trustworthiness is the foundation of enlightened faith. Without a fitness for holiness, we cannot receive holiness” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 15:25

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


When people ask me to pray for them, they most often think that I'm asking God to help them. The prayer which I utilize affirms the truth of our Being, combined with a listening to hear what should be affirmed. It's not an asking for a condition to be changed, but a knowing that there is no inharmonious condition in God's reflection. We are created by divine Mind and reflect all that implies. This has nothing to do with matter. Our mortal mind often insists that this material existence is the reality of our being, and any glimpse we may have of our spiritual perfection is but a mirage. But the opposite of this is reality and our realization is what brings harmony. Jesus’s revolutionary teachings were telling us we are not material, we are spiritual. Some may think we cannot demonstrate this in our material form. And so that is true. But what is also true is that we are not really matter. This illusion can be dropped here and now, as we ascend past mortal belief into spiritual Truth. God has made us capable of this!

“‘The prayer of faith shall save the sick,’ says the Scripture. What is this healing prayer? A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain more of the divine presence than is always at hand. The beneficial effect of such prayer for the sick is on the human mind, making it act more powerfully on the body through a blind faith in God. This, however, is one belief casting out another, — a belief in the unknown casting out a belief in sickness. It is neither Science nor Truth which acts through blind belief, nor is it the human understanding of the divine healing Principle as manifested in Jesus, whose humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of Truth, — of man’s likeness to God and of man’s unity with Truth and Love.” 

Mary BakerEddy - Science & Health Page 1-15

“God is the goal of every prayer, giving it timelessness instead of end. Nor has it a beginning, because the goal has never changed. Prayer in its earlier forms is an illusion, because there is no need for a ladder to reach what one has never left. Yet prayer is part of forgiveness as long as forgiveness, itself an illusion, remains unattained. Prayer is tied up with learning until the goal of learning has been reached. And then all things will be transformed together, and returned unblemished into the Mind of God. Being beyond learning, this state cannot be described. The stages necessary to its attainment, however, need to be understood, if peace is to be restored to God’s Son, who lives now with the illusion of death and the fear of God.” 

A Course in Miracles S-1.II.8:1-8)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Governed by Spiritual Sense

Image of unknown origin

I’ve noticed myself (and others) mindlessly repeating things we have heard, whether it be truth or rumor, good news or a horrid happening, or simply inanities. In the volatile atmosphere of our emotionally-charged country, it is particularly important to scatter joy and express kindness. Kindness goes hand-in-hand with compassion, but that doesn’t mean we must exacerbate others' pain by adding our own to it. I’ve heard it said that worry is much like praying for something bad to happen. With this in mind, I will try to only see, hear, and repeat good. This does not mean I will ignore injustice in all its many faces, nor does it mean that I'll turn my back on someone in need. It does mean when I hear of yet another travesty against mankind and the environment, I will see it through different eyes, translating it into what can occur to move us into our true selves as images of the divine. Planning to refrain from rehashing horror stories, or engaging in inane conversations, or telling my own stories which top the bad things others have experienced, these are things I can and will do at every opportunity. Every thought matters, and ours may be the one which turns it all around!

“Dismiss all foolish magical beliefs today, and hold your mind in silent readiness to hear the Voice that speaks the truth to you. You will be listening to One Who says there is no loss under the laws of God. Payment is neither given nor received. Exchange cannot be made; there are no substitutes; and nothing is replaced by something else. God’s laws forever give and never take.” 

A Course in Miracles W-76.9:2-6

“The power of the human will should be exercised only in subordination to Truth; else it will misguide the judgment and free the lower propensities. It is the province of spiritual sense to govern man.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, Page 206:2-7

Monday, November 13, 2023

A Novel of Rumi

Photo credit: ugurekenoglu

Having recently experienced an uplifting concert of Sufi music, I’ve been thinking about books I’ve read which gave me insight into this spiritual discipline. The Forty Rules of Love, by Elia Shafak, is described as “a novel of Rumi". It’s an enjoyable read with many pearls of wisdom, such as this: “You say you are ready to deliver all your knowledge to another person. You want to hold the Truth in your palm as if it were a precious pear and offer it to someone special. But opening up someone’s heart to spiritual light is no small task for a human being. You’re stealing God’s thunder.” This comes to me at the perfect time, as I’m itching to open up everyone’s heart to spiritual light — as you probably are, too! I sat on the front porch this evening pondering the quote from this book and rejoicing in its truth. Since we are each the reflection, the image and likeness of God, only we, individually, can recognize that spiritual light, that God-ness within, and allow it to flow out. What blesses one blesses all. I truly believe that. I can only have this recognition within, but that’s all it takes in order to share it! Shine on, dear Friends …

“In the Science of Mind, you will soon ascertain that error cannot destroy error. You will also learn that in Science there is no transfer of evil suggestions from one mortal to another, for there is but one Mind, and this ever-present omnipotent Mind is reflected by man and governs the entire universe. You will learn that in Christian Science the first duty is to obey God, to have one Mind, and to love another as yourself.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 495:31-8

“You are a mirror of truth, in which God Himself shines in perfect light. To the ego’s dark glass you need but say, ‘I will not look there because I know these images are not true.’ Then let the Holy One shine on you in peace, knowing that this and only this must be. His Mind shone on you in your creation and brought your mind into being. His Mind still shines on you and must shine through you. Your ego cannot prevent Him from shining on you, but it can prevent you from letting Him shine through you.” 

A Course in Miracles  T-4.IV.9:1-6

New Today

An Anchor of Hope

                        Humans are extremely resilient, and our environment is awesome in its regenerative powers. The Book of Hope, by Jane...