Wednesday, November 15, 2023


When people ask me to pray for them, they most often think that I'm asking God to help them. The prayer which I utilize affirms the truth of our Being, combined with a listening to hear what should be affirmed. It's not an asking for a condition to be changed, but a knowing that there is no inharmonious condition in God's reflection. We are created by divine Mind and reflect all that implies. This has nothing to do with matter. Our mortal mind often insists that this material existence is the reality of our being, and any glimpse we may have of our spiritual perfection is but a mirage. But the opposite of this is reality and our realization is what brings harmony. Jesus’s revolutionary teachings were telling us we are not material, we are spiritual. Some may think we cannot demonstrate this in our material form. And so that is true. But what is also true is that we are not really matter. This illusion can be dropped here and now, as we ascend past mortal belief into spiritual Truth. God has made us capable of this!

“‘The prayer of faith shall save the sick,’ says the Scripture. What is this healing prayer? A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain more of the divine presence than is always at hand. The beneficial effect of such prayer for the sick is on the human mind, making it act more powerfully on the body through a blind faith in God. This, however, is one belief casting out another, — a belief in the unknown casting out a belief in sickness. It is neither Science nor Truth which acts through blind belief, nor is it the human understanding of the divine healing Principle as manifested in Jesus, whose humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of Truth, — of man’s likeness to God and of man’s unity with Truth and Love.” 

Mary BakerEddy - Science & Health Page 1-15

“God is the goal of every prayer, giving it timelessness instead of end. Nor has it a beginning, because the goal has never changed. Prayer in its earlier forms is an illusion, because there is no need for a ladder to reach what one has never left. Yet prayer is part of forgiveness as long as forgiveness, itself an illusion, remains unattained. Prayer is tied up with learning until the goal of learning has been reached. And then all things will be transformed together, and returned unblemished into the Mind of God. Being beyond learning, this state cannot be described. The stages necessary to its attainment, however, need to be understood, if peace is to be restored to God’s Son, who lives now with the illusion of death and the fear of God.” 

A Course in Miracles S-1.II.8:1-8)

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