Friday, November 24, 2023

Listening to Inner Promptings

Photo by Kristen Jones
Newton County, Arkansas 

Synchronicity, intuition, following your heart — We have many words to describe what may simply be listening for the voice of God. A small event happened today which reminded me of the necessity of listening to ourSelves in daily life. A friend was helping me with some home repairs today. He mentioned his mother and suddenly I thought of a clock which I took off the wall yesterday and placed in the thrift store donation box. I showed it to him, asking if he had a use for it. He exclaimed that his mom loved things with apples depicted on them, and since this clock showed a rustic apple scene in its middle, he wanted to give it to her when he goes to St. Louis to visit her next month. He began to tell me about her house and her love of cardinals (the bird). Hanging in my “plant room” was a Wilderness Society cardinal ornament, which was a perfect addition to his gift for his mom. I life watching Life flow through me!

“The Science of God and man is no more supernatural than is the science of numbers, though departing from the realm of the physical, as the Science of God, Spirit, must, some may deny its right to the name of Science. The Principle of divine metaphysics is God; the practice of divine metaphysics is the utilization of the power of Truth over error; its rules demonstrate its Science. Divine metaphysics reverses perverted and physical hypotheses as to Deity, even as the explanation of optics rejects the incidental or inverted image and shows what this inverted image is meant to represent.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 111:6-16

“A day devoted now to gratitude will add the benefit of some insight into the real extent of all the gains which you have made; the gifts you have received. Be glad today, in loving thankfulness, your Father has not left you to yourself, nor let you wander in the dark alone. Be grateful He has saved you from the self you thought you made to take the place of Him and His creation. Give Him thanks today.” 

A Course in Miracles W-123.2:1-4

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