Sunday, December 10, 2023

A Child of Love

Someone who is familiar with A Course in Miracles tells me she doesn't think these teachings should be presented to children. She thinks they wouldn't have a reason to live if they thought this way. I see it as just the opposite! It seems to me many young people (and older!) have no sense of self. I have noticed, with my own boys, that knowing about their Self precludes them from worrying about the labels which may be put on them by others. Self knowledge fosters self confidence. There is much talk about bullying and labels which are used to taunt young people by their peers. Being a witness to what others do, but not becoming a part of it, is demonstrating the freedom which is our heritage as a child of Love. Not taking things personally is part of this freedom, but there's more than that. You must know what IS, not just what is not. It isn't easy, facing rudeness with kindness. But it is possible! 

"Human sense may well marvel at discord, while, to a diviner sense, harmony is the real and discord the unreal. We may well be astonished at sin, sickness, death. We may well be perplexed at human fear; and still more astounded at hatred, which lifts its hydra head, showing its horns in the many inventions of evil. But why should we stand aghast at nothingness?” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 563:1-7

“God is but Love, and therefore so am I. This Self alone knows Love. This Self alone is perfectly consistent in Its Thoughts; knows Its Creator, understands Itself, is perfect in Its knowledge and Its Love, and never changes from Its constant state of union with Its Father and Itself.” 

A Course in Miracles -

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Who We Are

Art by: Catrin Walz-Stein

Catching Up To Who We Are - by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“We do not become healers.
We came as healers. 
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become storytellers.
We came as carriers of the stories that we and our ancestors actually lived. 
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become artists. We came as artists. 
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become writers.. dancers.. musicians.. helpers.. peacemakers. 
We came as such. 
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not learn to love in this sense. We came as Love.
We are Love.
Some of us are still catching up 
to who we truly are.”

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“My angels are exalted thoughts, appearing at the door of some sepulchre, in which human belief has buried its fondest earthly hopes. With white fingers they point upward to a new and glorified trust, to higher ideals of life and its joys. Angels are God’s representatives. These upward-soaring beings never lead towards self, sin, or materiality, but guide to the divine Principle of all good, whither every real individuality, image, or likeness of God, gathers. By giving earnest heed to these spiritual guides they tarry with us, and we entertain 
‘angels unawares.’”
 Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 299:7-17

“Today in gratitude we lift our hearts above despair, and raise our thankful eyes, no longer looking downward to the dust. We sing the song of thankfulness today, in honor of the Self that God has willed to be our true Identity in Him. Today we smile on everyone we see, and walk with lightened footsteps as we go to do what is appointed us to do.” 
A Course in Miracles W-123.4:1-3

Friday, December 8, 2023

Making Illusions …


Every moment of our lives have been spent getting us to the point at which we are now. I know some folks who want to hold onto their past, and others who wish they could change their past, then there are those who have grown through experiences and continue this expansion of thought. I am wondering why some of us seem to feed on turmoil and drama, creating it to keep ourselves upset -- or perhaps amused. Hum, it would never occur to me to be entertained by anger and other base elements of human behavior, but it seems many folks want to be in the middle of heated battle or else they are -- they are what? Bored, I think. Maybe it's something else. I know a young woman who is trying to create difficulty for herself and another family member. Perhaps what I'm witnessing is low self esteem, which she hopes to boost through righteous indignation. Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the whole situation. Since I don’t want to create a competing drama, I'll just watch and see what transpires, knowing only good can come of this. Namasté ...

"Wrong-mindedness listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real. Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened. Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is one with God’s.” 

A Course in Miracles - C-1.6:1-3

“The time for thinkers has come. Truth, independent of doctrines and time-honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity. Contentment with the past and the cold conventionality of materialism are crumbling away.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page vii:13-17

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Rocking-Chair Moments

Crescent Hotel View
Eureka Springs, AR
Photo by Stephen Shogren

One of my favorite authors, Robert Klose, wrote an essay about traveling by plane and dreading a two-hour layover somewhere in North Carolina. When he got to the waiting area, he was surprised to see a row of rocking chairs along the wall. As he happily rocked and people-watched, he noticed that everyone was rushing and distracted. There was a grand piano on the other side of the waiting area and to his delight someone sat down and began to play. His enjoyment was great, as was everyone else’s. He noticed people slowed their pace and even stopped to listen, some swaying along and others even singing to the popular old tunes. As I read this, it occurred to me that we can mentally have our own rocking chairs and pianos within us and enjoy the peace and joy wherever we are! So the next time I’m waiting somewhere I’d rather not be, I shall do my best to have a “rocking-chair/piano moment”. 

“Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within. They know the way. For honest thoughts, untainted by the dream of worldly things outside yourself, become the holy messengers of God Himself.” 

A Course in Miracles W-188.6:4-6

“The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace. Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 506:11-14

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Sweetness of Friendship

One of my favorite days of the year is the one in which my book club has a retreat. We spend the day together, and while laughing and eating and enjoying each other, we choose our next year’s books to read and we talk about any business we have to take care of. This year, I must miss this gathering of Novel Women. May everyone reach out to those they love, if not today, as soon as possible. Namaste…

“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”

Khalil Gibran

“It is essential to understand, instead of believe, what relates most nearly to the happiness of being. To seek Truth through belief in a human doctrine is not to understand the infinite. We must not seek the immutable and immortal through the finite, mutable, and mortal, and so depend upon belief instead of demonstration, for this is fatal to a knowledge of Science. The understanding of Truth gives full faith in Truth, and spiritual understanding is better than all burnt offerings.” 

Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health Page 285:32-8

“Today, let us resolve together to accept the joyful tidings that disaster is not real and that reality is not disaster. Reality is safe and sure, and wholly kind to everyone and everything. There is no greater love than to accept this and be glad. For love asks only that you be happy, and will give you everything that makes for happiness.” 

A Course in Miracles T-16.II.8:5-8

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Clap Your Hands!

As we all know, there are many lessons to be learned from children. For instance, imagine a child making a sand castle when a wave comes in and takes it back to its original state. Does the child cry? I'm told that they laugh in delight! Children innately know the impermanence of things and happily accept that -- until they learn differently from adults. Also, think about a child achieving a new benchmark in their young lives. They jump up and down with glee, clapping their little hands in celebration! When was the last time you applauded yourself? I hope it was recently! Part of our "learning" experience tells us that to celebrate ourselves would be a form of arrogance or self-righteous behavior. I don't think an honest appreciation for ourselves is anything of the sort, do you? Life isn't always easy, and when we come through a tough time, or when we perform a task we were afraid of attempting, or when we wake up happy when we have been sad -- well, there are countless things which deserve gleeful hand-clapping. The next time you applaud a friend or loved ones' achievements, think about doing the same for yourself, dear friends. You deserve it!

“You who have been unmerciful to yourself do not remember your Father’s Love. And looking without mercy upon your brothers, you do not remember how much you love Him. Yet it is forever true. In shining peace within you is the perfect purity in which you were created. Fear not to look upon the lovely truth in you. Look through the cloud of guilt that dims your vision, and look past darkness to the holy place where you will see the light. The altar to your Father is as pure as He Who raised it to Himself. Nothing can keep from you what Christ would have you see. His Will is like His Father’s, and He offers mercy to every child of God, as He would have you do.” 

A Course in Miracles T-13.X.9:1-9

"Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, -- this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 323:32

Monday, December 4, 2023

Loving Prayer


A friend, who claims to be an atheist, brought up an interesting scenario which I’d never thought about before. He said one of his friends had asked him to pray for them, saying they had an incurable disease and wanted his prayers. He explained to the person that he was an atheist and he couldn’t do that. They begged him to do so anyway. He called me wanting to know what to do, mainly wondering what to say to them in order to not hurt their feelings by refusing. I assured him it wasn’t necessary to believe in a big guy in the sky who would grant favors if he asked; that it was perfectly acceptable to tell his friend he would send good thoughts to the universe, or something along those lines. Anything which expresses love is a gift; one which may be given in a multitude of ways. Honestly expressing love to those in need flows freely to them, back to us, and circulates out to all! Let's never hesitate to express good will, best wishes, and Love!

“Prayer is a stepping aside; a letting go, a quiet time of listening and loving. It should not be confused with supplication of any kind, because it is a way of remembering your holiness. Why should holiness entreat, being fully entitled to everything Love has to offer? And it is to Love you go in prayer. Prayer is an offering; a giving up of yourself to be at one with Love. There is nothing to ask because there is nothing left to want. That nothingness becomes the altar of God. It disappears in Him.”

A Course in Miracles S-1.I.5:1-8

“Truth has no consciousness of error. Love has no sense of hatred. Life has no partnership with death. Truth, Life, and Love are a law of annihilation to everything unlike themselves, because they declare nothing except God.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 243:25-29

New Today

Wholeheartedly Happy

Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater “Oh, that magic feeling; nowhere to go.” This line from a Beatles song has always captivated me. I’m sure it...