Monday, May 20, 2024

The Gospel of Love

Photo Courtesy of Richard Quick

Spiritualization of thought is said to be a slow process, and many people think they don't have "time", hence it's not worth the effort to try. To remember that I am One with God is a giant step toward this spiritualization. This puts our goal right where we are, here and now, rather than somewhere far off, which we may or may not reach at some point in the future. I am One with God right now! To know this intellectually and to understand it from the core of your being are not the same thing. The hunger to think God's thoughts, the longing to know what my relationship is to the divine Mind, these desires cannot be satisfied with words. Glimpses of Truth cause me to crave more. The rising above human belief may seem like the work of a lifetime, but the realization that you want to know God happens in a heartbeat. Listen ~~~

[The] human sense of Deity yields to the divine sense, even as the material sense of personality yields to the incorporeal sense of God and man as the infinite Principle and infinite idea, — as one Father with His universal family, held in the gospel of Love.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 576:31-5

“My mind holds only what I think with God. That is a fact, and represents the truth of What you are and What your Father is. It is this thought by which the Father gave creation to the Son, establishing the Son as co-creator with Himself. It is this thought that fully guarantees salvation to the Son. For in his mind no thoughts can dwell but those his Father shares. Lack of forgiveness blocks this thought from his awareness. Yet it is forever true.” 

A Course in Miracles

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Heights of Holiness

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston

There is a delightful little book called, The Holy Man, by Susan Trott. It is comprised of numerous scenarios recounted through a group of people who climb a mountain and are waiting in line to see The Holy Man. They feel all their questions will be answered, all their problems solved, if only they can meet and speak with him. The irony is that when they are finally admitted to his home, he simply leads them through the house and out the back door. The beauty of the book is that everyone sees what they need to see from their interactions with others while waiting in the long line. We, too, have these ah-hah moments while going about our day-to-day activities. By releasing our by-rote reactions, we are free to practice forgiveness with every blameless thought we have. With this clean slate, who knows what insights will be ours? Like those people waiting to speak to The Holy Man, whom they believed had all the answers, we will be finding insight in every moment, simply by listening. As One with all that Is, all answers are ours, even without asking questions!

“Mind, joyous in strength, dwells in the realm of Mind. Mind's infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 513:26-9

“Why would you seek an answer other than the answer that will answer everything? Here is the perfect answer, given to imperfect questions, meaningless requests, halfhearted willingness to hear, and less than halfway diligence and partial trust. Here is the answer! Seek for it no more. You will not find another one instead.”

A Course in Miracles W-122.4:1-5

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Healing is Supremely Natural


Photo credit: Mark McGee

No matter what "ills" appear to be in our lives, there is no law which says we are condemned to suffer. It's a mistaken belief that we are victims of heredity, or subject to communicable disease, or any of the myriad problems which seem so real in our collective and individual thought. It can be very difficult to take ourselves out of the perpetual loop of dis-ease. It often seems impossible to realize Truth in our life, while living amongst the constant flow of erroneous thoughts. Every instance of turning away from material illusion, and seeing with the spiritual sense we're developing, is a cause for celebration! Each revelation is a step toward salvation from the trap of victimhood. The knowledge of what is Truth and what is illusion lifts us past the thoughts which hold us trapped in sickness and inharmony. It's not by trying to rid ourselves of illusions that we are freed; it's by knowing what Truth is. With Truth as the only reality in our thought, error has no room to take hold, and it disappears into the nothingness which is its only reality. Now that's something to celebrate!

“The physical healing of Christian Science results now, as in Jesus' time, from the operation of divine Principle, before which sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear as naturally and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and sin to reformation. Now, as then, these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page xi:9-15

“There is no place where holiness is not, and nowhere sin and sickness can abide.

This is the thought that cures. It does not make distinctions among unrealities. Nor does it seek to heal what is not sick, unmindful where the need for healing is. This is no magic. It is merely an appeal to truth, which cannot fail to heal and heal forever. It is not a thought that judges an illusion by its size, its seeming gravity, or anything that is related to the form it takes. It merely focuses on what it is, and knows that no illusion can be real.” 

A Course in Miracles W-140.5:7–6:7

Friday, May 17, 2024

They Are Part of You; and You of Them

Ceramic Created by Ken Starbird

What does atonement mean to you? I think of it as being at one with All That Is. The ease with which I accept this concept may have to do with the fact that I've always lived in small towns, where we all know each other. I'm also in a rural area, where it's easy to commune with nature and readily feel our connectedness. But, in the alternative, with the inception of the internet, it’s easier to see our Oneness reflected back at us from others all over the world. I have friends who have just returned from an extended trip around Europe. Both of them are outgoing, loving people who have many stories to tell about the friendships they made in their travels. Seeing ourselves as the experience and expression of God helps us to understand our Oneness with everyone, everywhere. It matters not whether we look the same or agree in any of our material beliefs. As we realize the unreality of our matter-based beliefs, we are better equipped to see the reality of our Oneness with God. This realization then resounds in every interaction with life, turning it into an all-encompassing experience in which we can understand our at-One-ment. We truly are all in this together!

“We have a mission here. We did not come to reinforce the madness that we once believed in. Let us not forget the goal that we accepted. It is more than just our happiness alone we came to gain. What we accept as what we are proclaims what everyone must be, along with us. Fail not your brothers, or you fail yourself. Look lovingly on them, that they may know that they are part of you, and you of them.”

A Course in Miracles W-139.9:1-7 “

Today accept Atonement, not to change reality, but merely to accept the truth about yourself, and go your way rejoicing in the endless Love of God.” 

A Course in Miracles W-139.10:2

“Atonement is the exemplification of man’s unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 18:1-3

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Choosing Heaven

Photo courtesy of Gerry Toler

Jesus told us that knowing the Truth would set us free. He also mentioned that the kingdom of heaven is within. This truth he's speaking of is the inner knowing we all hold inside of us: the knowledge that we are holy. We truly are the image and likeness of divine Mind, with all the perks that implies. We are the experience and expression of God! We have no function other than to live every moment in the acceptance of our holiness. As spiritual sight outshines material illusions, the kingdom of heaven is our only reality! 

“Heaven is chosen consciously. The choice cannot be made until alternatives are accurately seen and understood. All that is veiled in shadows must be raised to understanding, to be judged again, this time with Heaven’s help. And all mistakes in judgment that the mind had made before are open to correction, as the truth dismisses them as causeless. Now are they without effects. They cannot be concealed, because their nothingness is recognized.”

A Course in Miracles W-138.9:1-6

“The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 560:12-15

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

How Powerful is Love?

Photo by Mark McGee

Love heals. We hear this so often, it's probably become somewhat of a cliché. We may think that nothing can heal the ills of the world, much less something as intangible as love. What if love were the most powerful force in the universe? Not just an emotion called love, but an omnipotent, gentle presence which is a synonymous with God. What if experiencing this Love was sufficient to heal every thought of evil or sickness or misery which has ever been imagined? Then we'd all be lining up to get some of this stuff, don't you think? And it's even easier than that. We only need get out of our own way to see what has always been there. Love heals.

“One moment of divine consciousness, or the spiritual understanding of Life and Love, is a foretaste of eternity.This exalted view, obtained and retained when the Science of being is understood, would bridge over with life discerned spiritually the interval of death, and man would be in the full consciousness of his immortality and eternal harmony, where sin, sickness, and death are unknown. Time is a mortal thought, the divisor of which is the solar year. Eternity is God’s measurement of Soul-filled years.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 598:23-2

“Healing might thus be called a counter-dream, which cancels out the dream of sickness in the name of truth, but not in truth itself. Just as forgiveness overlooks all sins that never were accomplished, healing but removes illusions that have not occurred. Just as the real world will arise to take the place of what has never been at all, healing but offers restitution for imagined states and false ideas which dreams embroider into pictures of the truth.”

A Course in Miracles W-137.5:1-3

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

For Healing, Welcome Truth

Many new-age thought systems try to find reasons for disease, then work to get rid of the "problem" which is causing you to be unwell. This is something which has no place in quantum thought.  When Mary Baker Eddy realized the nothingness of matter and the substance of Spirit, not many were willing to imagine the possibility until they saw physical proof. The healing which comes about through this understanding is not a manipulation of matter, but a yielding of erroneous belief to the Truth of creation by divine Mind. The Catch-22 is that if you are trying to heal something, you can't. But if you're knowing the Truth of existence, and that knowledge becomes more than just wishful thinking, the changeability of matter is shown in ways which we think of as healing. Knowing that there is nothing to be healed, that all is perfectly reflected as a creation of divine Mind, therein lies the healing. Going to the core of yourSelf and recognizing that your consciousness is One with Spirit, that is what brings an all-encompassing joy and peace which makes us happy to release false belief. Once that is gone, Truth shines forth in all Its magnificence! 

“A correct view of Christian Science and of its adaptation to healing includes vastly more than is at first seen. Works on metaphysics leave the grand point untouched. They never crown the power of Mind as the Messiah, nor do they carry the day against physical enemies, — even to the extinction of all belief in matter, evil, disease, and death, — nor insist upon the fact that God is all, therefore that matter is nothing beyond an image in mortal mind.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 116:11-18

“Sickness is a defense against the truth. No one can heal unless he understands what purpose sickness seems to serve. For then he understands as well its purpose has no meaning. Being causeless and without a meaningful intent of any kind, it cannot be at all. When this is seen, healing is automatic. It dispels this meaningless illusion by the same approach that carries all of them to truth, and merely leaves them there to disappear.”

A Course in Miracles W-136.1:1-5)

“Truth has a power far beyond defense, for no illusions can remain where truth has been allowed to enter. And it comes to any mind that would lay down its arms, and cease to play with folly. It is found at any time; today, if you will choose to practice giving welcome to the truth.”

A Course in Miracles W-136.14:1-3

New Today

Do All The Good You Can

Someone I admire said, “I don’t want my imagination to die before I do”. That’s the open secret to a happy life, don’t you think? When each ...