Monday, July 16, 2012

July 17, 2012 - Peace through connectivity

Unknown Photographer

A Course in Miracles `Lesson #198
“Only my condemnation injures me.”

It seems impossible to stay away from thoughts of condemnation. To listen to the news during an election year in the United States is more than sufficient to bring up thoughts of doom. When we let go of the belief of separation, this condemnation is put into its proper perspective. If I can manage to be still and know what/who I truly am, then there is no reason for thinking in this way. Truly forgiving is recognition that there is nothing to forgive. While it may be tempting to jump up on our high horses and expound on the rightness and the wrongness of these external events, this justification is only of our own beliefs. Mortal mind, ego, tells us that we know this is real and we must do something about it. And by this I don't mean to say that things can't or shouldn't be done about what we see going on around us in this world. But listening and allowing ourselves to be led is much more productive than going off on a tangent, proposing fantastic things of our imaginations, and telling people how they should change their ways and everything will be better. The internet is known as the world-wide web, and that is quite an analogy for the Oneness which we are as spiritual beings. The instant and constant connection we all have with each other through this web of connectivity is there for the recognition of it. It's akin to flipping the switch for light in a dark room. If we don't know that's possible, we don't know to do it, and so continue to sit in the dark. But when we sit with quiet expectation that our inner knowing will supply us with all answers, we may just find ourselves walking over to that unknown element and turning on the light! Whereas, sitting in condemnation of yourself and others for not knowing what to do offers no help other than keeping everyone in the dark. Let's recognize now there is no condemnation outside of our own. As Jesus tells us, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." Today I will remember that the kingdom of hell also resides there. Which will I choose? It seems foolish to think there is a choice!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in nor of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, good, and needing no other consciousness.”
Science and Health Page 264:15-18
This material is copyrighted by Marsha Havens, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. All rights reserved. All writings, other than quoted material from A Course in Miracles or Mary Baker Eddy are the personal interpretation and understanding of the author.

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