Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 13, 2012 - To Love Totally ...

A Course in Miracles Lesson #225
“God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”

"Aaron in Germany - 2006"
photo by Mike Cheathum
The ebb and flow of divine Love does not mean that it comes and goes like the tide, but that there is an ever-present circulation between its Source and the creation of divine Mind. Divine creation includes you and me, our true Selves as the reflection of this Love. The admission to myself that there is only one thing I want, which is to know God, to understand the relation of myself to All that Is, allows me to also confess the Love I feel for God and all of Creation. I remember my son once told me he didn't understand why I had so many pets. At the time there were three dogs and three cats. But then he said that it was a good thing because I had too much love for just him and his brother, and if I didn't have the animals, I'd be leading them around town on leashes and patting them on the head. Although we laughed at this at the time, I see there was truth to his statement. We all have too much Love to be contained in any human relationship(s). The all-encompassing divine Love which we are reflecting must be given freely, but it is too huge to be satisfied in simply material expression. To love God is to express the ultimate in what we may have been limiting by our erroneous beliefs in the reality of Love. And releasing the full power of this divine Love is translated into loving actions and thoughts in everyday life. We need not plan to be kind and loving (as some I know seem to do), but by loving only God this expression is found in surprising ways! Leave notes on the blog with ways you have demonstrated this phenomenon!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Not materially but spiritually we know Him as divine Mind, as Life, Truth, and Love. We shall obey and adore in proportion as we apprehend the divine nature and love Him understandingly, warring no more over the corporeality, but rejoicing in the affluence of our God. Religion will then be of the heart and not of the head. Mankind will no longer be tyrannical and proscriptive from lack of love,--straining out gnats and swallowing camels.”
Science & Health Page 140:7-14

1 comment:

  1. Loving ways truly come from your heart. I am learning we must focus on divine love for all even through the daily activities we take for granted. How sweet life can be when we let it flow through us. Whether with a smile, aiding a fellow friend or stranger on the trolley or being honest and truthful in our personal relationships in a kind manner. How good it feels!


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