Friday, August 17, 2012

August 18, 2012 - Peace is Ours

A Course in Miracles Lesson #230
“Now will I seek and find the peace of God."

"Somewhere in China - 2009"
photo  by Aaron Springston
By this stage in our studies, we certainly know where this peace of God is: within our own selves. We are a reflection of the divine, we are divine, and this peace is ours, always, totally, with only one exception. And that exception is our refusal to see, feel, and be this peace. I'm sitting here looking at some beautiful photographs hanging on the wall. But the glass covering these photos is mirroring everything which is happening outside the large front windows in the gallery. I see people swarming by like ants, cars of every color lumbering past, and lots of other activity which practically obscures the image I'm trying to see. I know there's a beautiful waterfall and great night shots of scenes around town. When I specifically look at them, they are clear. I block out the reflected activity. But I have a choice: I can focus on the bustling, ever-changing activity outside, and that obscures the subject matter which I know is unchanged. So it is with the peace of God. It is always there, unchanging, eternally. But it is obscured by the dis-ease, the unrest, the busy-ness of our minds. I have a friend who likes to label herself ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). My personal opinion is we're all that way, but some focus on the disarray in thought while others focus on the peace. And we all know that what we put our attention on is what grows!. She finds herself not finishing one project before she's off to another one. She tells me she has no peace because her mind won't let her have it. And I couldn't agree more! That's the only reason any of us don't have peace. It's not because we don't have this peace, it's because we cover it up with inharmonious ways of thinking and action. I know this well, because I do it myself. But I know the focus on peace is working, as occasionally I'll find myself thinking absolutely nothing. And this couldn't have been possible a few years ago, when I was feeding the never-ending drama in my mind. Wayne Dyer (and others) tell us that we have something like 20,000 different thoughts every day. The only problem is, they're the same thoughts we had yesterday. With the peace of God, we are enabling ourselves to hear divine Ideas rather than the chatter of mortal mind. Ah, peace ~~~

 Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love.”
Science & Health Page 264:24-27

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