Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 19, 2012 - Express Joy, from the Heart

"Basin Spring and Hotel in
Eureka Springs, AR"
photo by Richard Quick

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #353
"My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today
Have but one purpose; to be given Christ
To use to bless the world with miracles."

At this time of the year, we are often reminded that not everyone includes themselves in this thing we call Christmas. In order to be politically correct, we go through all sorts of angst while expressing the Joy of the season to others. Today's lesson states that Christ is but my Self. Not just my Self, but everybody's! The man we know as Jesus was here to show us the Truth of our Being. There were no limitations placed on this message’s target. Everyone, everywhere were and are the recipients of his revelation that we are all the Sons of God. In seeing, speaking, and moving with the realization that God is our Life, this lesson is demonstrated in everything we do. And so today I will speak from my heart when the occasion arises to express the joy of the season to others. What I say will be heartfelt, with no regard to what should or shouldn't be said. And I will see everyone as the Christ that they are, regardless of how it may seem to my limited human concepts. My prayer will be to realize my true conception is spiritual, and to act and speak accordingly as led by Spirit. Merry Christmas and Namaste'!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The illumination of Mary's spiritual sense put to silence material law and its order of generation, and brought forth her child by the revelation of Truth, demonstrating God as the Father of men. The Holy Ghost, or divine Spirit, overshadowed the pure sense of the Virgin-mother with the full recognition that being is Spirit. The Christ dwelt forever an idea in the bosom of God, the divine Principle of the man Jesus, and woman perceived this spiritual idea, though at first faintly developed."
Science & Health Page 29:20-29

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