Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May 1, 2013 - Love Fills All Space

"Pure Love"
photo by Aaron Springston

 ACIM Workbook Lesson #121
“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

In today's workbook lesson, we are asked to think of someone we don't like, someone who irritates us perhaps, someone we don't enjoy being around. In the time it takes to read the last sentence, we have chosen this person! Contemplate him. Meditate on her. Find some bit of light in them and let it grow until you feel the goodness, the God, which they inherently are. After we have allowed this feeling to grow, we are asked to think of someone we like and transfer that good feeling to them. In doing this, we then realize there is no difference in these people. All feelings of separation are released in this forgiveness, this realization of their Oneness with each other and ourself. By this process, we give and receive, understanding the unity in these seemingly separate acts. Whatever we give, we receive, because we already have the kingdom within us. So-called forgiveness is the letting go of false beliefs in various forms of separation, the understanding of the power contained in this realization, and the demonstration of that fact. Letting Love rule every aspect of our thought is forgiveness, because there is no room for anything but this Love when it is admitted as the only reality of our being. To paraphrase Mrs. Eddy, Love fills all space and there is nothing else to think about. That understanding is enough to allow happiness to reign!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty,and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!
Science & Health Page 520:3-5

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 30, 2013 - I Am Spiritual

"Portland Oregon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #120
Review of:
#109 "I rest in God."
#110 "I am as God created me."

When people ask me to pray for them, they most often think that I'm asking God to help them. Some have told me they think I've got a direct line to divinity, and they have somehow missed the connection. This could not be further from the truth. The prayer which I utilize affirms the truth of our Being, combined with a listening to hear what should be affirmed. It's not an asking for a condition to be changed, but a knowing that there is no condition in God's reflection. We are created by divine Mind and reflect all that implies. This has nothing to do with matter. Our mortal mind often insists that this material existence is the reality of our being and any glimpse we may have of our spiritual perfection is but a mirage. The opposite is reality and our realization of this is what brings harmony. This form of prayer is also not a mind-over-matter type of healing. So when you ask me to pray for you, it's possible I'll say "God, help!". But that's only to clear my thought, allowing Truth to be foremost and error to melt away. I'll never say in prayer anything like, Please, God, heal Mary's cold. But I will say, What do I need to know about this situation? This is what Jesus was telling us. That's why his teachings were revolutionary. We are not material, we are spiritual. Some think we are unable to demonstrate this in our material form. And so that is true. But what is also true is that we are not really matter. This illusion can be dropped here and now, as we ascend past mortal belief into spiritual Truth. God has made us capable of this!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God creates and governs the universe, including man. The universe is filled with spiritual ideas, which He evolves, and they are obedient to the Mind that makes them. Mortal mind would transform the spiritual into the material, and then recover man's original self in order to escape from the mortality of this error. Mortals are not like immortals, created in God's own image; but infinite Spirit being all, mortal consciousness will at last yield to the scientific fact and disappear, and the real sense of being, perfect and forever intact, will appear.”
Science & Health Page 295:5-15

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 29, 2013 - Truth Trumps Error

"Somewhere in Oregon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #119
Review of:
#107 "Truth will correct all errors in my mind."
#108 "To give and to receive are one in truth."

Many people have been telling me they think this Truth we speak of is difficult to understand. One person says it's incomprehensible unless you've had years of study and training. Another says she's not smart enough to "get it". Yet another says she's not up for the hard work this way of living entails. I've been thinking about this quite a bit. Is it true? Does it take some special dispensation, some quantum gift from beyond, some unraveling of DNA, years of study perhaps? I suppose we think it takes a long time to change our thought because it's taken us a long time to think in the ways we presently do. Most of us have 12 to 20 years of formal education as proof that it's difficult to learn everything we need to know. Maybe that's why we tend to balk at what could be a lifetime of work. But wait a minute! What's with this "lifetime" business? Aren't we floating in eternity? I feel that we already know all there is to know. It's our birthright as a child of God. The part that takes practice is leaving the erroneous teachings of a lifetime behind. The easy part is the realization that Truth is always within us, just waiting to be discovered. And with this discovery comes a renewal of our mind, a rediscovery of the Truth we've always known, which easily pushes aside false beliefs. So, no, I don't think it's hard work. But it is dedicated work. A dedicated discipline to seeing and feeling as Love. Not through Love, not with Love, but as Love. That is our essence. That is our Truth. Let's keep it simple!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Because Truth is infinite, error should be known as nothing. Because Truth is omnipotent in goodness, error, Truth's opposite, has no might. Evil is but the counterpoise of nothingness. The greatest wrong is but a supposititious opposite of the highest right. The confidence inspired by Science lies in the fact that Truth is real and error is unreal. Error is a coward before Truth. Divine Science insists that time will prove all this. Both truth and error have come nearer than ever before to the apprehension of mortals, and truth will become still clearer as error is self-destroyed.”
Science & Health Page 329:21-31

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 28, 2013 - Peace, Stillness, Truth

"Montana Silhouettes"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #118
Review of:
#105 "God's peace and joy are mine."
#106 "Let me be still and listen to the truth."

When our minds are busy with worries and repetitive thoughts, when we're voicing our concerns either orally or mentally, it's very difficult to hear the still, small voice of Truth. This is why I always recommend meditation for people who tell me they are having problems sleeping. Not only must the mind be quiet for easy, peaceful falling into sleep, but the last thoughts we think before sinking into this other-worldly abyss are very important! We have been told by material practitioners of various disciplines that sound sleep is necessary for good health; that it facilitates healing in on-going ways which are necessary to our well-being. I've always felt this is true because we need to be quiet to hear the ever-present voice of Truth which is often drowned out by the constant chatter we allow into our heads. This listening mode of being is essential to health, because this health we speak of comes from listening to our true Self rather than the material beliefs of the ages.  Silencing our lips and thoughts to materialism allows Love to replace error, then peace and joy reign supreme in our existence. What a lovely byproduct!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.”
Science & Health Page15:11-13

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 27, 2013 - Letting Go of Stereotypes

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Lesson #117
Review of:
#103 "God, being Love, is also happiness."
#104 "I seek but what belongs to me in truth."

At a gathering of women, the talk centered around stereotypes of people, how these have changed over the years, what keeps them alive, and how we really, truly think about such things. While the talk was stimulating and fun for all involved, we were looking at this from an entirely matter-based standpoint. No mention or thought was given to the reality of our Being and the fact that there truly is no difference in any of us. The way it seems is that we are all different. Our race, nationality, teachings, are said to combine to make us who we are. We supposedly have differences which are sometimes irreconcilable with others of our species. I'm reminded of something Isaac Asimov said in one of his novels. I don't have the exact quote, but it was to the effect that we, as humans, would not realize our unity until life was discovered on another planet; then it could be us against them. And this is the way it seems to be. This is why, in the study of metaphysical realities, we are so eager to let go of these beliefs which keep us shackled to thought which is stagnant. Living every moment in Love precludes thinking of others as different. Although it seems impossible that we could all live in this way, doing no harm to anyone or anything, always expressing our perfection as a reflection of God, it is not. This possibility is an actuality in the reality of our Being, which we're seeing more clearly every day. Love and happiness are our realities, and this Truth is seen clearly when the veil of material belief is lifted.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“...God is Love, and without Love, God, immortality cannot appear. Mortals try to believe without understanding Truth; yet God is Truth.”

April 26, 2013 - Happiness is the Way

"Montana Morning"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Lesson #116
Review of:
#101 "God's Will for me is perfect happiness."
#102 "I share God's Will for happiness for me."

As sage words tell us: There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. We often witness people sabotage their own happiness in a myriad of ways. And, alternatively, we see people who insist on happiness even in the face of the most harsh experiences.  Many times a day we may be tempted to lose a peaceful, happy feeling because of the habit of thinking in unhappy ways. A friend told me a story of a state trooper, somewhere in the panhandle of Texas, wielding his authority in a petty and foolish way. When I hear things like this, I silently affirm the Truth of the situation: that this person is also a child of God. In this affirmation, it's implied what he is not: that is, the material illusion of tyranny he is putting forth. On the other hand, I could entertain thoughts of what is wrong with this policeman. But this would rob me of happiness! I could say, "I hate it when people do that." And that leaves me hating certain actions, rather than seeing the situation through spiritual sense. I would give away my happiness for unnecessary finger pointing. For every action which quashes happiness, there are multitudes which affirm its ever-presence. I ran into an old friend in the grocery store. Not long ago, she lost her 13-year-old daughter, an only child. When I asked her how she was doing, she said she was doing great for the most part; that there were a few tough days, but she knew it was dishonoring her sweet child's memory to spend her time in depressed mourning. And so she found ways to be happy, living Life as an affirmation of her daughter's Truth. I felt humbled in her presence. How dare I shoot down joy over nothing other than silly habitual thinking? I'd rather live Love instead!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Upon this stage of existence goes on the dance of mortal mind. Mortal thoughts chase one another like snowflakes, and drift to the ground. Science reveals Life as not being at the mercy of death, nor will Science admit that happiness is ever the sport of circumstance."
Science & Health Page 250:28-1

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 25, 2013 - New Earth Now

ACIM Lesson #115
Review of: 
#99 "Salvation is my only function here."
#100 "My part is essential to God's plan for salvation."

When viewing the perfection of all life, how it blends together in exquisite harmony, I am often inspired in ways to be more in tune with this tapestry. Once again, we need only let loose the things we do by rote, leaving habitual behaviors behind, in order to open ourselves to new-old thought and experience where that takes us. Perhaps inspired by Earth Day activities, my thoughts go to sustainable farms, organic and pure food, happy animals, pesticide-free vegetables! How wonderful to attend farmer's markets and actually talk to people who grow our food. In the last fifty years, the production of food has changed so drastically that most of our young people have no idea where food actually comes from. And, in too many cases, we don't want to know. Every decision I make at the supermarket casts a vote for the process involved in its production. Every dollar I spend at a Farmer's Market also casts a vote. I don't really want to give my dollars to corporations which give us food without Soul. I vote for food containing Love. Everything I consume will be nurtured with Love. As I release all guilt, as I see that forgiveness is there for the realization of it, new worlds become visible. The New Earth has always been here. And now we're remembering and demonstrating that knowledge in a myriad of ways.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in Science. To break this earthly spell, mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously. This thought is apprehended slowly, and the interval before its attainment is attended with doubts and defeats as well as triumphs.”
Science & Health Page 39:21-30

April 24, 2013 - What Does it Mean to be Spirit?

"Mt. Timpanogos Shadows"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #114
Review of: 
#97 "I am spirit."
#98 "I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation."

Many authors and visionary thinkers have told us that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience. The acknowledgement that "I am Spirit" IS "accepting my part in God's plan for salvation"! The knowledge that we are Spirit and the understanding of what that means, this brings acceptance through demonstration of Truth and Love. It's difficult to accept that we are so much more than we ever thought! We tend to continue behaviors which are comfortable, rather than opening up to a whole new paradigm of thought and action. To illustrate our resistance to change, in the 1970s, IBM wanted to change the traditional keyboard on typewriters. The setup is based on something which is no longer used, and the most-used letters are assigned to fingers which are typically the least-used! And why wouldn't we want to exchange the question mark and the slash mark, saving oodles of shifts in the process? The option of testing a new keyboard was given to those of us who had purchased an IBM Selectric typewriter. The hoped-for improvements were cancelled because the great majority did not want to change. Who's to know what changes will present themselves with the admittance that we are really, truly spiritual? What a grand adventure we have in store!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Question.--What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer.--There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.”
Science & Health Page 468:8-15

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 23, 2013 - Divine Government

"Boston Harbor"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #113
Review of:
#95 "I am one Self, united with my Creator."
#96 "Salvation comes from my one Self."

As little children, we are taught rules and why it is important to follow them. It seems to me we have gone overboard with rules. For instance, look at our tax laws!  When we look to Spirit to guide and govern every action, there is no need for a multitude of laws to tell us what we can and cannot do. Take, for instance, laws which tell us how and who to love. There's a television series called "Big Love" which takes a look into the everyday lives of Mormon polygamists. In the United States, polygamy is illegal. When we hear accounts of cruel men with 20 wives and 100 children, it's tempting to agree with that decree. But when the beauty of deep Love is illustrated in a multiple-marriage situation, it seems not only plausible but admirable. Love cannot be legislated. And this takes us back to those rules we are taught to live by, the laws which we will be punished for breaking. Personal government is not dictated by material laws. No matter how many laws we make, there are still those who perpetrate horrendous acts. But when we are governed by divine Law, which is heard when listening to that "still, small voice" within, we truly can demonstrate the Golden Rule of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. Living life by this Rule results in a peaceful feeling. If uneasiness is bouncing around in my chest, it's time to wonder why! So today I will be governed by intuitive feeling which comes from listening through spiritual sense. Ah -- At-One-Ment!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Atonement is the exemplification of man's unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love. Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him endless homage.”
Science & Health Page 18:1-5

April 22, 2013 - Calm Assertive Behavior

"Ozark Valley"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #112:
Review of:
#93 "Light and joy and peace abide in me"
#94 "I am as God created me."

Last year on this day, I wrote something which is a nice reminder to me this year. It concerns the giving up of strong opinions, not jumping up on my soapbox to expound upon things, and quickly admitting my mistake if I do happen to fall into the ego trap of self-importance. Part of today's lesson tells us that "light and joy and peace abide in me". I remind myself today that this is true, and examine what it is which leads me into forgetfulness of this fact. No longer do I react if someone has an opinion different from mine about politics, religion, or someone I love and respect. It is what it is, and I can happily say something like, "You may be right about that". The only things over which I fall into reactionary mode have to do with our environment -- things like hog farms and electric lines and wasting of resources and such. It would be very easy to insist that I'm right and you're wrong when a utility company wants to cut great swathes through our lovely wooded neighborhoods. And sitting with closed mouth and shielded eyes is not the response to many other situations either. I know there are divinely-inspired ideas waiting for me to discover them, showing me ways to act in defense of goodness and purity. I will today remember that "I am as God created me", while leaving behind self-righteous opinions, clearing the way for Truth to be heard.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker."
Science & Health Page 475:13-22

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 21, 2013 - What is a miracle?

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #111
Review of: 
#91 “Miracles are seen in light."
#92 "Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

When I first encountered A Course in Miracles writings, I was bothered by the use of the word "miracle". In Christian Science, I have learned that what we tend to think of as a miracle is actually the demonstration of divine law. In most cases, when someone says, "It's a miracle", there's the implication that material laws have been set aside for something unbelievable to happen. There is often the assumption that God has intervened and caused things to occur which otherwise wouldn't have. So I would cringe when hearing the word miracle. I have come to see that A Course in Miracles is using the word miracle in much the same way as Mary Baker Eddy refers to it. It is the demonstration of divine Principle, which is seen by replacing material illusions with spiritual sense. This experience is referred to in Science and Health as being "not supernatural, but supremely natural". I love that we are seeing ourselves as complete beings, utilizing the so-called sixth sense in everyday life, and not being surprised when "miraculous" things happen! When we wash away the dust of material belief, the light of Truth can shine through, giving us strength where we before thought we were weak. The light of holiness and goodness, the light of God, gives us every right idea we need to advance in our individual way. We need not worry about which road to take when we trust our inner knowing, our intuition, our true Self.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God's unchangeable law."
Science & Health Page 135:6-8

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 20, 2013 - Nothing Changes in Truth

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #110
“I am as God created me.”

During a conversation with friends, someone asked me how I could have come through a particularly traumatic time without some form of therapy. I hadn't really thought about this, but only knew that I had accepted reality over illusion. The reality is that I am as God created me. The illusion is all the stories I encountered which could affect how I feel about myself and others. So let's say you have just found out about something which happened in the past. This something changes many material truths you believed, including your name, age, and heritage. What reaction would you have? Perhaps your initial response would be anger. People would say this is a normal reaction to betrayal. With the realization that you are as God created you, this situation is seen to have absolutely nothing to do with your true Self. Then this hurtful illusion can dissipate as mist hit by sunlight. Our hurt feelings, our fears, disappear into their native nothingness, being replaced with the Truth of Being. "I Am as God created me." Anything other than our true creation is changeable. Today I choose unchanging, eternal Truth!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow.”
Science & Health Page 259:6-9

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 19, 2013 - I Rest in Love

"Mongolia Sunset"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #109
“I rest in God.”

To rest in God frees us from all planning and worry about possibilities.To give away all belief in and living from past experience clears the way to knowing God. To know God means to know ourselves, and to demonstrate Truth in our every thought and action. Although I find this spiritual practice invigorating, not everyone feels the same. I know people who think they would be giving away their individuality if they let go of their personal history. I find the opposite to be true. When I lose a sense of personal responsibility, when I let go the beliefs I've had about certain circumstances, there is a pure empty space in thought. This space is now free to recognize what was already there: Love. Divine Love. This Love is unchanging, whether we acknowledge Its existence or not. Only by relaxing into this infinity of Love can we rest in God. Through this yielding we can trust that the answers we need will be known to us, because they are always there, if we but listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love. Jesus demonstrated the inability of corporeality, as well as the infinite ability of Spirit, thus helping erring human sense to flee from its own convictions and seek safety in divine Science"
Science & Health Page 494:15-19

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 18, 2013 - Grateful Givers and Receivers

"Yellowstone National Park"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson 108
“To give and to receive are one in truth.”

Most of the people I know are givers. They give time and money to causes they love and support. They give  time and energy to family and friends. They give of themselves generously, always stepping up when anyone is in need. I could fill a book with the ways they give. But many of these wonderful people aren't comfortable receiving. Whether it's a compliment, or a helping hand when they're having problems, or a gift when they're in need, they often refuse the offerings -- or accept them with a bit of unease or perhaps guilt. The duality of these feelings is negated with the understanding of today's lesson, which tells us that giving and receiving are one in truth. "One thought, completely unified, will serve to unify all thoughts." This is a sentence from today's lesson. Reading this brings to mind instances when it has been demonstrated in daily life. For instance, when a situation seems volatile -- perhaps people are on the verge of a major disagreement -- practice peace in your thought and actions and watch its effect. This is because there is only one Cause, hence the effect is unified by that Cause. This unifying cause is the spiritual Principle which governs everything, when seen for what it is: Truth. Today I will open my heart to receive all the good which is innately mine. This reception opens avenues to share in unexpected ways. I will offer to others everything I want for myself: peace, happiness, joy, contentment, satisfaction, grace, love. Freely I have received, freely I give.

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us.” 
Science & Health Page 79:30-32

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 17, 2013 - Truth Corrects Error

"Illusions on a Bridge"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #107
“Truth will correct all errors in my mind.”

I heard an interesting analogy today concerning the body's immune system and the world's ability to heal itself. Each and every one of us are a cell in the immune system of the universe. Every thought we think is either contributing to the unified health of our planet or the propagation of fear and terror. Every prayer, every meditation, ever reaching out through inward listening is magnified exponentially. We have the power to change the world through ourselves. Every interaction brings us closer to a world of love or a world of fear. This Love which heals us personally spreads through the web of Oneness. In the same way that we take personal responsibility for ourselves, our health, our well-being, we can take responsibility for a return to Love. It does matter what we do and what we think. We never know when an interaction with someone else will make the difference in that person's life which turns them away from reactive fear to healing Love. The Truth which corrects all errors in our mind is our ascension into heaven within. Never doubt that you matter, that you make a difference.  Allow silence and listening to guide you to your role in being the change you want to see. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Immortal ideas, pure, perfect, and enduring, are transmitted by the divine Mind through divine Science, which corrects error with truth and demands spiritual thoughts, divine concepts, to the end that they may produce harmonious results." Science & Health Page 259: 27-31

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 16, 2013 - Listen, Hear, Receive, Give

"Mount Timpanogos in Utah"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #106
“Let me be still and listen to the truth.”

People often say that if God existed we wouldn't have such horrors in this world. It seems obvious that God has nothing to do with this material illusion we live. This is our ballgame. What God created is our true Self, which is Spirit: never born and never dying. Does this mean that we're on our own in this material existence, with no divine guidance to look to in times of trouble? On the contrary. We are a reflection of the pure and perfect. We are all the loved of Love, no matter whether some of us appear to be innocent and others look guilty of heinous acts. We are advised today to be still and listen to the truth. We are also told that for every five minutes we spend listening, a thousand minds are opened to the Truth we hear. This morning I told someone that I felt we were very close to the tipping point and every thought we have is important. I feel that more than ever right now! When events occur which bring forth strong negative emotions in many people, it is even more important to hold thought to this Truth which is heard in silence. Listening, hearing, receiving, and giving the Truth which is God is my job today and every day. Namaste'.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The effects of Christian Science are not so much seen as felt. It is the 'still, small voice' of Truth uttering itself. We are either turning away from this utterance, or we are listening to it and going up higher. Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,--this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.’”
Science & Health Page 323:28-8

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 15, 2013 - Peace & Joy Are Mine

Photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #105
“God’s peace and joy are mine.”

Today we concentrate on the nature of giving and receiving. We have become accustomed to thinking of giving gifts for special occasions such as birthdays and holidays. Perhaps gifts are given as a form of compensation to those whom we appreciate because they are patrons of our business. Or maybe someone gave money to our favorite non-profit organization, so we give them a thank you gift. We may feel guilty if someone gives us a gift and we don't have anything for them. We have lots of beliefs about what should and should not be given and how we react to those offerings. It's difficult for many of us to accept gifts. There's that old I'm-not-worthy syndrome rearing its head. I love these sentences from today's workbook lesson: "True giving is creation. It extends the limitless to the unlimited, eternity to timelessness, and love unto itself." To live our lives from this perspective allows us to express Love freely, with no fear of it being rejected or misinterpreted. It allows us to gently reach out to people we've just met, with heartfelt expressions of empathy and compassion. We bloom in unexpected ways when "extending the limitless to the unlimited". It's ours to give and to receive, in an eternal loop of Love. There's no way to measure how far the ripples of our joy and peace may extend. My cup runneth over!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace. Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress." Science & Health Page 506:11-14

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 14, 2013 - Peace, Joy, Happiness are Mine

"Crow Johnson Evans in Ecuador"
photo by Arthur Evans

ACIM Workbook Lesson #104
“I seek but what belongs to me in truth.”

What is it which belongs to us in truth? Peace and joy and happiness; the kingdom of heaven which is within us. I'm now basking in a day filled with this wonderful Truth. If I had chosen to see discord, disappointment, and unhappiness, that could have been true, also. When I got to the gallery, the first news was that the sale of a major piece of art was not going to take place as had been arranged the day before. My heart went out to the woman who so badly wanted this painting for her home but was not going to be able to buy it. We experienced peace in ending our planned transaction. Throughout the day, no one seemed able to make up their mind  about the simplest of choices. For instance, there were two women who spent a full 45 minutes looking at yarn necklaces, weighing the pros and cons of color options. Then there were two women who were going to purchase five prints, after spending more than an hour deciding between 20 or so. Then they put them all back and left without buying anything. I had to laugh out loud! It seemed to be a day of indecision for everyone, but I had a happy time all day long! As did my featured artist for the gallery stroll. This wonderful woman who does her own spinning and weaving of fabric has also spun a number of stories together in a book called, "Flights of Fancy". She has retired from years of being a performance artist. I remember her so well from the 1970s when she sang and played her guitar at venues in and around the college town where I lived. I told her she was my "hero" back then, and I couldn't believe I had the honor of hosting a show for her forty years later. In looking back at this day, I see how absolutely true it is that God has laid the table for us with peace and joy and happiness all around. We need only partake of the goodness, and know that the supply is endless.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God has built a higher platform of human rights, and He has built it on diviner claims. These claims are not made through code or creed, but in demonstration of "on earth peace, good-will toward men."
Science & Health Page 226:14-17

Friday, April 12, 2013

April 13, 2013 - Happiness, Love, Butterflies

"Butterfly World in St. Louis, Missouri"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #103
“God, being Love, is also happiness.”

One of my favorite sayings is: If you have a choice of being right or being kind, be kind! In my gallery, I  witnessed a man who was determined to be right no matter what. He was relentless in correcting his wife on everything from her memory of events to her pronunciation of giclee'. I couldn't detect an iota of happiness anywhere in his aura. If he had been familiar with the above saying and had allowed himself to express kindness instead of a staunch determination to be right, perhaps a chink would have appeared in his armor and a ray of joy could have escaped. Mrs. Eddy made this declaration: "Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you." Unfortunately it seems the opposite also applies. We can put up a barrier to Love and refuse to admit that it even exists, much less understand that Love is our essence. We can allow belief to cover up Truth; hiding the knowing that God is Love, happiness. I have an acquaintance who tells me he doesn't know what love feels like. He is certain he's never felt love and wouldn't recognize it if he did. Personally, a most intense feeling of Love came over me when I saw the first butterflies of spring! There they were, a gathering of beautiful Swallowtails, joyously flying from flower to flower. My heart opened at the sight, and I breathed deeper trying to capture just a bit of their grace. And so today I will remember the butterflies, knowing that I Am that same reflection of perfect Love, exuding happiness wherever I go.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man.”
Science & Health Page 60:28-1

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 12, 2013 - Happiness is Mine

"Aaron in Bryce Canyon"
photo by Heather Magnan

ACIM Workbook Lesson #102
“I share God’s Will for happiness for me.”

The last few lessons have concentrated on happiness and what allows us to feel and express it. We have acknowledged that God wants us to be happy, that we want it because our will and God's are the same, and that nothing can keep us from this peaceful joy -- other than our own thoughts! I'm acquainted with a few people who are chronically sad. They seem to revel in this feeling and do everything possible to keep it foremost in their lives. A very talented artist, whom I greatly admire, uses bright colors and paints seemingly happy scenes. One is of a man riding a bicycle, pulling a huge house-like structure through a colorful forest. Everything looks bright and happy, but on the front of the oversized house is a sign which says "Baggage". I've talked to him about this and he realizes he's carrying around every sadness and hurt which has ever touched him, but he can't manage to let them loose. Another acquaintance unfailingly reiterates a story of betrayal which happened to him 20 years ago. I also have certain events from the last 50-plus years which repeatedly come to thought, usually recalled by some reminder. When this happens, there's a choice: I can relive the event mentally and/or verbally and thereby keep it alive. Or I can acknowledge that it's still in my thoughts, but it is not the Truth of my Being. Yes, it happened (whatever it is). It's part of my material history. But my spiritual reality has not been touched by it. What peace is brought by this understanding! I can be happy. Even in the midst of things which we may not think of as particularly joyful -- such as, dealing with paperwork and phone calls and other busywork -- we can give ourselves permission to be happy. It is, after all, our natural state of Being!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"An ill-attuned ear calls discord harmony, not appreciating concord. So physical sense, not discerning the true happiness of being, places it on a false basis. Science will correct the discord, and teach us life's sweeter harmonies."
Science & Health Page 60: 24-28

April 11, 2013 - Perfect Happiness

"Mt. Timpanogos Goat"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #101
“God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.”

How many of us cringe when we hear the words salvation and atonement? I know I always have, and that's just from the general collective consciousness of the world, because I wasn't taught that these are things which God demands of us if we are to get to heaven. I was taught in Christian Science that the kingdom of heaven is within you. And atonement's definition is the realization of your unity with God and all of creation. Salvation is understanding the truth of your being and demonstrating it in daily life. God is Love, and therefore I Am, too. And so, what is left other than happiness? If we give up fear and replace it with Love, peace reigns within and is demonstrated without. When we give up notions of separation from God and each other, replacing them with thoughts of unity and feelings of Oneness, joy is expressed. It is said in A Course in Miracles that everything is either a call for love or an expression of Love. I see a call for love as looking for something outside of yourself to bring you something which you do not have. An expression of Love is an acknowledgement that everything you need is already there, because you are reflecting the Love that you are as the image and likeness of God. As we clear out material beliefs concerning our identity, happiness will fill the void which is left. This comes from realizing that Love is all you need. The Beatles were right!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“That God's wrath should be vented upon His beloved Son [you], is divinely unnatural. Such a theory is man-made. The atonement is a hard problem in theology, but its scientific explanation is that suffering is an error of sense which Truth destroys, and that eventually both sin and suffering will fall at the feet of everlasting Love.”
Science & Health Page 23:5-10

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 10, 2013 - Happiness and Joy!

"Happy Dog in Boulder, Colorado"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #100
“My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.”

Today we are urged to be fully present in the joy which is our inheritance as a reflection of God. When I hear the word joy, I tend to think of exuberant happiness. But quiet, peaceful happiness spreads joy, too. And we've all had times in our lives when happiness doesn't seem to be present at all. At times like those, it's even more important to understand our part in all of this: and that is to express God. In every situation, whether solemn or celebratory, our function is the same. Sometimes it seems too simple, doesn't it? All we have to do is to allow everything to be Love: to reflect it, to live it, to be it! A sentence from today's lesson says: "God's Will for you is perfect happiness." Wow! God wants me to be happy!! And not just wants me to, but tells me how to do this, if I will listen. Once again, quieting the material senses is the key to hearing guidance. There are so many ways to open up to spiritual sense. Let's listen and see what joyous ways we discover today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Harmony is produced by its Principle, is controlled by it and abides with it. Divine Principle is the Life of man. Man's happiness is not, therefore, at the disposal of physical sense. Truth is not contaminated by error. Harmony in man is as beautiful as in music, and discord is unnatural, unreal.”
Science & Health Page 304:16-21

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 9, 2013 - My Only Function

"Zion National Park"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #99
“Salvation is my only function here.”

Our only function is seeing, knowing, and living Truth. It can be rather difficult to understand that salvation and forgiveness are a part of the dream of material existence; that there is in reality nothing from which to be saved or forgiven. The distinction between illusion and reality is essential to this understanding. And even an understanding does not preclude a desire to hold on to unreality. I was shown an illustration of this reluctance while sleeping. I had a long and elaborate dream involving not being able to find nor help a loved on who was in trouble. There was snow so deep it couldn't be passed, along with many other impediments which produced anxiety and distress in my slumber. The dream seemed to go on forever. and I kept trying to climb out of it. But when I woke up, my first thought was of going back to sleep to see how the dream would end! As I was sliding back into sleep, the thought came to me that this wasn't necessary. Why should I care how it ended? Couldn't it end any way I wanted it to?? As I came back to conscious awareness, it occurred to me that this was a perfect analogy showing our desire to hold onto illusions. From this perspective I will notice my actions and thoughts today, looking at them from all sides to see if they are coming from God or my own personal ideas of how things should be. I am holding to the fact that God is All, and that I reflect this Love as my governing Principle. I gratefully accept this salvation today and always.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The starting-point of divine Science is that God, Spirit, is All-in-all, and that there is no other might nor Mind,--that God is Love, and therefore He is divine Principle.”
Science & Health Page 275 6-9

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 8, 2013 - Renewal

"Denver, Colorado Sky & Airport"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #98
“I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.”

The wording of today's lesson could seem to be a form of predestination, in which our free will is taken away and we are put into some sort of automaton state where we are warriors for God. The freedom which comes with our resurrection from material belief does not feel oppressive to me! The message of the crucifixion and resurrection, I see as uplifting. Neither A Course in Miracles nor Christian Science puts Jesus on the cross. The crucifixion is simply the death of material belief, in which the Christ idea is risen in all the beauty of divine Love, and the ascension of our thought is the ultimate reality of Life. This is God's plan for salvation: Accept yourself as the spiritual idea you are and let go of the material thought basis which binds you to unreality. Spring is a time of renewal in all of nature. We have chosen this time of year to rise in the spirit of Truth, to celebrate our transformation which comes by the renewal of our minds, to realize that no one can give us salvation because it's already ours. What could be more joyously perfect!! I share with you in celebration today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"RESURRECTION: Spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding."
Science & Health Page 493:9-12

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 7, 2013 - I Am Spirit

"South Africa Sunrise"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #97
“I am spirit.”

Once again today's workbook lesson takes me to the seven synonyms for God as given in Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Those are: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. And I, as a reflection of this thing called God, embody all of these synonyms within the truth of my being. Seeing Spirit as our true substance shows us how to live beyond thought which holds us in the belief that we are this body. Seeing beyond this mental image of ourselves caged in matter allows a breaking free within us. The much-quoted "Our Deepest Fear" from Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love tells us that what we fear most isn't our inadequacies but our power. Here is the paragraph from the book: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” These words will be a constant reminder to me today that I Am a reflection of God, and this will be demonstrated through knowing that I am Mind, I am Spirit, I am Soul, I am Principle, I am Life, I am Truth, I am Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: [This is from a dialogue between matter and Spirit. Spirit is speaking here]
“I am Spirit. Man, whose senses are spiritual, is my likeness. He reflects the infinite understanding, for I am Infinity. The beauty of holiness, the perfection of being, imperishable glory,--all are Mine, for I am God. I give immortality to man, for I am Truth. I include and impart all bliss, for I am Love. I give life, without beginning and without end, for I am Life. I am supreme and give all, for I am Mind. I am the substance of all, because I AM THAT I AM.”
Science & Health Page 252:32-8

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 6, 2013 - Salvation is Ours

"Morning in Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #96
“Salvation comes from my one Self.”

What a peaceful realization it is to know that salvation is not something given to us by someone or something, but is from our own Self. Salvation is peace and joy which cannot be given nor taken by someone else. I witnessed a little interlude in which two people thought their happiness and peace were being affected by each other. I was in the doorway of my place of business and a man was standing in the street taking a picture. He started to come back to the sidewalk, but because of stacks of limestone and barricades between him and the walkway, he needed to go 20 feet or so in either direction to get there. He chose to step over an orange cone and cross amidst the construction. The owner of Peace, Love, and Cheesecake reprimanded him, pointing out the reasons he shouldn't be doing that. The trespasser was walking my way, and I could see that he was disgruntled. I said jokingly (and I hoped flirtatiously!) as he passed: You're such an adventurer! He blurted out some disparaging words about the man who had gently corrected him. I made my final pitch for lightheartedness as the man stomped up the street. These little encounters would be much different if we realized and demonstrated today's lesson. By listening for guidance from your One Self, I seriously doubt that you would be led to either walk where there is danger or point out that danger to someone else. Knowing your only real government is from Love, God, allows salvation for you and everyone and everything. Today I will remember this sentence from Lesson 96: "Problems that have no meaning cannot be resolved within the framework they are set.”

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"When we endow matter with vague spiritual power,-- that is, when we do so in our theories, for of course we cannot really endow matter with what it does not and cannot possess,--we disown the Almighty, for such theories lead to one of two things. They either presuppose the self-evolution and self-government of matter, or else they assume that matter is the product of Spirit. To seize the first horn of this dilemma and consider matter as a power in and of itself, is to leave the creator out of His own universe; while to grasp the other horn of the dilemma and regard God as the creator of matter, is not only to make Him responsible for all disasters, physical and moral, but to announce Him as their source, thereby making Him guilty of maintaining perpetual misrule in the form and under the name of natural law."
Science & Health Page 119:1-16

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 5, 2013 - I Am One Self

"River Rocks on the Buffalo"
painting by Carol Dickie
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #95
“I am one Self, united with my Creator.”

The title of a Wayne Dyer book has come to thought many times today: "There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem". We are learning that there is only one problem -- that is, the belief in separation from God.  Today I have heard from two friends about events which could greatly impact their lives, and therefore, all our lives. One instance involves a hog farm being built in the beautiful, sparsely-populated area surrounding the Buffalo National River. From the time I was a child, efforts have been made by numerous lovers of the land to keep this area a pure preserve, a natural paradise for everyone to enjoy. Floating on this river, camping by it, hiking its trails, discovering its secrets, these are among the things which help us to feel our Oneness with all that Is. Next, when making a stop at the library on my way home, I heard from another friend about a proposed electric line which would involve removal of huge numbers of trees, putting in their place poles half a football field in length, carrying huge lines for miles. These super-duper electricity-carrying beasts will also cut through people's backyards and the pristine woods of our Ozarks. What is the answer here? What do we do in response to unnecessary and harmful activities, done in the name of making our lives better? Everywhere we look something similar is happening. Unjust laws and inhumane practices sadden us, leave us dismayed, feeling hopeless. We don't need sympathy or by-rote platitudes to find answers. In today's ACIM lesson we are advised thus: "I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace." Holding to spiritual Truth such as this, in listening contemplation, is the way I've found to hear answers to impossible questions. The acceptance that we are all united, that we are the loved of Love, leads to doors opening in thought which we didn't know existed. I'm not sure what the answers are, and neither are my friends who are distressed about these events. But I do know that there is a spiritual solution to every erroneous thought. Let's listen for it today.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Identity is the reflection of Spirit, the reflection in multifarious forms of the living Principle, Love. Soul is the substance, Life, and intelligence of man, which is individualized, but not in matter. Soul can never reflect anything inferior to Spirit."
Science & Health Page 477:20-25

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 4, 2013 - I Am as God created Me

"Aaron at World Cup - Germany 2006"

ACIM Workbook Lesson #94
“I am as God created me.”

There are many healing modalities we utilize to deal with physical  ailments. Some seem to do no more than mask symptoms, while some work to find the cause of our distress and eliminate or change it, and others we classify under the heading of miracles because we don't understand their basis. There is a "Super Soul Sunday" interview with Wayne Dyer in which he tells of his diagnosis of leukemia and the subsequent healing he experienced through working with the Brazilian man known as John of God. He was asked to send photographs of himself, taken from four angles, he was to take some prescribed herbs and lots of water, and there were some other physical dictates he was to follow. He was told what time the "surgery" was to take place and instructed to stay in bed for 24 hours afterwards. Many things passed through my mind as I watched this show. First of all, that dis-ease is just that. Dr. Dyer had been going through some rough emotional times, including his wife of many years leaving him. Through the study of Christian Science, I have learned that the spiritual healing of illness is facilitated by a change in thought. It is an alignment of thought with Truth. And this Truth is that I am a reflection of divine Mind. Everything God made is good; anything else is illusion. Denying physical symptoms of disease is not the same as ignoring them. It is to see them for what they are: a universal belief in separation from God. Understanding this, we can also release any guilt we may have in the situation. By focusing on what is rather than what isn't, we are learning to understand our connection to God. As I go through this day, the seven synonyms for God as given in Science & Health will rotate through today's lesson: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. If a situation comes up in which I'm tempted to express irritation, I will think: I Am as Love created me. If I don't understand something, I will think: I Am as Mind created me. What a perfect day this will be!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Sometime we shall learn how Spirit, the great architect, has created men and women in Science. We ought to weary of the fleeting and false and to cherish nothing which hinders our highest selfhood.”
Science & Health Page 68:4-9

April 3, 2013 - "Queen of the Sun"

"Zion National Park - Flowers and Bees"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #93
“Light and joy and peace abide in me.”

By listening to spiritual sense, we are led in ways which are often unexpected. This light and joy and peace which are an integral part of us can be expressed in many ways. Acting as stewards of our world and its creatures is a natural expression of these qualities. And there are so many ways to do this! There is a documentary entitled "Queen of the Sun", which asks us to examine what bees are telling us. Bees are the epitome of expressing Oneness. They are a perfect metaphor for the value of community and working together. Their current colony collapse also shows us what happens when our true being is denied. As humans, we have been manipulating nature for our own needs. Part of our awakening is the realization that we've been doing many things for the wrong reasons. We've allowed greed and self-importance to take the place of joy and peace. We have also learned to fear nature in the oddest ways. Recently a ban on beekeeping was reversed in New York City. Through education, people are finding there is nothing to fear from the keeping of hives and collection of honey. By opening ourselves to the purpose of each and every creature, we discover we all have a reason for being. To fulfill this purpose brings peace and joy to all. Every crisis we see around us in this material existence has something to tell us when we open our heart to hear. It was stated in this film that pollen is materialized light; that this light is freed in the blocks of honeycomb; that we again free this light by making candles. The freeing of light is cumulative with the bees, and we can experience the same thing as we express the light and peace and joy within ourselves.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable."
Science & Health Page 192:21-24

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 2, 2013 - Seeing in Light

"Sea Creature in South Africa"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #92
“Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

In Christian Science, prayer is an affirmation of Truth and a denial of erroneous thought. By consistently turning in humble quietness to hear the inner guidance which is always there, we are enabled to look through the material pictures which before we thought to be truth. The law of Love is so gentle that it is often not discerned in the face of the harshness of human existence. By the realization that God is All, that anything unlike God, good, is a material illusion perpetrated by thought, we are able to see through the darkness into the reality of Light. In this illumination, everything is seen differently. The strength which comes from this Truth is manifest in every aspect of our experience. Join with me in demonstrating this Truth! Something as simple as finding a lost object can show you how seeing in light clears the way for true sight. For instance, if you've lost your keys, instead of rushing about looking every possible place they could be, try seeing in the light. Sit down, quiet your mind, know that you are One with this light, and see what thoughts come to you. What fun it is to simply know where to go and what to do! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The brain can give no idea of God's man. It can take no cognizance of Mind. Matter is not the organ of infinite Mind. As mortals give up the delusion that there is more than one Mind, more than one God, man in God's likeness will appear, and this eternal man will include in that likeness no material element. As a material, theoretical life-basis is found to be a misapprehension of existence, the spiritual and divine Principle of man dawns upon human thought and leads it to "where the young child was," --even to the birth of a new-old idea, to the spiritual sense of being and of what Life includes. Thus the whole earth will be transformed by Truth on its pinions of light, chasing away the darkness of error."
Science & Health Page 191:1-15

April 1, 2013 - To See or Not To See

"Loveland Pass in Colorado"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #91
“Miracles are seen in light.”

Material vision is dimmed by any number of events and circumstances which may cause us to believe that darkness is as real as light. I love the first paragraph of today's workbook lesson and quote it here: "It is important to remember that miracles and vision necessarily go together. This needs repeating, and frequent repeating. It is a central idea in your new thought system, and the perception that it produces. The miracle is always there. Its presence is not caused by your vision; its absence is not the result of your failure to see. It is only your awareness of miracles that is affected. You will see them in the light; you will not see them in the dark." I'm sure you can think of circumstances which you think of as wonderful and someone else does not. Maybe you loved a musical performance and your spouse slept through it. And we all know people who find fault with everything no matter what. Then there are those of us who are accused of having a Pollyanna attitude because we insist on seeing the good in situations. Albert Einstein described this well: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." The inspirations of Spirit and Love set us in the ideal stead to enjoy every moment in its spiritual perfection. So I say, Pollyannas unite! Let's go forth and scatter Light!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“URIM. Light. The rabbins believed that the stones in the breastplate of the high-priest had supernatural illumination, but Christian Science reveals Spirit, not matter, as the illuminator of all. The illuminations of Science give us a sense of the nothingness of error, and they show the spiritual inspiration of Love and Truth to be the only fit preparation for admission to the presence and power of the Most High.”
Science & Health Page 596:11-19

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