Friday, February 21, 2014

February 22, 2014 - Throw Open Wide the Door!

"Great Wall of China"
photo by Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #53

The Age of Aquarius. Harmonic Convergence. The Shift. Ascension. Activating DNA Strands. What do these things have in common? They are events which herald the change in thought which has been happening for as long as I can remember. We have been seeking and hoping that a way will open for us to understand, to experience the meaning of Life, and to demonstrate this Reality. In today's ACIM workbook five-lesson review, there is much talk of seeing a "meaningless world". You may wonder why anyone would want to see a meaningless world.  I'm not sure we would want to see a meaningless world, but that's certainly what we're doing! As we begin to glimpse the difference in spiritual realities and material illusions, we see that the world we hold in place through belief and misperception is a meaningless world. God did not create a meaningless world, and to see the world as God did create it, we must give up the beliefs and illusions we have created. These exercises we're doing are designed to prepare us to accept the knowledge which wakes us up to this unseen Reality. A single glimpse of this is enough to make me want to throw open wide the door! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Spiritual attainments open the door to a higher understanding of the divine Life." Science & Health Page 10:15-16

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