Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Miracle of Love

Mr. Hoggett and Babe
ACIM Workbook Lesson #77
"I am entitled to miracles."

I’ve spent the last day joyfully celebrating the miracle of connectivity between people. Sometimes we meet someone and it seems as though we’ve known them forever, or perhaps you know a married couple who have been together for decades and still enjoy each others’ company, or maybe you have a childhood friend who has been a part of your life for as long as you can remember. I was recently at the bedside of a woman I’ve been friends with for 50 years. We learned to play the trumpet together and have memories of playing reveille for school flag raising and taps for soldiers’ funerals. I played the piano at her wedding and she held my hand through divorces. Our ties are deep and filled with Love. She is in hospice care and I knew it was our last visit. She was having a hard time talking, so we were sitting quietly and looking into each others eyes. Every moment we ever shared was relived in the space of a few seconds. It was a miraculous communication and I was reminded of Mr. Hoggett singing to Babe in the movie by the same title. And so I sang it to her, and I did his dance in my imagination! Namasté, sweet Friend! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love.”
Science & Health Page 494:15

1 comment:

  1. Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.


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