Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Forgiveness is My Wish for Today

"Forgiveness" by Carol Peacock

Today I received word that a sweet friend has an aggressive form of cancer and won’t be with us much longer. As usual, when these things happen to our friends, we remember the good times, recalling all the good times we’ve shared. This dear woman was never happy. She found it impossible to let go of old hurts and resentments, making it impossible for her to go forward and carve out the life for herself she wanted so much. My hope for today is that anyone who is feeling angry or hopeless can see their way past whatever is holding them in pain. Forgiveness is my wish for you today. Namaste…

From A Course in Miracles - Lesson 122
“What could you want forgiveness cannot give? Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world? Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always? Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep, abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset?

All this forgiveness offers you, and more. It sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day. It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of fear and evil, malice and attack. And when you wake again, it offers you another day of happiness and peace. All this forgiveness offers you, and more.” 

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