Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Conflict Transformation


Basin Park -Eureka Springs AR 
Photo credit: Richard Quick

Conflicts between countries lie heavily on our minds these days. It can be a helpless feeling to watch things unfolding which seem so wrong and also out of our individual control. I've been thinking about conflicts because my nextdoor neighbor has shifted into high gear with his accusations toward me. I pity the people who walk down our dead end street if he happens to be outside, as he begins bombarding them with stories of buzzards and their evil deeds, often shouting my name and declaring it's all my fault that the city hasn't done something about it. Whatever the case, I'm reminded of a time when I worked downtown. As I was leaving work, I heard a man sitting in Basin Park, playing a guitar and singing "What A Wonderful World". As I watched him, I felt totally encompassed by happiness and love. When he finished, I noticed there were three young people sitting on the wall shouting obscenities in my direction. I was so blissed out that it didn't occur to me to be upset in any way and I just looked at them in the same way I'd been looking at the singing man.  It was as if they were deflating before my eyes. They had been all blown up with anger, but it began to seep out of them and we were left gazing at each other. I waved and nodded my head toward them as I walked down the stairway to my car. I am absolutely certain this is the way to transform conflict. And so every time my thoughts turn toward my ranting neighbor or world leaders who seem to be out of control, I will find a way to raise my vibration joyfully and send every bit of it toward them! Namaste ...

“During this final conflict, wicked minds will endeavor to find means by which to accomplish more evil; but those who discern Christian Science will hold crime in check. They will aid in the ejection of error. They will maintain law and order, and cheerfully await the certainty of ultimate perfection.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 96:31-4

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