Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Always Indivisible

Art by Courtney Lee

Humans are apparently pack animals. We love to divide ourselves into groups and hang around with people who think like we do. We create churches, sororities, sewing circles, and numerous other clubs in which to gather and share our commonality. Perhaps the time has come for us to recognize that many of these tribal separations are keeping us from seeing the greater good in all humanity. Maybe if we can open ourselves in a more selfless manner, embracing each other because of our sameness, rather than in spite of our differences, perhaps we can stop worrying about what others may think of us and pull out all the stops for some honest to goodness truth. I don’t want to wait another moment for something which feels so right!

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health  571:18-21

“God’s Son will always be indivisible. As we are held as one in God, so do we learn as one in Him. God’s Teacher is as like to His Creator as is His Son, and through His Teacher does God proclaim His Oneness and His Son’s. Listen in silence, and do not raise your voice against Him. For He teaches the miracle of oneness, and before His lesson division disappears. Teach like Him here, and you will remember that you have always created like your Father. The miracle of creation has never ceased, having the holy stamp of immortality upon it.  This is the Will of God for all creation, and all creation joins in willing this.” 

A Course in Miracles T-14.XI.11:1-8

Monday, October 30, 2023

Involved or Committed?

Photo credit: Jerry Dupy

I play keyboards for two congregations of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in our area. Father Joseph, a young Nigerian priest, began one of his homilies by asking if we knew the difference between being involved and being committed. He then told us if we were having a breakfast of eggs and bacon, the chicken would be involved, but the pig would be committed. While getting a laugh from the congregation, it made his point clear: If you’re not giving 100%, you’re not committed, but merely involved. There may be a number of issues in which we are involved, but it's difficult to be committed to something which is, perhaps, far away from home. Also, it's overwhelming to think of all the issues which need our help. If that is true for you, too, pick something in your town, in your neighborhood, in your backyard, and be committed today! Let's sweep our own front porch — and our neighbors’, too, if they need help. Good works grow exponentially, don't you think? 

“Spiritual perception brings out the possibilities of being, destroys reliance on aught but God, and so makes man the image of his Maker in deed and in truth.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 203:13-16

“Preoccupations with problems set up to be incapable of solution are favorite ego devices for impeding learning progress. In all these diversionary tactics, however, the one question that is never asked by those who pursue them is, ‘What for?’ This is the question that you must learn to ask in connection with everything. What is the purpose? Whatever it is, it will direct your efforts automatically. When you make a decision of purpose, then, you have made a decision about your future effort; a decision that will remain in effect unless you change your mind.” 

A Course in Miracles T-4.V.6:6-11

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Building Community Through Food

“When we traded nature for concrete, we destroyed our soul.” I heard this in a documentary series called “Broken Bread”. This show highlights people who are working to change the way we think about food. In many parts of our country, the only nearby places to buy food are convenience stores or liquor stores. The question was asked: Why are we normalizing the fact that fresh food is not available nearby? One man in Los Angeles says, “You don’t have to be a critical thinker to figure this out. Plant vegetables!” And so he has done this in vacant lots and areas which would usually be given to grass. He even has banana trees! By doing this and allowing others to pick what they need, they are being empowered to grow food in their own small spaces. This, dear friends, is exactly what the “new world” looks like: seeing ways to bring us closer to the earth and each other and acting on them! Building community through food is a great way to begin. 

"As a material, theoretical life-basis is found to be a misapprehension of existence, the spiritual and divine Principle of man dawns upon human thought, and leads it to 'where the young child was,' -- even to the birth of a new-old idea, to the spiritual sense of being and of what Life includes. Thus the whole earth will be transformed by Truth on its pinions of light, chasing away the darkness of error." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 191:8

“Let us come daily to this holy place, and spend a while together. Here we share our final dream. It is a dream in which there is no sorrow, for it holds a hint of all the glory given us by God. The grass is pushing through the soil, the trees are budding now, and birds have come to live within their branches. Earth is being born again in new perspective. Night has gone, and we have come together in the light.” 

A Course in Miracles W-pII.2.4:1-6

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Zombie Crawl - Eureka Springs, AR 
Countless people dressed up as zombies have flocked to our little town of Eureka Springs. It’s time for the annual zombie crawl and a constant, cold rain has not deterred them. I, personally, have never understood the appeal of dressing up in ugly apparel, with macabre makeup, and bloody accoutrement. As I drove through “the loop” on my way home this evening, I contemplated the zombie phenomenon. Why dress up in this way and congregate to parade the streets? I truly cannot imagine why they enjoy doing it! Perhaps “living dead” personifies what many of us are exhibiting in these human bodies. Maybe we’re simply animated flesh, performing our human activities without ever realizing we’re alive. The dead-eyed stares of these Halloween zombies are vaguely familiar. When we haven’t looked beyond the surface of our human existences, there isn’t a whole lot to be excited about. I’m reminded of Bruce Springsteen’s song “Dancing in the Dark” — 

“I get up in the evening 

And I ain't got nothing to say 

I come home in the morning 

I go to bed feeling the same way

I ain't nothing but tired 

Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself 

Hey there, baby 

I could use just a little help.” 

Could it be the zombies are helping us wake up? I hope so!

“The way of error is awful to contemplate. The illusion of sin is without hope or God. If man’s spiritual gravitation and attraction to one Father, in whom we ‘live, and move, and have our being,’ should be lost, and if man should be governed by corporeality instead of divine Principle, by body instead of by Soul, man would be annihilated. Created by flesh instead of by Spirit, starting from matter instead of from God, mortal man would be governed by himself. The blind leading the blind, both would fall.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 536:10-18

“The body is the ego’s idol; the belief in sin made flesh and then projected outward. This produces what seems to be a wall of flesh around the mind, keeping it prisoner in a tiny spot of space and time, beholden unto death, and given but an instant in which to sigh and grieve and die in honor of its master. And this unholy instant seems to be life; an instant of despair, a tiny island of dry sand, bereft of water and set uncertainly upon oblivion. Here does the Son of God stop briefly by, to offer his devotion to death’s idols and then pass on. And here he is more dead than living. Yet it is also here he makes his choice again between idolatry and love. Here it is given him to choose to spend this instant paying tribute to the body, or let himself be given freedom from it. Here he can accept the holy instant, offered him to replace the unholy one he chose before. And here can he learn relationships are his salvation, and not his doom.” 

A Course in Miracles T-20.VI.11:1-9

Friday, October 27, 2023

Truth Coming to Light

Photo credit: Blake Lasater

Every day more truth comes to light in our world. Every day another person is shown to be a ravenous, money-hungry wolf pretending to be a helpful Saint Bernard. Preachers and politicians are the expected charlatans, as they are so publicly blatant in their use of words to manipulate their flocks. But occasionally we see someone whom we think of as the finest representation of goodness in our community, or a sweet little old lady, showing their true colors. I heard about a white supremacist group, a statewide organization, which features a local deputy as one of its prominent members and organizers. In the same organization was a woman from the big city who is a nurse. She has since retracted her affiliation with this militant, bigoted group of people. This is the sort of uncovering which assures me that everything is going to be all right. Whatever horrors people are perpetrating on others, they will eventually become known. While we must witness the nasty workings of these vicious minds, we can also see those who rise up to meet the hatred with love. We are finding out how adamantly we must love in order to overturn the ingrained attitudes of centuries. And we know we can do it, because we've been practicing for a long time. I have a vision of Sean Connery as King Arthur rising up shouting, Never surrender! Let us go forward with joy and wisdom, facing whatever challenges are in our path. Namaste...

"Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity."  

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 571:18

“Whatever lies you may believe are of no concern to the miracle, which can heal any of them with equal ease. It makes no distinctions among misperceptions. Its sole concern is to distinguish between truth on the one hand, and error on the other. Some miracles may seem to be of greater magnitude than others. But remember the first principle in this course; there is no order of difficulty in miracles. In reality you are perfectly unaffected by all expressions of lack of love. These can be from yourself and others, from yourself to others, or from others to you. Peace is an attribute in you. You cannot find it outside.” 

A Course in Miracles T-2.I.5:1-9

Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Strengthened, Uplifted Calm

Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater

Violence. It seems inescapable in this age of information. The metaphysical article in a recent Christian Science Monitor addressed this issue, and it mentioned something I had not considered. When Elizabeth Mata looked up the word violence, the definition mentioned traits such as “confusion, roughness, intensity, and unrestraint”.  The violence we daily witness in the speech of others (whether it comes from our neighbors or politicians) is rampant with these four features. When the author mentioned this definition, she said the phrase “fruit of the Spirit” came into her thoughts. The full phrase, from the book of Galatians in the Bible is: “But the spiritual nature produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There are no laws against things like that.” She ends her writing with these beautiful words: “The radiance of ‘the fruit of the Spirit’ outshines disturbed and disturbing thoughts, which do not originate in God. Like putting out a small spark before a larger fire erupts, each of us can pray to render powerless in our own thinking any small kindling of harshness. We have quite a ways to go before all violence is wiped out. But day by day, we can feel the blessedness of moments washed over with ‘the fruit of the Spirit’ that brings out a strengthened, uplifted calm.” Thank you, Elizabeth Mata, for putting this in perspective for me.

“When you have looked on what seemed terrifying, and seen it change to sights of loveliness and peace; when you have looked on scenes of violence and death, and watched them change to quiet views of gardens under open skies, with clear, life-giving water running happily beside them in dancing brooks that never waste away; who need persuade you to accept the gift of vision? And after vision, who is there who could refuse what must come after? Think but an instant just on this; you can behold the holiness God gave His Son. And never need you think that there is something else for you to see.” A Course in Miracles T-20.VIII.11:1-4

“The understanding of Truth and Love, the Principle which works out the ends of eternal good and destroys both faith in evil and the practice of evil, leads to the discernment of the divine idea.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 561:1-4

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Cup of Cold Water

Photo credit: Blake Lasater

Many of us shy away from speaking truth to error. I read an article by a woman who was growing up in the 1960s, a time when people of different races usually did not voluntarily mingle. She told the story of being at a friend's house when she was confronted by her friend's father. The writer of this story was working with a program for rural Black people and the man of the house had seen her holding a Black child's hand, with another one sitting on her lap. He felt her actions merited corporal punishment! She immediately said to the him, "God loves that little boy. Why don't you?" This made the man more angry and he started to take his belt off, advancing towards her. She said, "God loves you too, and you must love all whom God loves." He dropped his belt and began sobbing, reaching out to hug the girl who had forced him to face himself. This story caused me to think of times I have seen a simple statement change a situation. There is a power in truth; a power which lies do not possess. These are difficult times indeed, but whether it's a woman sitting naked before angry forces, or pregnant women banding together against injustice, or you speaking up to your friend, we must stand for what is right and good, never fearing the consequences.

"Millions of unprejudiced minds -- simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert -- are waiting and watching for rest and drink. Give them a cup of cold water in Christ's name, and never fear the consequences." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 570:14

“No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them, for not looking is the way they are protected. There is no need to shrink from illusions, for they cannot be dangerous. We are ready to look more closely at the ego’s thought system because together we have the lamp that will dispel it, and since you realize you do not want it, you must be ready. Let us be very calm in doing this, for we are merely looking honestly for truth. The ‘dynamics’ of the ego will be our lesson for a while, for we must look first at this to see beyond it, since you have made it real. We will undo this error quietly together, and then look beyond it to truth.” 

A Course in Miracles T-11.V.1:1-6

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Exactly As It Is

Food insecurity is the nice term we have coined to describe people who are hungry or in need of nutritious food. I have a friend who severely budgets her food dollars, yet she won’t take advantage of the wonderful programs we have in our area which would help her survive. I often send her photos of the food deliveries Answering the Call supplies every other Wednesday, trying to tempt her. I tell her, “You don’t even have to sign up; just drive through and pick up.” This morning, I found myself mentally berating her for her choice. Then I stopped myself with a reminder that making assumptions is a death knell for true communication. I was self-righteously accusing her with the assumptions I was making. And so my morning meditation was prefaced with a desire to listen without judgment, while extending a compassionate hand with no expectation of the result. It’s easy to think we know what is best for someone, or to decide our intentions are pure and their reactions are based in false pride. May this realization allow me to extend Love purely, expecting no specific result.

“Where concepts of the self have been laid by is truth revealed exactly as it is. When every concept has been raised to doubt and question, and been recognized as made on no assumptions that would stand the light, then is the truth left free to enter in its sanctuary, clean and free of guilt. There is no statement that the world is more afraid to hear than this: I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am, or how to look upon the world or on myself. Yet in this learning is salvation born. And What you are will tell you of Itself.” 

A Course in Miracles T-31.V.17:4-9

“The wrong done another reacts most heavily against one’s self. Right adjusts the balance sooner or later.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 449:7

Monday, October 23, 2023

Clarity in Communications

Photo credit: Blake Lasater

Many times in these writings, I have mentioned communications and the need to be clear when speaking and writing. Listening is an important part of communicating, as is reading comprehension. I bring this up today because of confusion from things I have recently written. Last night, a friend from the west coast called me and said, “I didn’t know Joan Baez was from Arkansas.” Of course, I replied that I did not know that either! He referenced a Facebook post I had made comparing our local Crow Johnson Evans to the legendary Joan Baez. So I opened the post and we read it together and he saw that I had not stated anything of the sort. Then today someone told me they thought my recent daily writing about Frances Xu was implying she had committed suicide. Admittedly, I was a bit illusive about her death. (For clarification, she had multiple brain tumors.) Since that wasn’t the important part of her story, I didn’t stress the details, and I apologize for any confusion. These two misunderstandings bring an awareness of the need to increase my clarity level while writing. And, once again, I thank those who tell me they don’t know what I’m talking about! Namaste…

“Misperceptions produce fear and true perceptions foster love, but neither brings certainty because all perception varies. That is why it is not knowledge. True perception is the basis for knowledge, but knowing is the affirmation of truth and beyond all perceptions.” A Course in Miracles T-3.III.1:8-10

“Ears. Not organs of the so-called corporeal senses, but spiritual understanding. Jesus said, referring to spiritual perception, “Having ears, hear ye not?” (Mark viii. 18.) 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 585:1-5

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Doing Our Best?

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston

The last one of the Four Agreements (ancient Toltec wisdom as interpreted by Don Miguel Ruiz) is, “Do Your Best”. For years, I was comforted by thinking that everyone was doing the best that they could. This "best" may not have been what I thought was best, but it was the best they could do at their stage of development. I managed to think that even someone like Hitler thought he was doing a good thing. I truly believed that everyone was working towards being the best that they could be, truly wanting to better humanity and their environment, and they were simply ignorant of how to do those things. Now, I've come to think that is not so. Many people are willfully ignorant and seem to revel in it. They witness pain and suffering and find selfish ways to blame the sufferer. They turn their back on animals in pain, giving shadowy excuses for their behavior. Is this the best that they can do? If I could find some reason for their lack of empathy, perhaps I'd still think they were doing the best that they can. But it seems too many people are ruled by a love of money and power; wanting no more than fame and flattery. My heart has been broken by everyone from Bill Clinton to Bill Cosby. We're all just tired. But we must continue to strive to do better. Namaste...

"The best sermon ever preached is Truth practiced and demonstrated..." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 201-1

“Child of God, you were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. Do not forget this. The Love of God, for a little while, must still be expressed through one body to another, because vision is still so dim. You can use your body best to help you enlarge your perception so you can achieve real vision, of which the physical eye is incapable. Learning to do this is the body’s only true usefulness.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.VII.2:1-5

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Keep Listening!

“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.” — Khalil Gibran

When reading this Gibran quote, I immediately thought of my dear friend, Jim Young. Since I have known him, scores of books have flown through him and onto pages. And I love them all. I can hardly wait to dip into this newly-released book. Here’s to you, dear Friend! 

“Acquaintance with the Science of being enables us to commune more largely with the divine Mind, to foresee and foretell events which concern the universal welfare, to be divinely inspired, — yea, to reach the range of fetterless Mind.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 84:14-19

“God created every mind by communicating His Mind to it, thus establishing it forever as a channel for the reception of His Mind and Will. Since only beings of a like order can truly communicate, His creations naturally communicate with Him and like Him.” 

A Course in Miracles T-4.VII.3:7-8

Friday, October 20, 2023

Frances Xu - A Love Story

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Most of us have heard these words, have we not? Frances Xu is a young woman who wasn’t sure what it meant “to go for God”, but she knew she was going to do it. Being clueless, but with a desire to be helpful, is the way she describes her journey with Spirit. When she heard a presentation by David Hoffmeister in Australia, she knew what she was meant to do. David invited her to a retreat they were giving in a month or so, but she had a home and husband and job and didn’t think it would be possible. She began watching his YouTube videos and decided she had to attend the next retreat. After doing so, she fully understood this was the most pure love she had ever felt. Now that she knew there was another way to live, she didn’t want to go back to the old one. So she closed her business, left her relationship, and sold her house. Her teacher had shown up and she was ready. She had found real freedom and love, and she was brave enough to accept it. Recently, this young woman passed from the physical world, into her true identity as Spirit. If you want to read the beautiful words she left us about this event, please go to Frances Xu - A Love Story

“We call it death, but it is liberty. It does not come in forms that seem to be thrust down in pain upon unwilling flesh, but as a gentle welcome to release. If there has been true healing, this can be the form in which death comes when it is time to rest a while from labor gladly done and gladly ended. Now we go in peace to freer air and gentler climate, where it is not hard to see the gifts we gave were saved for us. For Christ is clearer now; His vision more sustained in us; His Voice, the Word of God, more certainly our own.” 

A Course in Miracles S-3.II.3:1-5

“There is but one spiritual existence, — the Life of which corporeal sense can take no cognizance. The divine Principle of man speaks through immortal sense. If a material body — in other words, mortal, material sense — were permeated by Spirit, that body would disappear to mortal sense, would be deathless. A condition precedent to communion with Spirit is the gain of spiritual life.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 72:1-8

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Healing Our Past, With Dogs

Photo of unknown origin

Interpersonal relationships can often feel out of control. Dogs and their people are the focus of Cesar Milan, a/k/a the Dog Whisperer. I love watching these shows and seeing how he helps people pinpoint their anxieties and understand how they are passing them on to their dogs. In watching Season 3, Episode 12 of his current show, “Better Human, Better Dog”, I was struck once again by the healing which can occur in our lives through understanding from whence the problem comes. An attack in a dog park triggered memories and fears for one woman, who had experienced an attack on her person in the past. She became nervously fearful, passing on her fright to her dog, which then responded with uncontrolled aggression. Every time they went out or anyone came to their home, she became anxious. Through Cesar’s peaceful, assertive presence, she was able to regain her calm, and then she could pass on this confident energy to her dog. I love seeing these examples of how traumas are faced and lives are healed. Much work is being done in the field of healing traumatic memories. It’s enlightening to watch this occur through recognition, acceptance, and release. It’s a fascinating study and I hope to learn more. 

“Casting out evil and fear enables truth to outweigh error. The only course is to take antagonistic grounds against all that is opposed to the health, holiness, and harmony of man, God’s image.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 392:7-10

“It is enough to heal the past and make the future free. It is enough to let the present be accepted as it is. It is enough to let time be the means for all the world to learn escape from time, and every change that time appears to bring in passing by.” 

A Course in Miracles W-110.2:2-4

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Renewing Your Mind

Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater

Do you think the study of divine metaphysics is difficult to understand? One person tells me he thinks it's incomprehensible, without years of study and training. Another says she's not smart enough to "get it". Yet another thinks she's not up for the hard work this way of living entails. I've been pondering these statements. Are they true? Does it take some special dispensation, some quantum gift from beyond, an unraveling of DNA, or perhaps years of study? Maybe we think it will take a long time to change our thought because it's taken us decades to solidify our present matter-based belief systems. The spiritual Truth we're uncovering has always been a part of us: It's our birthright as a child of God. What takes practice is leaving behind the erroneous teachings of a lifetime. The easy part is the realization that Truth is always within us, just waiting to be discovered. With this discovery comes a renewal of our mind, by pushing aside false beliefs and uncovering the truths we've always known. So, no, I don't think it's hard work. But it is dedicated work. It takes discipline to see and feel as Love. Not through Love, not with Love, but AS Love. That is our essence. That is our Truth. Let's keep it simple!

“Individuals are consistent who, watching and praying, can ‘run, and not be weary; . . . walk, and not faint,’ who gain good rapidly and hold their position, or attain slowly and yield not to discouragement.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 254:2-6

“Put not your faith in illusions. They will fail you. Put all your faith in the Love of God within you; eternal, changeless and forever unfailing. This is the answer to whatever confronts you today. Through the Love of God within you, you can resolve all seeming difficulties without effort and in sure confidence. Tell yourself this often today. It is a declaration of release from the belief in idols. It is your acknowledgment of the truth about yourself.” 

A Course in Miracles W-50.4:1-8

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Celebrating Friendship

Lifelong Friends Celebrating 80!
After attending a dear friend’s 80th birthday celebration today, I came home and saw this poem posted on the Ravenous Butterflies social media page. Being with glorious elders this afternoon, I was particularly struck by many of these lines. It’s wonderful to be alive!

"When we are young, it’s the illusion of perfection

that we fall in love with. As we age, it’s the humanness

that we fall in love with- the poignant stories of

overcoming, the depthful vulnerability of aging, the

struggles that grew us in karmic stature, the way a

soul shaped itself to accommodate its circumstances.

With less energy to hold up our armor, we are revealed

and, in the revealing, we call out to each other’s


Where we once saw imperfect scars, we now see evidence of a life fully lived.”

Jeff Brown

“The measurement of life by solar years robs youth and gives ugliness to age. The radiant sun of virtue and truth coexists with being. Manhood is its eternal noon, undimmed by a declining sun. As the physical and material, the transient sense of beauty fades, the radiance of Spirit should dawn upon the enraptured sense with bright and imperishable glories.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 246:10-16

“Death is the central dream from which all illusions stem. Is it not madness to think of life as being born, aging, losing vitality, and dying in the end? We have asked this question before, but now we need to consider it more carefully. It is the one fixed, unchangeable belief of the world that all things in it are born only to die. This is regarded as “the way of nature,” not to be raised to question, but to be accepted as the “natural” law of life. The cyclical, the changing and unsure; the undependable and the unsteady, waxing and waning in a certain way upon a certain path,—all this is taken as the Will of God. 

And no one asks if a benign Creator could will this.” 

A Course in Miracles  M-27.1:1-7

Monday, October 16, 2023

The Right To Vote

In August of 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified giving women the right to cast a vote in elections. We tend to think of this as something that “just happened”, with men suddenly deciding to let the little ladies have what they want. Not so. It took nearly 70 years of hard work to win the right to vote. It was not given; they took it. At the time, the country was slipping into an economic depression, a global pandemic had claimed 600,000 lives in the U.S., racial unrest was boiling up all over the country, the KKK had come out of hiding, immigration was a contentious issue, and a nasty presidential race was underway with one candidate having the divisive slogan, America First. Sound familiar?? That was over 100 years ago, and against all odds the women persisted and won the vote. There is a lot more to this story, and it’s all fascinating! But for now, remember that it was not an easy ask, with lovely ladies dressed in white sweetly requesting to vote. It was a fight, it wasn’t an easy one, and they never backed down. The difference in then and now (as I see it), is that we have many more men on our side than they did then. Thank you...

“A feasible as well as rational means of improvement at present is the elevation of society in general and the achievement of a nobler race for legislation — a race having higher aims and motives.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 63:23

“Unless you think that all your brothers have an equal right to miracles with you, you will not claim your right to them because you were unjust to one with equal rights. Seek to deny and you will feel denied. Seek to deprive, and you have been deprived. A miracle can never be received because another could receive it not. Only forgiveness offers miracles. And pardon must be just to everyone.” A Course in Miracles T-25.IX.8:1-6

New Today

Stretch Out Your Senses

Digital art by Camille Campbell All the Hemispheres Leave the familiar for a while. Let your senses and bodies stretch out Like a welcomed s...