Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Don’t Wish It Away …

Photo by Osama Fathi

The fragile feeling which envelopes us following the loss of a loved one, it isn't often thought of as something to cherish. In times past, I may have wished this feeling away. Now, I choose to honor it as one of the exquisite experiences we are granted in this beautiful plane of existence we call human life. As with love, we are told that life is fleeting. We are advised to grab hold of it and not let go, because there is a finite amount of it. Our human experience of life and love does seem to be as elusive as a breeze, and it can feel just as difficult to hold on to. From the perspective of mortal mind, this is so. When looked at from our humanness, there is no predicting when we may lose life or love. Accepting ourselves as spiritual Beings allows an expanded viewpoint of our experiences. Yes, they are to be savored, but an enlarged perception brings us peace during the so-called ups and downs of our days. And that never-ending Love replaces fleeting fears, leaving behind peace and joy. And I am grateful …

“Upon this stage of existence goes on the dance of mortal mind. Mortal thoughts chase one another like snowflakes, and drift to the ground. Science reveals Life as not being at the mercy of death, nor will Science admit that happiness is ever the sport of circumstance.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 250:28-32

“God’s healing Voice protects all things today. Let us today attend the Voice for God, which speaks an ancient lesson, no more true today than any other day. Yet has this day been chosen as the time when we will seek and hear and learn and understand. Join me in hearing. For the Voice for God tells us of things we cannot understand alone, nor learn apart. It is in this that all things are protected. And in this the healing of the Voice for God is found.

“Your healing Voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You. I need be anxious over nothing. For Your Voice will tell me what to do and where to go; to whom to speak and what to say to him, what thoughts to think, what words to give the world. The safety that I bring is given me. Father, Your Voice protects all things through me.”

A Course in Miracles W-275.1:1–2:5

New Today

Don’t Wish It Away …

Photo by Osama Fathi The fragile feeling which envelopes us following the loss of a loved one, it isn't often thought of as something to...